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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I am in support of the following applicants for the East Maui Water Board Authority:

    Lucienne DeNaie
    Lynn Scot
    Norman ʻBushʻ Martin
    William Greenleaf
    Brendan Balthazar
    Jerome Kekiwi

    For the DHHL Representative I highly support Dr Jonathan Schurer and ask that if this Committee and Council has the Power and wherewithall to advocate for Dr Schurer with DHHL Director Kali Watson on the behest and request of all the constituents in the East Maui area! The wealth and knowledge Dr Schurer has would be a great loss to this board should he not be allowed to share it.


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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    22389 Quail Run Drive
    Parker, Colorado 80138
    Telephone no. 808-281-3812

    June 18, 2023

    The Honorable Chair M. Sinenci, Chair
    Water Authority, Social Services, and Parks Committee
    200 S. High Street
    Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, 96793

    Dear Chair Sinenci and Committee Members:

    I am writing in support of the appointment of the application of Norman “Bush” Martin, Jr. to the East Maui Regional Community Board, RESOLUTION 22-260, APPOINTMENTS TO THE EAST MAUI REGIONAL COMMUNITY BOARD (WASSP-2), and request confirmation.

    I am the niece of Bush Martin and a lineal descendant of Keanae/Wailuanui. I have three sons, ages 11, 8, and 2.

    Growing up I have admired the work ethic and knowledge my Uncle Bush has gained for the Wailuanui/Keanae, the land, and the community. It has helped me to understand where I came from and the hard work it took for what we have today. He sacrificed his summer breaks to spend time in Keanae to help his grandparents in the taro patches and to work in the yard, not for his gain, but for the heart of his family.

    The hard work and fight that my uncle has is not for himself, but for the generations to come. I have three sons that benefit from his knowledge and continued passion. When I talk about my uncle to people, I always refer to him as one of few that continue to live as they did in the olden days.

    I continue to look forward to when I return home for vacations and holidays and go into Keanae just to sit at the kitchen table or on my uncle’s porch and listen to him share his knowledge about the land, water, and current events. For a man of few words, when given the opportunity, he has a brilliant mind. My sons also look forward to visiting Keanae. My oldest son loves listening to Uncle Bush teach him about fishing and the water. My middle son can just talk with him for hours as if they see each other daily.

    He would be an asset to the board/ committee. He can relate with people of all ages and walks of life. He knows how to talk to children, which is the next generation, those of his age, and the kupuna who respect him as they have seen him mature from a young age.

    He will work hard for the community and Maui County. He is not one that is all talk and no action. When given the opportunity, the community will be on the right path with his appointment and confirmation to the East Maui Regional Community Board.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Holley Lynn Lehuanani (Fernandez) Turpen

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    June 17, 2023

    Dear Chair Sinenci and Committee Members:

    I am writing in support of Norman “Bush” Martin, Jr. to the East Maui Regional Community Board, RESOLUTION 22-260, APPOINTMENTS TO THE EAST MAUI REGIONAL COMMUNITY BOARD (WASSP-2).

    I have known Bush and his family for over 40 plus years, having the privilege to spend time with his grandparents and great grandparents in Wailuanui, Keanae. I have tried to work the lo’i fields with Bush and his grandfather, Sam Akina, and will tell you it is hard work.

    Over the years, I have listened to Bush share his knowledge of the culture, traditions, farming, the lifestyle, the community, the people, the water resources, the mountains, the ocean, and his life in Keanae.

    He is “real”, and I believe he has the knowledge and qualifications to serve on the East Maui Regional Community Board. He has the passion to serve on the board for the right reasons.

    I humbly ask for your consideration of the appointment Norman “Bush” Martin, Jr. Thank you.


    Alvin A. Fernandez, Jr.
    1111 Hoalu Place
    Wailuku, HI 96793
    Telephone no. 808-281-0712