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Agenda Item


Legislation Text Correspondence from Committee Chair 02-28-2023 Correspondence from Councilmember Sinenci 03-09-2023 Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-21-2023 (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-22-2023 and response 03-24-2023 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-22-2023 and response 03-24-2023 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-22-2023 and response 03-24-2023 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 03-23-2023 and response 03-29-2023 (PS-1) Correspondence to Personnel Services 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (PD-1) Correspondence to Police 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 03-23-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (AG-1) Correspondence to Agriculture 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (PR-1) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (HHC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (PA-1) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (TD-1) Correspondence to Transportation 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (WS-1) Correspondence to Water Supply 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 03-23-2023 and response 03-31-2023 (PW-1) Correspondence to Public Works 03-23-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 03-23-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (OM-1) Correspondence to Chief of Staff 03-23-2023 and response 03-30-2023 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 03-23-2023 and response 04-06-2023 Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2024 Budget bills) 03-24-2023 FY 2024 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program 03-24-2023 FY 2024 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis 03-24-2023 Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2024 Budget Bills 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, and Reso 23-117) 03-24-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-03-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-27-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-04-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-27-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-05-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-27-2023 (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-28-2023 Councilmembers' questions to departments due 3-30-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-06-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-29-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-10-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-29-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-12-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-29-2023 Bill 27 (2023) Executive Summaries for 04-14-23 mreeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-17-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2023 Executive Summaries for 04-18-23 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2023 (OCS-2) Correspondence to Council Services 03-31-2023 and response 04-05-2023 (OCC-2) Correspondence to County Clerk 03-31-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (CC-3) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-01-2023 and response 04-04-2023 (EM-2) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-01-2023 and response dated 04-06-2023 (LC-2) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-01-2023 and response 04-06-2023 (PS-2) Correspondence to Personnel Services 04-01-2023 and response 04-10-2023 (EMA-2) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-01-2023 (PW-2) Correspondence to Public Works 04-01-2023 FY 2024 Budget Countywide Costs from Finance 04-03-2023 FY 2024 Budget Estimated Revenues from Finance 04-03-2023 Presentation from Finance 04-03-2023 (FN-3) Correspondence to Finance 04-03-2023 and response 04-05-2023 eComments Report for Lahaina meeting 03-30-2023 eComments Report for Molokai meeting 03-31-2023 (AG-2) Correspondence to Agriculture 04-03-2023 (MD-2) Correspondence to Management 04-03-2023 (PA-2) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-03-2023 and response 04-06-2023 (TD-2) Correspondence to Transportation 04-03-2023 and response 04-05-2023 (PL-2) Correspondence to Planning 04-03-2023 (HHC-2) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-03-2023 and response 04-10-2023 Presentation from Environmental Management 04-04-2023 Bill 22 (2023) (PD-2) Correspondence to Police 04-03-2023 and response 04-10-2023 Bill 23 (2023) Bill 24 (2023) Bill 25 (2023) Bill 26 (2023) Resolution 23-117 eComments Report for Paia meeting 04-03-2023 (FS-2) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 04-04-2023 and response 04-04-2023 eComments Report for 04-04-2023 (WS-2) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-04-2023 and response 04-11-2023 Presentation from Management 04-05-2023 Presentation from Fire and Public Safety 04-05-2023 Presentation from Transportation 04-05-2023 (PR-2) Correspondence from Parks and Recreation 04-10-2023 and response 04-10-2023 eComments Report for 04-05-2023 Presentation from Council Services 04-05-2023 (OM-2) Correspondence to Chief of Staff 04-05-2023 (FN-4) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2023 and response 04-10-2023 (CC-4) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-05-2023 Presentation from Emergency Management Agency 04-06-2023 Presentation from Fire and Public Safety 04-05-2023 Presentation from Parks and Recreation 04-06-2023 eComments Report for 04-06-2023 Correspondence on Makawao-Haiku-Paia Residency Area meeting 04-06-2023 Correspondence on West Maui Residency Area meeting 04-06-2023 (PS-3) Correspondence to Personnel Services 04-06-2023 (LC-3) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-06-2023 Presentation from Housing and Human Concerns 04-10-2023 (AG-3) Correspondence to Agriculture 04-10-2023 (EM-3) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-06-2023 Bill 36 (2023) (FS-3) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 04-10-2023 (MD-3) Correspondence to Management 04-10-2023 Resolution 23-123 Resolution 23-124 (TD-3) Correspondence to Transportation 04-10-2023 eComments Report for Hana meeting 04-06-2023 Bill 37 (2023) Bill 38 (2023) eComments Report for Kihei meeting 04-10-2023 (BD-4) Correspondence to Budget Director 04-10-2023 (PA-3) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-11-2023 (PR-3) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 04-11-2023 Presentation from Water Supply 04-11-2023 eComments Report for 04-10-2023 Presentation from Police 04-12-2023
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    BFED Committee almost 2 years ago

    Written testimony received at 04-12-2023 Upcountry meeting

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Maui County Councilmembers,

    My name is Megan Nakashima and I am the President of Pukalani Superette.

    I am testifying in strong support of the Kekaulike High School Foundation.

    The Kekaulike High School Foundation aims to support the ENTIRE Kekaulike complex, through scholarships for students and grants for teachers. In 2022, their initial year of supporting the community, they provided $8,500 in scholarships to seniors pursuing higher education and $600 in grants to Upcountry public school teachers.

    The upcoming Upcountry Winter Festival that the foundation is organizing, aims to unite the Upcountry community in a safe and fun family friendly environment. Public schools, non-profit organizations, and small businesses will be able to gather in one place to showcase their work, as well as raise funds for various programs - including funds for grants for teachers and scholarships for students.

    Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in support of the Kekaulike High School Foundation.

    Megan Nakashima

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Maui County Council Members,

    My name is Naomi Glass and I am a resident of Kihei as well as a board member of the Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center. I'm writing in support of Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center's Art with Aloha Program funding at $50,000 and an increase from $25,000 to $50,000 for Hui Youth Arts Education & Outreach Programs in the FY24 budget. The Art with Aloha program gives many members of our community an opportunity to learn and connect with Hawaiian culture through the arts and the Youth Arts Education & Outreach Programs impact some of the youngest members of our community. For children to have the opportunity to engage hands-on in art projects and encourage their creativity at their school or at no cost to their families can have a lasting impact on one's development and can be a blessing in their lives. I thank you for your consideration and for continuing to support local arts.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha County Council Members.

    My name is Christine Conlon-Kemp. I am a resident of the island of Maui. I support the recommended Hui No Eau Visual Art Center funding for the following line items in the Mayor’s proposed FY2024 budget:

    - $25,000 increased to $50,000 for Youth & Family Arts Education and Outreach Programs
    - $50,000 for Art with Aloha Programs

    The Youth & Family Arts Education and Outreach Programs not only inspire our keiki to be creative but also reinforce the foundations of order (following instructions), collaboration (being a team player,) and socialization (interacting with others). Please consider the increase from $25,000 to $50,000 for our kikei for FY2024.

    The Art with Aloha Programs is a unique way to couple the creation of art with shared knowledge of the Hawaiian culture. I particularly like the appeal of this program not only to our residents but also to visitors alike. We, as a community, need to support perpetuating Hawaiian arts and culture.

    I thank you for your time, consideration and continued support of the Hui No Eau Visual Arts Center.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Maui County Councilmembers,

    My name is Kristi Kakiuchi and I am an elementary school teacher in the Hawaii DOE. I am testifying in strong support of the Kekaulike High School Foundation.The Kekaulike High School Foundation aims to support the ENTIRE Kekaulike complex, through scholarships for students and grants for teachers. In 2022, their initial year of supporting the community, they provided $8,500 in scholarships to seniors pursuing higher education and $600 in grants to Upcountry public school teachers.

    The Kekaulike Highschool Foundation supports our future- our keiki. I was lucky to be one of the teachers who were supported by the Kekaulike High School Foundation for a grant to give my students opportunities outside of the classroom such as field trips and community member/artist visits. Since schools are doing their best to return to "normal" after virtual learning and disruptions from COVID-19, I wanted to take my class on a fieldtrip and bring an artist to my classroom. The grant money given by the foundation helped me to get transportation for my students (with no additional cost to the students/families) AND I was also able to ask an artist from our Kula community to come to my classroom. It was important for me to get funding because I know that some of my students and their families may be undergoing financial struggles resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and other unfortunate personal events. The funding from the foundation allowed for all of my students to participate in these wonderful opportunities!

    Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in support of the Kekaulike High School Foundation.

    Kristi Kakiuchi

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha, My name is Joan Martin. I live in Kihei and am a Board Member of the Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center. First, I would like to thank all of the County Council members, along with Mayor Bissen, for all the hard work you do everyday on behalf of the people of Maui county. Today I'm writing in support of Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center's Art with Aloha Program funding at $50,000 in FY24 and an increase from $25,000 to $50,000 for Hui Youth Arts Education & Outreach Programs in the FY24 budget. As I'm sure you're aware many children in Maui county have no creative outlet that the arts provide. The staff at the Hui No'eau make a special effort to reach out to all children in our county to provide art classes that help children develop observation and interpretation skills. Art provides brain development, mastery, self-esteem and creativity. We are fortunate on Maui to have a dedicated team of committed and caring people at the Hui No'eau that to bring art to our youth as well as people of all ages and we ask for your support to continue this important mission.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    “Aloha Maui County Councilmembers,

    My name is Ryan Tengan and I am testifying in strong support of the Kekaulike High School Foundation.

    The Kekaulike High School Foundation aims to support the ENTIRE Kekaulike complex, through scholarships for students and grants for teachers. In 2022, their initial year of supporting the community, they have provided $8,500 in scholarships to seniors pursuing higher education and $600 in grants to Upcountry public school teachers.

    I am a King Kekaulike High School graduate and a lifelong upcountry resident. With the rising cost of living, providing students with additional scholarships is becoming an increasingly important factor in achieving a college education. Especially encouraging is the fact that the foundation is providing grants to our embattled teachers who sacrifice so much to educate our youth. King Kekaulike, being a newer school with a limited number of alumni, needs the support of this committee to place it on equal footing with more established schools who have a robust field of donors to rely upon. I have heard that the foundation aims to bridge the gap by raising funds with a winter festival which will benefit not only students and teachers with funding, but also our community by providing a fun and safe event for our families. As we all step out of the collective struggles we have had during the pandemic which pushed us all apart for years by necessity, any event which brings us closer together for the good of the community is uniquely appreciated.

    Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in support of the Kekaulike High School Foundation.

    -Ryan Tengan

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    April 12, 2023

    Aloha Budget Finance and Economic Development Committee;

    Aloha! I am Wesley Kosaka, an 8th grade student, and I am testifying in support of the Maui Economic Development Board and their support of our STEM after school programs, including robotics. I’d like to thank the board for their generous donations that have allowed me to compete in VEX IQ Robotics competitions. Over the last five years, their financial support has allowed me and my team to do everything, from registrations, to competitions, to travel, and even provided the part kits and game elements.
    I have competed in robotics through Pukalani Elementary School, in both fourth grade and fifth grade, and both years the Maui Economic Board’s generous support has allowed me to compete. What I’ve been able to do in the past three years because of those opportunities, have given me an insight into robotics, and new aspects of technology like engineering and programming. It is only because of these two years of experience at Pukalani School with STEM, that I was able to continue robotics throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with essentially no team help. In fourth grade, I had the amazing experience of going to the National VEX IQ competition. It was one of the best, most life-enriching times I’ve ever had in my life. I got to compare our team’s engineering thought process with other team’s, and I got to improve on our design because of it.
    I have been able to do so much because of MEDB’s support of STEM, and I am so grateful. They have helped me so much in growing and learning as a person. Supporting the Maui Economic Development Board has great benefits for students. It would give them so many experiences they couldn’t otherwise get. Once again, I’d like to say: Thank you.

    Wesley Kosaka

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    My name is Cheryl Tipton and I am a Board Member of the Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center. I thank the Mayor for again including the Hui as a line item in his proposed budget. Our thanks go to you the Council for supporting us for the last few years and we hope that you will support us in this year's budget. The Hui's Art with Aloha Program helps perpetuate the learning and appreciation of Hawaiian culture through the arts. We are asking for support at the same level as we have received in the past few years - $50,000 as is included in the Mayor's proposed budget. Our second program - Youth & Family Visual Arts Educational and Outreach Programs - has been funded by the County at $25,000. We have great feedback from the commuity with this program which includes reaching out to our younger children in after school programs, bringing projects to children who are underpriviled, and providing many other opportunities for sharing art. The Hui is constantly getting more requests for these programs and therefore I would humbly request that you consider further partnering with the Hui by adding another $25,000 for a total of $50,000 for this project. I know many of you have visited the Hui campus and have seen all the work we have done, even through the COVID epidemic, and we invite you to come see for yourself what we are continuing to do for our community. Thank you again for your support.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    April 12, 2023
    Aloha Maui County Council.

    We are writing in support of the Maui Economic Development Board. Thank you for the funds that you have provided to MEDB and STEM education for our island keiki.

    We are so fortunate to have had both our children attend and benefit from STEM classes at both Pukalani Elementary and Kalama Intermediate. The classes that our children have been able to attend range from graphic design, movie making, coding, to competitive robotics. There is a high demand and waiting list to get into these classes.

    The education that our children have received from the STEM program is invaluable to our family and the island's future. They have gained technical knowledge but more importantly teamwork, community service, and problem solving skills that will follow them for the rest of their lives.

    I have seen my children's confidence in themselves sky rocket, their advancement with speaking to adults is amazing, and their ability to set goals and perseverance to achieve them is astounding. This program provides an education far beyond what we ever expected possible, not to mention the positive friends and relationships that they (and we) have made along the way.

    Thank you for your consideration. Please continue to fund this incredible program for our Islands' future.

    Jason and Christina Wehner

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


    I am writing in support of Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center's Art with Aloha Program and Hui Youth Arts Education & Outreach Programs. As the demand for Hui Youth Programs continues to increase, the Hui respectfully requests an increase from $25,000 to $50,000 for Hui Youth Arts Education & Outreach Programs in the FY24 budget. We also request that the County will maintain Art with Aloha Program funding at $50,000 in FY24.

    County funding is critical to the delivery of each of these programs, which provide access to invaluable arts and cultural learning experiences for Maui County residents ages 2 and up.

    Hui youth programs are an especially critical resource for Hawaii’s K-12 students, who lack access to arts education both in and outside of school. Hui youth programs eliminate cost and logistical barriers to arts education for students with the greatest needs by sending teaching artists out into the community to reach children in their own classrooms, cafeterias, and libraries. For example, the Hui’s Na Keiki No’eau program sends professional teaching artists into 4 Title 1 elementary schools after care programs, serving more than 500 students annually. The Hui sends 50 art kits every month for youth on Lanai and delivers another 100 kits monthly to Ka Hale A Ke Ola Homeless Resource Centers in Lahaina and Wailuku.

    The numbers tell an important story, but testimonials best describe the impact of the Hui's Youth Programs in Maui County:

    - “The kids are always really excited about art on Wednesdays and Fridays. I think it's a really amazing thing that we are offering these kids art. Most of the kids are waiting until 5 pm just to get picked up from school and go home. We don't know what they go home to, but having art before they leave really gives them a creative space where they can be free and express themselves, their feelings/emotions however they want. We've had some children come to us with abuse happening at home. It is always hard hearing these experiences from a child, but the fact that they feel comfortable around us in a creative non-judgmental space really shows how this program impacts children in an important way. They feel comfortable, safe, excited, and happy to be doing art with us.” - Kela Kahikina, Na Keiki No'eau Teaching Artist

    - "Painting, coloring, drawing, designing, and crafting help them to get out the feelings and ideas they are having and sometimes the hurt they feel in their hearts. I am so grateful for the kindness and generosity being offered by Hui No‘eau Visual Arts Center." -Misty Bannister, Children's Services Coordinator, Ka Hale A Ke Ola Homeless Resource Centers

    - “Our son is very critical of what he does. Learning that there are no mistakes when he’s creating art has been a huge confidence booster in other parts of his life! This has been one of the most developmentally beneficial experiences that our son has been able to be a part of.” - Parent of Child in Camp Kaluanui

    - “Kahāli'a enjoys being at Camp at the Hui. I can tell she feels a sense of belonging to this special place. She loves being there and is always excited to share what she has learned. I'm happy that she found a place that helps her to develop her more creative side. Thank you all!” -Grandmother of Child in Camp Kaluanui

    - "The art projects kept our keiki engaged at home, learning to read and follow instructions. The projects involve hands-on activities, watching short instruction videos, and learning olelo as well. Parents and teachers are impressed with the thoughtfulness the Hui No‘eau staff put into creating fun and educating art projects." -Peggy Fink, Previous Branch Manager at Lanai Public Library

    Art with Aloha Programs connect Maui County residents to practitioners and cultural knowledge through the creation of cultural art forms:

    - “Kekai (Daunhauer) was exceptional. She shared her knowledge with clarity and enthusiasm. The work she did before class to harvest, prepare, sort and display was an immense undertaking. The care taken for each person's individual skillset was carefully considered and executed. Her delivery of content was well done. I look forward to when I will next have an opportunity to learn from her again.”

    - “I really enjoyed that Rose (Bailey) was a fifth generation lei maker and native Hawaiian. She gave us a lot of cultural information as well as explaining and showing hands on techniques which was valuable. I think everybody really enjoyed the creations that Rose helped us to make.

    - "I have been wanting to learn leí making for years, and Rose was wonderful. This experience was a wonderful reminder of connecting with nature and history in a world where technology is such a strong force."

    Thank you for your consideration of continued and increased support for Hui No'eau's Art with Aloha Programs and Youth Arts Education & Outreach Programs in FY24.


    Erin O'Kief
    Development Director
    Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Budget testimony

    Aloha Maui County Council members.

    I totally support funding for planning, and developing a new pickleball facility Upcountry. It is needed now. I ask our Country Council to expedite this. It's what I believe the Parks Department should focus on also.
    I also strongly agree there should be no more tennis court conversions on Maui.
    We only have four playable tennis courts, for tennis Upcountry, across the whole mountainside. Our courts are busy with tennis often, and tennis as a sport is growing with increasing numbers.
    In Kula, the tennis community currently does consider sharing the courts with PB as a minor conversion of our court use. It's acceptable as temporary, with PB taping tines, bringing their own nets, cleaning the courts when done. Painting PB lines within tennis lines would be a real court conversion. Totally unacceptable. I believe the new Parks Director understands this, as the past Director expressed to me also. Excluding tennis on the Kula tennis courts altogether would almost be criminal after the years the community and County worked to get the courts built, and the care we put into them.
    Both sports need room to grow separately. They both are not compatible in noise requirements. Tennis under 40db, PB over 70db. They are both not compatible in design with different lines, rules, and dimensions.
    Even downtown resurfacing and lining into a multi use court would cost the County maybe 10K or more, to reline it back to tennis a few years later. it would never happen. Bottom line, Tennis loses courts. I don't understand how this would be a "good compromise" as some in the PB community suggest.
    PB needs leadership that focuses on the real solutions, and vision for their sport, as we in the Tennis community have done for years.
    Please help give the PB community the direction to plan for their sport, and to plan for the growth of both tennis and Pickleball. Help them focus on a facility of their own. Please secure funds for planning of separate pickleball facilities, not converting tennis courts in any way.
    Thank you all for your thoughtful deliberations.

    Steve Sutrov

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am a 25-year Kula resident wishing to submit my full-hearted support for additional Upcountry pickleball facilities. Pickleball is a sport that is growing exponentially on Maui and throughout much of the world. It is providing a unique opportunity for youngsters, oldsters, locals, visitors and everyone in between to get out, have fun, and become part an active community. It is a sport that is typically enjoyed from the first experience, which explains the tremendous appeal and growth. In Kula, the interest in the sport is amazing, with more folks discovering the game every week. The issue has become one of access to facilities to play and enjoy. As it stands, the only Upcountry public pickleball is found at the Kula Community Center. On a typical Tuesday and Thursday morning 40 or so pickleballers carrying their own nets and masking tape (to put down temporary court lines) set up 5 temporary pickleball courts in the space of 2 tennis courts, and proceed to have a great time. This set-up allows 20 people to be playing at one time, while the others are lined up waiting to play. Players of all abilities are welcomed in this unassuming atmosphere. It is obvious to everyone aware of the situation, that dedicated public pickleball courts are desperately needed Upcountry. Mahalos for your consideration! Marc

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha, I am writing in support of designated pickleball courts in Kula. I play on a regular basis every Tuesday and Thursday morning at the Kula and tennis courts where we have to tape the courts and set up our own nets. I am part of the early morning set up crew. We have a large group of people that come, up to 40 so the waiting time can get long. Pickleball has grown so much in our community and around the country as well. It is said to be the fastest growing sport in the country. If you look at it purely from serving your constituents perspective, it's a no brainer that there are more pickleball players than tennis. Tennis and pickleball can co-exist, we just need more designated courts for the latter. Almost every week that we set up our own nets and tape the upper courts for pickleball, there is only one tennis court below being used in comparison to a long wait to play pickleball.

    It's my understanding that the County does not own the land where the Kula tennis courts are on. I would like to encourage the County to consider purchasing this land and build designated pickleball courts at this location.

    Thank you for your consideration and best of luck to you with the budget process.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I used to play tennis at the Kula courts but lost connections with other players. I have enjoyed the Tuesday/Thursday pickleball so much for the exercise and community, i only wish we could have courts assigned for pickleball as we tape our lines and supply our own nets and it is very crowded. I hope its in the budget to purchase the adjacent land for more courts.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    My name is Eva Wehner and I am in fourth grade at Pukalani Elementary School. I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant..

    I have been a part of Stemworks since first grade. Some of the classes that I have taken are coding, 3D printing, movie making, and robotics. My robotics team built a robot and competed in competitions around the island. We improved our design and got to travel to Oahu and Iowa to compete. Being part of robotics has taught me how to be a problem solver and a complex thinker.

    This week in my movie making class, I have been creating a stop motion film to be shown at our school’s STEM night. We are using playdough and taking pictures in different positions to tell a story. I like how I can share my creativity and not be judged in this class.

    Please support MEDB so that they can keep supporting STEM in my school.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha, I am writing in support of Hui Malama in particular of the tutoring support program called Liko. I am a counselor at Maui High School and I have been able to refer students to them for additional support. I have had great student success with their programs and my students have found joy in attending school because they feel supported in their academics. Everybody learns differently and my students have found a sense of belonging with their tutors and have built great rapport with the staff which has improved their self esteem and confidence. Please continue to support them so they can continue to support our future generation. They might not serve huge quantities of students but the quality of what they provide is enormous. Mahalo nui, Nalani Caulford

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha, I am writing in support of Hui Malama in particular of the tutoring support program called Liko. I am a counselor at Maui High School and I have been able to refer students to them for additional support. I have had great student success with their programs and my students have found joy in attending school because they feel supported in their academics. Everybody learns differently and my students have found a sense of belonging with their tutors and have built great rapport with the staff which has improved their self esteem and confidence. Please continue to support them so they can continue to support our future generation. They might not serve huge quantities of students but the quality of what they provide is enormous. Mahalo nui, Nalani Caulford

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    Jody Singsank almost 2 years ago


    I am a long time Kula resident and have enjoyed using the Kula Community tennis courts for many years as a tennis player.

    Several years ago I also took up pickleball and play with the Tuesday/Thursday morning group. We usually number between 24-40 players per day.

    It has been quite the journey trying to get the tennis and pickleball players to share the courts over the years. We seem to have finally settled into a schedule that works for players of both sports. The best case scenario would have separate courts for each sport.

    The community center, gateball field and and tennis/pickleball courts are all used regularly and keep our community members connected through exercise and social gatherings.

    I would like to ask the County to consider using funds to purchase the Kula Community Center land and to build designated pickleball courts at this location.

    I know that this may seem like a small and insignificant request in the big budget picture but it would be a big benefit to the upcountry community.


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Maui County Councilmembers,

    I am testifying in strong support of the Kekaulike High School Foundation.

    The Kekaulike High School Foundation aims to support the ENTIRE Kekaulike complex, through scholarships for students and grants for teachers. In 2022, their initial year of supporting the community, they have provided $8,500 in scholarships to seniors pursuing higher education and $600 in grants to Upcountry public school teachers.

    I have worked in Kekaulike Complex Schools for over 30 years with 26 years at King Kekaulike High School. I have brought high school students to engage in volunteer activities at all five elementary school in our complex and to Kalama Intermediate School over the years and am always in amazement of the dedication of the staff at each school. By the time these keiki arrive at our doors, they have received a solid foundation of learning with such a variety of experiences from Hawaiian Immersion, farm to table, and STEM and robotics! With your continued support of our fledging foundation, we will continue to be able to increase our grant offerings to all Kekaulike Complex teachers and support more graduating seniors with their post-secondary endeavors.

    Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in support of the Kekaulike High School Foundation.

    Cindy Asato-Kochi