Meeting Time: June 07, 2023 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


Legislation Text County Communication 15-50 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 02-18-2015 Correspondence from Corp Counsel 02-23-2015 Testimony Keith Kawaoka 03-02-2015 Testimony Eva Blumenstein 03-04-2015 Testimony Don Gerbig 03-04-2015 Testimony K. Mahealani Davis 09-29-2015 Testimony Wellhead Protection Working Group 09-29-2015 Testimony Don Gerbig 09-30-2015 Testimony RCFC Kehalani, LLC 09-30-2015 Presentation from Water Supply 09-30-2015 Maps from Water Supply 09-30-2015 Correspondence to Water Supply 10-06-2015 Correspondence from Water Supply 10-26-2015 Testimony Thorne Abbott 10-27-2015 Correspondence from Water Supply 10-27-2015 Correspondence to Council Chair 08-22-2017 Presentation from Water Supply 1-22-2018 Testimony Robert Whittier 1-24-2018 Correspondence to Board of Water Supply 1-25-2018 Correspondence from Board of Water Supply 03-01-2018 Correspondence from Board of Water Supply 03-20-2108 Correspondence to Board of Water Supply 05-31-2018 Correspondence from Board of Water Supply 06-22-2018 Correspondence from Director of Water Supply 06-29-2018 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 07-03-2018 Correspondence from Corp Counsel 07-03-2018 Correspondence to Acting Director of Water Supply 07-18-2018 Correspondence from Water Supply 07-23-2018 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 07-25-2018 Correspondence from Corp Counsel 07-25-2018 Testimony Maui Tomorrow 08-01-2018 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 08-02-2018 Further Revised Proposed Resolution 08-14-2018 Committee Report 18-144 Correspondence from Planning 01-04-2019 Presentation from DWS Planning Program Manager 06-02-2023
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    Jason Economou over 1 year ago

    Aloha Chair Kama and Committee Members,

    Following up on my oral testimony, I had two overarching questions. First, have the regulations and standards proposed in the 2018 legislation been reviewed for accuracy and updated if necessary? Second, has there been an updated examination of what the economic impact of compliance might be on property owners? For instance, what would the cost be for mitigation and compliance?
