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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    My name is Ali McKeon Pineo and I am the co-artistic director for Adaptations Dance Theater (ADT). I’d like to begin by offering my sincere gratitude to the County of Maui for including ADT in its budget for 2023 and 2024.

    I am a born and raised Wailuku girl who has recently returned back home after 13 years of living in California. I moved off island in 2007 to attend university and to later, dance professionally with a ballet company in the Bay Area. I visited home often, in large part due to the opportunities provided by ADT and their signature Bring it Home vision, which aims to provide a professional dance home to contemporary dancers on Maui and to literally, bring home Maui-bred dancers and choreographers currently pursuing professional dance careers on the mainland. Choreographing new works and performing for the Bring it Home concert has been the highlight of my professional career. Those experiences affirmed my deep yearning to move back home, to be near family, and to continue making art with and for the vibrant, ever-evolving Maui community that raised me.

    One year after moving back, I was asked to join the artistic team as co-artistic director, and hope to perpetuate this company’s mission to cultivate a space for high level contemporary dance work on Maui. As ADT comes up on its ten year anniversary, we strive to continue to bring compelling, meaningful dance work and educational programming to the diverse Maui community. We remain grounded in and inspired by our mission to bring Maui dancers home in hopes that someday, they too can envision moving back, knowing their artistic lives will flourish here. Thank you for supporting our work to keep our community in-tact through dancemaking.

    Sincerely, Ali McKeon Pineo Co-Artistic Director, Adaptations Dance Theater

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    Thomas Gianneschi almost 2 years ago

    Comments on Animal Management Budget - Please find attached comments on the Animal Management Budget Request

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    Kristine Musto almost 2 years ago

    Kris Musto <>
    Wed, Apr 5, 11:09 AM (12 days ago)
    to nohe.uu-hodgins

    Aloha BFED Committee,

    I hope you're familiar with Upcountry Strong, Inc. but in case you're not, I'd like to give you a quick update on our non-profit.

    What started as a grass-roots effort between neighbors in Makawao to support our community during the pandemic, quickly turned into a movement. Established in 2020, Upcountry Strong, Inc. set out to address the issue of food insecurity faced by residents of Upcountry Maui during the Covid-19 pandemic. The areas served include Makawao, Pukalani, Haliimaile, Kula, Ulupalakua, Haiku, Paia, and all the way to Hana. 

    While our initial efforts were a direct response to the pandemic, we quickly became aware that the issue of food insecurity was not new to our community. The need is on-going and we are committed to try and continue our food support efforts but we face the challenge of sustaining these efforts due to the lack of financial resources.

    To date, we've had 17 food distributions at Oskie Rice Arena and have fed over 3,400 families with approximately 85,000 pounds of food including fresh meat, fresh produce, and non-perishable items.

    During the pandemic, much of the supplies were donated from The Maui Food Bank, Haleakala Ranch, and various other businesses. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case and we are left to purchase most of the items that we provide in our food boxes. Thankfully we are able to purchase the items at cost but each event is roughly costing us a minimum of $5,200. With our current budget, we've had to adjust from our usual (8-9) events to now only (6). Our current finances just barely be able to fulfill these (6) events planned for 2023.

    I wanted to share the information below to give you an idea of the typical beneficiaries of the program:

    Here's a breakdown of recipients by area/age from our February 2023 distribution:

    96768 & 96788-over 65%
    96779 & 96713-small portion
    adults served (18+)-469
    children served (under 18)-285
    Just a couple notes to point out:

    We had 76 new registrations at the last distribution in February.
    We are seeing an increase in our Kupuna at these distributions.
    Due to our current financial situation and our hopes to continue on our mission, we are humbly asking for you to consider sponsoring our efforts in the 2024 budget. I am available to answer any question you may have. Please feel free to reach out at your convenience.

    With gratitude,

Kristine Musto, Co-founder & cVice President

    Upcountry Strong, Inc.
