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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I support this project. The erosion of the land will continue if nothing is done. The owners of the condo buildings will tax themselves to create a beach that is enjoyed by the public. Dr. Foley said that the owners were open to discussions including more parking and access as well as costs like utilities for the new beach park. Please read the draft EIS for more information about this project.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I wholeheartedly support the purposed project, a vital initiative aimed at restoring our cherished beaches. This project holds immense value for our local community, preserving our thriving economy and ensuring the continued prosperity of our region.

    Kahana Bay has long been a source of pride and joy for residents and visitors alike. Our picturesque beaches are not only a natural wonder but also a significant economic driver. The tourism industry, which plays a pivotal role in our local economy, heavily relies on the allure of our pristine coastline. However, erosion threatens to diminish this attraction, potentially leading to losses for local businesses, fewer job opportunities, and a decline in overall prosperity.

    With this in mind, the Kahana Bay Erosion Project emerges as a beacon of hope. Its primary goal is to restore the natural balance of our bay's coastline through sustainable and scientifically backed measures. By reviving our eroded beaches, we can ensure their enduring attractiveness and accessibility to both locals and visitors. This restoration effort goes beyond mere aesthetics; it contributes to the preservation of our coastal ecosystems, supporting biodiversity and maintaining a healthy environment.

    The benefits of this project extend beyond our economic well-being. Our community members, both young and old, cherish our beaches for leisure activities, recreational pursuits, and personal well-being. By preserving and revitalizing our coastal areas, we provide future generations with opportunities to engage in healthy outdoor activities, appreciate the splendor of our natural surroundings, and cultivate a deep connection with nature—an essential element for personal growth and community cohesiveness.

    It is crucial to view the Kahana Bay Erosion Project as an investment in our long-term sustainability. By proactively addressing the challenges posed by coastal erosion, we exhibit responsible stewardship of our natural resources and embrace a vision of resilience for the future. This initiative will serve as a testament to our commitment to preserving the unique character and economic vitality of Kahana Bay.

    In conclusion, I urge all community members to rally behind the Kahana Bay Erosion Project. By restoring our beaches, we preserve our natural heritage and secure the continued success of our local economy. Let us unite in endorsing this crucial initiative, recognizing its significance in bolstering our community's well-being, fostering environmental sustainability, and maintaining the allure that makes Kahana Bay an exceptional place to live and visit.

    Spencer Schmerling

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    Livit Callentine about 1 year ago

    I oppose the proposed use of T-groins and sand mining. Please do not approve. Mahalo, Livit Callentine

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Aloha WAI Committee Members,

    This is Tammy Harp. I believe we need more information and more resource persons for the Kahana Bay sand restoration project. There were conflicting acknowledgement expressed of how Uncle Philemon felt towards this project. I and maybe Lucienne might remember back in the late c1990s when something like LANDSAT was taking pictures from a big plane of our terrain and shoreline of West Maui Lahaina District. I have the pictures on ancient floppy disks and have unsuccessfully found the actual aerial pictures on the Internet. It seems Dr. Foley's presentation of the shoreline skipped the data from the late 1990s; skipping over nearly a decade or two worth of geological feature data.

    How much integrity of those buildings along the project are left in its lifespan before they succumb and collapse? Also, Kahana is known for its red dirt; what makes any of us think that the red dirt would not eventually invade the white artificial-made sand beach?

    Mahalo for your time and sane consideration in this matter. Tammy Harp.

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    Kai Nishiki about 1 year ago

    Strongly OPPOSE

    Kahana Bay Erosion Project - Five Fallacies Debunked

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    william Greenleaf over 1 year ago

    MAUI COUNTY has 2 bad choices. We can not solve the problem by adjusting shoreline with groins...that makes a new problem...this appears to me as a FEMA problem...moving the buildings is not an option which leaves tearing them down as another choice...we have no good choices...I don't think everyone would have bought housing that close to the ocean...there fore it's not everyone's problem...