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Legislation Text Correspondence from Committee Chair 02-28-2023 Correspondence from Councilmember Sinenci 03-09-2023 Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-21-2023 (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-22-2023 and response 03-24-2023 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-22-2023 and response 03-24-2023 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-22-2023 and response 03-24-2023 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 03-23-2023 and response 03-29-2023 (PS-1) Correspondence to Personnel Services 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (PD-1) Correspondence to Police 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 03-23-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (AG-1) Correspondence to Agriculture 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (PR-1) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (HHC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (PA-1) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (TD-1) Correspondence to Transportation 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (WS-1) Correspondence to Water Supply 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (PW-1) Correspondence to Public Works 03-23-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 03-23-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (OM-1) Correspondence to Chief of Staff 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 03-23-2023 and response 04-06-2023 Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2024 Budget bills) 03-24-2023 FY 2024 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program 03-24-2023 FY 2024 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis 03-24-2023 Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2024 Budget Bills 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, and Reso 23-117) 03-24-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-03-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-27-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-04-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-27-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-05-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-27-2023 (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-28-2023 Councilmembers' questions to departments due 3-30-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-06-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-29-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-10-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-29-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-12-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-29-2023 Bill 27 (2023) Executive Summaries for 04-14-23 mreeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-17-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-18-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2023 (OCS-2) Correspondence to Council Services 03-31-2023 and response 04-05-2023 (OCC-2) Correspondence to County Clerk 03-31-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (CC-3) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-01-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (EM-2) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-01-2023 and response 04-06-2023 (LC-2) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-01-2023 and response 04-06-2023 (PS-2) Correspondence to Personnel Services 04-01-2023 and response 04-10-2023 (EMA-2) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-01-2023 (PW-2) Correspondence to Public Works 04-01-2023 and response 04-17-2023 FY 2024 Budget Countywide Costs from Finance 04-03-2023 FY 2024 Budget Estimated Revenues from Finance 04-03-2023 Presentation from Finance 04-03-2023 (FN-3) Correspondence to Finance 04-03-2023 and response 04-05-2023 eComments Report for Lahaina meeting 03-30-2023 eComments Report for Molokai meeting 03-31-2023 (AG-2) Correspondence to Agriculture 04-03-2023 and response 04-13-2023 (MD-2) Correspondence to Management 04-03-2023 (PA-2) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-03-2023 and response 04-06-2023 (TD-2) Correspondence to Transportation 04-03-2023 and response 04-05-2023 (PL-2) Correspondence to Planning 04-03-2023 and response 04-14-2023 (HHC-2) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-03-2023 and response 04-10-2023 Presentation from Environmental Management 04-04-2023 Bill 22 (2023) (PD-2) Correspondence to Police 04-03-2023 and response 04-10-2023 Bill 23 (2023) Bill 24 (2023) Bill 25 (2023) Bill 26 (2023) Resolution 23-117 eComments Report for Paia meeting 04-03-2023 (FS-2) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 04-04-2023 and response 04-04-2023 eComments Report for 04-04-2023 (WS-2) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-04-2023 and response 04-11-2023 Presentation from Management 04-05-2023 Presentation from Fire and Public Safety 04-05-2023 Presentation from Transportation 04-05-2023 (PR-2) Correspondence from Parks and Recreation 04-10-2023 and response 04-10-2023 eComments Report for 04-05-2023 Presentation from Council Services 04-05-2023 (OM-2) Correspondence to Chief of Staff 04-05-2023 and response 04-17-2023 (FN-4) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2023 and response 04-10-2023 (CC-4) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-05-2023 Presentation from Emergency Management Agency 04-06-2023 Presentation from Fire and Public Safety 04-05-2023 Presentation from Parks and Recreation 04-06-2023 eComments Report for 04-06-2023 Correspondence on Makawao-Haiku-Paia Residency Area meeting 04-06-2023 Correspondence on West Maui Residency Area meeting 04-06-2023 (PS-3) Correspondence to Personnel Services 04-06-2023 and response 04-12-2023 (LC-3) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-06-2023 Presentation from Housing and Human Concerns 04-10-2023 (AG-3) Correspondence to Agriculture 04-10-2023 (EM-3) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-06-2023 and response 04-13-2020 Bill 36 (2023) (FS-3) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 04-10-2023 and response 04-12-2023 (MD-3) Correspondence to Management 04-10-2023 Resolution 23-123 Resolution 23-124 (TD-3) Correspondence to Transportation 04-10-2023 and response 04-11-2023 eComments Report for Hana meeting 04-06-2023 Bill 37 (2023) Bill 38 (2023) eComments Report for Kihei meeting 04-10-2023 (BD-4) Correpsondence to Budget Director 04-10-2023 and response 04-13-2023 (PA-3) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-11-2023 and response 04-13-2023 (PR-3) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 04-11-2023 and response 04-17-2023 Revised presentation from Water Supply 04-12-2023 eComments Report for 04-10-2023 Presentation from Police 04-12-2023 Amendment Summary Form from Councilmember Rawlins-Fernandez 04-12-2023 Correspondence on Molokai Residency Area meeting 04-10-2023 eComments Report for Upcountry meeting 04-12-2023 (HHC-3) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-12-2023 eComments Report for Lanai meeting 04-13-2023 Correspondence from Director of Council Services 04-13-2023 Correspondence on East Maui Residency Area meeting 04-13-2023 (PD-3) Correspondence to Police 04-14-2023 Presentation from Planning 04-14-2023 (OCS-3) Correspondence to Council Services 04-14-2023 (WS-3) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-14-2023 (PL-3) Correspondence to Planning 04-16-2023 (BD-5) Correspondence to Budget Director 04-16-2023 and response 04-17-2023 eComments Report for 04-14-2023 eComments Report for 04-17-2023 Correspondence from Budget Director 04-17-2023 Correspondence on South Maui Residency Area meeting 04-17-2023 Presentation from Economic Development 04-18-2023 Presentation from Mayor 04-18-2023 Correspondence on Pukalani-Kula-Ulupalakua Residency Area meeting 04-17-2023 Correspondence on Lanai Residency Area meeting 04-18-2023
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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha my name is Victoria Kaluna-Palafox I live in lahaina. I am a board member of Malama Kakaniloa a group that has dedicated ourselves in the protection of Iwi Kupuna, aina and water.
    My testimony is in support for the budget that has been aside for the caring of Waiale Area of Maui Lani.
    We have advocated for the Maui Lani protection of iwi kupuna for almost 15 years. We have brought awareness to the community by holding viduals, gathering of community in creating a Lei of Aloha that surrounded the iwi kupuna in phase 6, we have carried our leo for support in the building of knowledge and wisdom with open conversations with all communities wherever we are and to educate of the history old maps to give understanding of how culturally and through historical events this area is. Example: My ohana is Napel (k) he was a elder of the lds church and heirs 1 kupuna D. Napela was a school teacher on Kahoolawe til they were displaced and continued to teach and a Kupuna was governor of maui.
    So, these are stories after the battle of Kakaniloa and the area of where Kahekili over see the battle. We continue to share more abroad today with other Indigenous communities. We have already done proper protocol of reinternment there in Waiale, with members of Puukohola where are training and understanding has grown I for myself and my husband attend papa for 15 or so years with Kumu Kuponoai Molitau just to help with clarity and teaching comes from.
    With this I thank you all for this opportunity to share with you a group that carries good intentions from their ano and has been donating their time and efforts and keni keno all with no hesitation. But to have the gift of Aloha to support Waiale in the area of Maui Lani is so important to strengthen the people with knowledge and understanding with good intentions makes for a stronger and happier people and village. Again mahalo nui ke akua pu

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Epic Swim Maui Teaser

    Robert Seeger

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am writing in support of the mayor’s line item of $25,000 for . My name is Susana Browne, and I am a 40-year resident of Maui with 35 years’ experience in education and the arts. I am also a board member of ADT and have been following them for over 10 years when they became the only home-grown contemporary dance company on Maui. Not only are these Maui dancers highly disciplined, but they are also always looking for ways to reach a wider audience and inspire our youth to pursue dance as either a career or a creative expression. An all-too-common phenomena is “brain drain,” where our talented and educated youth leave the islands to pursue careers on the mainland. One of ADT’s goals is to prevent that by providing a home on Maui for professional dance artists. Since 2018, the Bring it Home performance has brought Maui raised dancers who are living on the mainland back to present culturally relevant and creative dance to an enthusiastic audience. The program inspires our young people to continue their dreams of being a professional dancer and demonstrates the importance of investing in our own Maui dance company. Thank you for supporting the arts in our community!

    Susan Browne

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    BFED Committee almost 2 years ago

    Written testimony received 04-17 to 04-18-2023

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Dear county of Maui officials,

    My name is Hallie Hunt I am Co Artistic Directer and a Co Founder of Adaptations Dance Theater. I have worked for multiple arts organizations of Maui for the past 13 years, including ADT, Alexander Academy of Performing Arts, MAPA, Momentum Dance Maui and Seabury Hall. I am a huge advocate for the dance youth of Maui and encouraging them towards a career in the arts. I see the enormous talents that exists in the schools here and I feel deeply that providing them with the next step in their journey of a professional dance career is imperative to keep these astonishing young artist a part of their community or to keep the door open for them to return home and share their glorious talent with their island home.

    I would like to express my gratitude for the wonderful support you have given us by including Bring it Home in the budget last year. We would be honored to be included again.

    There are several reasons why it is important for Bring it Home to remain a part of the County of Maui's budget:
    1. Supporting local artists: Bring it Home provides professional contemporary dance opportunities for Maui trained artists. By supporting this program, the county can help to nurture local talent and provide opportunities for them to showcase their skills.
    2. Boosting the arts economy: The arts industry is a significant contributor to the local economy, generating jobs and revenue. By supporting Bring it Home, the county can help to grow this industry and provide economic benefits for the community.
    3. Community engagement: Bring it Home offers performances that engage the community and promote the arts. By supporting this program, the county can help to foster a continued sense of contemporary dance community and provide opportunities for residents to come together and enjoy live theater experiences.
    4. Educational opportunities: Bring it Home also offers educational opportunities for local students, including workshops, intensives and masterclasses. Participating in Bring it Home workshops can help young dancers to build confidence in their abilities and develop a sense of professionalism. This can prepare them for future auditions and performances. By supporting this program, the county can help to provide valuable educational experiences for students and promote the importance of the arts in education. Exposure to professional performances: By attending Bring it Home performances, young dancers can see professional dancers in action and gain exposure to the world of contemporary dance. This can inspire them to pursue dance as a career and help to develop their artistic sensibilities.
    Overall, by supporting Bring it Home, the County of Maui can help to promote local talent, boost the arts economy, enrich the community, engage residents, and provide educational opportunities for students.
    Mahalo for your attention and consideration.

    Hallie Hunt
    Co Artistic Director and Co Founder

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Council,

    For testimony this Tuesday, we would like to have this video played to illustrate our project:

    Kainoa Horcajio will be present at the meeting, and will be able to address the question raised by Councilwomen Kama.

    Mahalo nui,
    Kainoa Horcajio

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    BFED Committee almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee,

    My name is Evelyn Suzuki and I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development. I wanted to share with you all how MEDB has helped me through the many programs and services it has offered over the years. Currently, I am a Grade 3 teacher at Pukalani Elementary School. I am also a STEMworks AFTERschool Instructor. My current class is called 3D Printing and Design. This class is an extension of previous design classes that existed. While also an Interior Designer, I am also allowed the opportunity to share some of my knowledge of structures, unique materials, spatial relations, and CAD (computer assisted drawing). Students are first taught the design process and are able to showcase new or reinforced ideas by creating three dimensional drawings via TinkerCAD. MEDB's support made it possible to have the resources needed for the class to be successful. A recent MEDB grant in which Pukalani Elementary School was awarded, allowed Pukalani STEMworks AFTERschool program to purchase two 3D printers that replaced an old outdated 3D printer. The classes, the resources used, and the new opportunities for our keiki to reach higher goals were made possible because of MEDB.

    Mahalo for allowing me to share.
    Evelyn Suzuki

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am Danyel Erickson and I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Develepment Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development. The MEDB has helped me support students in Elementary and Middle school this year. I created a science club for the Elementary school and was able to use the STEMworks lending library to access many resources from iPads to VR sets and beyond. The MEDB also organized for me to take 17 elementary and middle school students to the AMOS conference where they we able to meet a real life astronaut, engage in hands on projects such as a flight simulator and talk to experts in the astronomy and aerospace field. MEDB paid for me to participate in the professional development course where I gained the knowledge and skills to implement computer science into my classroom of fifth grade students. Without their wonderful support, my journey to contact the International Space Station would not have been as successful.

    Thank you,

    Danyel Erickson
    Fifth Grade Teacher
    Lanai High and Elementary School

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


    I am Ron Viloria and I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development.

    Three of many MEDB efforts come to mind with a smile:

    1) AMOS Conference: World Class Space Situational Awareness Event Organizing, Support and Networking.
    2) JUMPSmartMaui and EVOhana: Forward Thinking initiative to move Maui towards Sustainability.
    3) Startup Weekend: Deep and intense multi-day exposure to "Startup Culture", easily accessible by Maui's Tech Community.

    But the most impactful example of how MEDB has helped me through its programs and services is the STEMWorks program and how it allows small businesses like mine a mutually beneficial opportunity through internships. The networking and contacts that Ive made through it our life-changing and the structured but flexible program has made the barrier of giving back to the community very low and accessible. As an entrepreneur it inspires me to see so many businesses, especially small local Maui businesses, providing useful, interesting, and exciting internships to the bright youth of our local Ohanas. Ive probably learned just as much from the internships as the interns have and Ive been inspired to startup other small businesses in addition to my core consulting business from projects that I wouldn't be able to undertake otherwise. With the ever changing landscape now dealing with AI, Metaverse, Robotics, etc., MEDB is a critical component to the Maui ecosystem bridging the gap from the most advanced tech companies to our precious upcoming generation of Keiki. I look forward to MEDB continuing to provide much welcome and needed programs and services for the Maui community, I am very proud personally and professionally to be part of the MEDB Community and Ohana.

    Mahalo MEDB and The County of Maui for the generous support over the years!

    Ron Viloria

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    This is my testimony, in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development.

    My name is Galit Breman, and I’m testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development.

    MEDB has been instrumental in helping me successfully achieve Women owned business certification through the past two years. I was also blessed to receive professional one and one guidance how to apply and sustain a Women owned business certificate. MEDB’s support was essential through the long and complex WOB process, and resulted in finally getting this important certificate and status I tried to achieve by myself for years.

    In addition, I able to stay open and thrive during Covid shut down, thanks for Adaptability grant that was facilitated by MEDB, that made it possibly for me to transform my website from a showcase to an e-commerce shop online. That has opened up a lot of opportunities of growth to my business.

    Thank you so much for all you do MEDB, and please help them to continue their important role on Island for small businesses and financial success.

    Much appreciation and aloha,
    Galit Breman.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    My name is Joe Breman, and I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development. As an entrepreneur that had my start in the tech park, I was glad to find MEDB so helpful in pairing me as a new tech business, with some customers who ended up being long term supporters to the business enabling me to manage it to fruition for over a decade. At that point I was able to sell it and turn focus to our non-profit organization, The Wisdom Center for Autism, here on island, that provides services to the autism community. Thanks for the support as we grow, and for creating ways that we can continue to collaborate in the future. We have some exciting ideas for new developments that can help Maui County, in an outdoor park and recreational space for both residents, and visitors, and look forward to ways that we can explore these further.
    Joe Breman

    Joe Breman | President
    The Wisdom Center Farm (808) 214-2326
    PO Box 343, Haiku, HI 96708

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am, Emilio Macalalad, and I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development.

    I am a teacher at Molokai High School. MEDB is a valuable resource for teachers and students. They have provided numerous opportunities for professional development for teachers in both agriculture and STEM related activities. They have helped to fund and support our robotics program. They have helped our STEM program with classroom equipment and supplies. They have helped with teacher support with Agriculture teacher Pau Hana sessions. They have provided ongoing activities in-person and virtually for teachers and students which include Hawaii STEM Conference. Without MEDB, many of the opportunities our school has would not be possible. We are indebted to them for how much support they have given us. Please continue to support them because in the long run, they help our students and the enhance learning experience.
    Emilio Macalalad
    Science Teacher
    Molokai High School
    PO Box 158/2140 Farrington Ave.
    Ho'olehua, Hawaii 96729
    (808) 567-7135
    (808) 567-6960 Fax

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


    I am Nathan Pallett, an agriculture teacher at Lahainaluna High School, and I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development.

    The STEMworks Program has provided me with valuable classroom resources and professional development (PD) that improves my instruction in the classroom. I am also most grateful for the internships and stipends my students have received this year at various locations. They have really enjoyed them and even I have been a little jealous of the fun they have had.

    Most recently, Britney James organized a (PD) on Molokai and it was an amazing experience. It was great to see another school's agriculture program and even better to visit one of the islands that is not visited as often. I learned more about the moon calendar, native plants, and management techniques from Uncle Bobby as well as other guest speakers. I feel that it would not have happened without the funding support from STEMworks and Ms James. Community partners like MEDB STEMworks and Ms James make it possible for us teachers to focus on the classroom and our students while still having opportunities for great resources and experiences.

    Please continue to fully fund this grant and in doing so support our county's students and instructors.

    Nathan Pallett
    Nathan Pallett
    CTE- Agriculture Food and Natural Resources Teacher
    Lahainaluna High School
    Office: (808) 662-4000 Ext.298

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


    I am Ralph Matias, a sophomore of Lahainaluna High school, and I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development.

    Initially, I wasn’t all interested in agriculture. I had no prior experience in farming and I never liked getting myself dirty. However, with STEMwork’s internship program, I’ve started to open up about the ways of farming. I really liked learning about the benefits of farming and how it supports our community.

    I first want to thank Kaipo, my mentor, who influenced me the most about agriculture. He knew I wasn’t that interested in the work but he still made it enjoyable for me. I knew he was always busy with his business life, but I appreciated that he always made time to teach me about how amazing farming is. I also want to thank Mr. Pallett, Britney, and the STEMwork’s program. It wouldn’t have been possible without Mr. Pallett letting me know about the internships, Britney’s invitation to them, and STEMworks creating the internships themselves. If I never knew about the internships, I would still be the high school kid who would be oblivious to the work of wonders that the community of farmers provide!

    Thank you for your previous fundings into the internship program. Thank you for making them possible and providing us a stipend for our work. I hope you will continuously fund the grant so more kids like me will be enlightened about the arts of farming. Of course including the other internships that aren’t about agriculture.

    Ralph Matias