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Legislation Text Correspondence from Committee Chair 02-28-2023 Correspondence from Councilmember Sinenci 03-09-2023 Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-21-2023 (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-22-2023 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-22-2023 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-22-2023 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 03-23-2023 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 03-23-2023 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 03-23-2023 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-23-2023 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 03-23-2023 (PS-1) Correspondence to Personnel Services 03-23-2023 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 03-23-2023 (PD-1) Correspondence to Police 03-23-2023 (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 03-23-2023 (AG-1) Correspondence to Agriculture 03-23-2023 (PR-1) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 03-23-2023 (HHC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 03-23-2023 (PA-1) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 03-23-2023 (TD-1) Correspondence to Transportation 03-23-2023 (WS-1) Correspondence to Water Supply 03-23-2023 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 03-23-2023 (PW-1) Correspondence to Public Works 03-23-2023 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 03-23-2023 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 03-23-2023 (OM-1) Correspondence to Mayor 03-23-2023 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 03-23-2023 Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2024 Budget bills) 03-24-2023 FY 2024 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis 03-24-2023 000_Combined FY 2024 Program Budget_1 print
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    Deleted User almost 2 years ago

    Meeting 654512036
    Honorable Finance Chair, Committee members and Friends,

    I‘m Terez Amato, State Representative for Kihei, an area repeatedly devastated by once in a hundred year floods, that now happen on the average every 8 months. My, how time flies.

    I have had communication with Multiple County agencies and over 150 Kihei neighbors about floods which have cost life and property loss, created huge anxiety and interfered with local commerce, killed pending real estate sales as well as eating into local businesses, and in multiple ways may increasingly disrupt our tax base needed to maintain our society.

    We can't undo 50 years of development in a wetland area without environmental assessments where permits were handed out like candy, nor can I reverse climate change. And as a State official I can not legally rebuild a county bridge or a county road, but I can try to help with State properties. To that end I am adding my voice to the 70 neighbors from Waipuilani gulch who came within inches of losing their apartments, and to the 80 from Waiokoa gulch including the engineers and flood experts on their board with whom I have met.

    It was recently said that this area would be underwater in a decade. First that is not true, second, we can’t just abandon these people. We absolutely can reduce flooding effects Mauka and relieve flood bottlenecks Makai to make a dent in this real and dangerous problem.

    To help solve this problem I have recently obtained several million in CIP funds for that effort, which will be funneled directly to the Department of Land and Natural Resources for flood mitigation efforts on State lands. This includes funds for infrastructure support for detention and retention of water upstream, to plant native plants to prevent flooding in Kihei, and fences to hold back axis deer from eating plants and for infrastructure needed for upstream water and silt retention. My hope and plan is that my initial $2.5 Million dollar effort spread over 3 gulches for FY2024 will pave the way for another $10Million in federal N-funds.

    Unfortunately, that only helps in the long term. So I am also requesting YOUR support of the Maalaea Surf resident reasonable requests to fix the bridge on South Kihei road specifically to remove sidewalls and replace with more porous sidewalls. This is a no brainer, the most important and easiest, and the most cost effective partial fix for the most severe Kihei flooding at the moment.

    I also support their request to construct two flood control structures and mud retention basins on public land easements at the east and west sides where Waiakoa Gulch passes under Piilani Highway at an estimated cost $200,000. If the county will pay I will personally advocate at State level with DLNR. I want to work with you to help.

    Last, I support the request for Construction of one additional flood control structure and mud retention basin on private land between South Kihei Road and Piilani Highway. I have had discussions with Maalaea surf and have agreed to engage the private landowners to support this.

    The total for this ask is 500K, and with the $2.5M in state funds is a drop in the bucket compared to potential property loss and lawsuits.

    The Millions of dollars in State funds I am obtaining for FY2024 will only help part of the problem so I urge you to please help by funding this smaller county request. Compassion and lives and businesses and revenues are important, but this would also be effective in showing due diligence should the landowners feel legal action is needed. An ounce of prevention may be a prudent and responsible way to spend funds.

    Last I want to mention that I have written dozens of polite collaborative emails seeking to actively engage county departments on this issue, and have received virtually zero real answers from Public works or the Executive branch. The same is true of emails from many citizens..
    The cries for help from our neighbors go unanswered, and I can only get money for state lands, the rest depends on you. I want you to be aware of the lack of response from Maui County agencies, not as a complaint, but as a request for help as State and County MUST work together as a team for our people.

    I want to work with you. Please reach out to my office, to me at and my Chief of Staff
    I want to meet and help to help solve these problems.

    Thank you for considering my request for support of the $500k request to save lives and property in our neighborhood.

    Aloha, Terez
    State Representative Terez Amato
    HD11 Kihei

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    Phyllis Robinson almost 2 years ago

    I am commenting on Yuki Lei Sugimura's request to Rogerene Arce regarding funding of the farmer education programs that have traditionally been line items in the budget under OED. I would like to make sure that in addition to FAM and Farm Bureau, that the Maui Family Farmer Training Network (MFFTN) Navigational Coaching also be under consideration for funding as we are now coaching 28 farmers on increasing their yields and becoming better entrepreneurs, as well as a tool and equipment lending library. I would add we have not even done a press release yet. Our current funding is only $30,000. I am attaching a 1 p. proposal

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    Mike Moran almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Chair Please see attached from the Kihei Community Assoc

    Mike Moran

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    BFED Committee almost 2 years ago

    Written testimony received 04/10/2023

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    Mike Elerding almost 2 years ago

    There is a Public Health and Safety issue in North Kihei that puts residents, Maui First Responders, and County Public Works staff in jeopardy. The flash flooding and the resulting debris torrent on S. Kihei Road at the bridge over the Waiakoa Gulch has exacerbated dangerous flooding and is creating environmental damage to our shoreline and marine life in Ma'alaea Bay.
    We are requesting that the COM set aside funding from surplus FY 2023 and/or designate FY 2024 funding to construct flood control structures in the Waiakoa Gulch on state lands mauka from the bridge over S. Kihei Road and replace the concrete bridge side rails with safety railings that will allow flood waters to flow across the road and back into the Waiakoa Gulch as the bridge was originally designed.
    We have submitted the testimony attached to this submission.
    Mahalo to Mayor Bissen and Maui County council members for consideration of this request.
    Mike Elerding
    36 S. Kihei Road #207
    Kihei, HI 96753

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am Rachel Campbell and represent VisSidus Technologies, Inc. I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs (MEDB). VisSidus Technologies, Inc. strongly supports the MEDB and their business and skill development programs. MEDB core programs develop infrastructure, capital, and talent to facilitate the growth of technology and manufacturing jobs in Hawai‘I in general and Maui in particular. VisSidus benefited from MEDB programs that support innovative small businesses from the startup stage through growth and export. For example, SBIR workshops, Tech Ohana meetings, and outreach in the form of Maui Techies monthly meet. VisSidus appreciates MEDB’s efforts to keep the Maui County creative and technical communities engaged during the CoV-SARS-2019 pandemic lockdown by adapting to full remote and virtual meetings. VisSidus respectfully asks the Maui County Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee to continue funding the MEDB for the during the next budget cycle.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha kakou,

    I request that funding and resources be devoted to solving the escalating problems on North Kihei Road. Between the canoe clubs and Kealia National Wildlife Refuge there are increasing numbers of houseless people camping in their cars and on the narrow stretch of beach and dunes.

    While I sympathize with those who have no place to live, this situation is untenable for the following reasons:

    • There are no toilets, and the beach and dunes are being fouled with human waste
    • There are no trash cans or dumpsters, and the area is being trashed with loose garbage
    • This environmentally sensitive area is one of the few places on Maui used by the endangered hawksbill turtles (honu’ea) for nesting, from June to December
    • Kealia Pond provides important habitat for many bird species, some of them endangered or threatened
    • The fence constructed to keep the nesting female honu’ea from attempting to cross North Kihei Road is being destroyed in many places by those parking and camping there
    • The lack of enforcement of no-camping rules has permitted and encouraged increasing numbers of people to move in to the location
    • Many people are now moving truckloads of possessions onto the beach, including furniture and other things that end up being dumped there: mattresses, appliances, tires, plastic tarps, discarded clothing and debris, etc.
    • There are fire pits being constructed and used, and kiawe trees and trash are being burned
    • Lack of trash containers, lack of care, and the wind result in a lot of garbage going into the ocean, the pond, and the surrounding area
    • The longer the problem goes unaddressed, the more damage is done.

    Please find a solution. This is shameful.

    Mahalo for your kokua!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    To Whom It May Concern,

    My name is Petar Kovacic and I am testifying in support of Maui Economic Development Boardʻs Economic Development Grant under the Maui County Office of Economic Development. Our King Kekaulike High School automotive program has benefited from your support. Specifically our advanced classes have access to four different types of battery chargers YOUR MONIES FUNDED. This allows shop labs of four stations of approx 6 students at each machine. They rotate through all to learn particularities and experience repetition. Additionally, our entry level classes have a similar shop set up for oil changes. We practice on our shop project cars, reusing the oil we learn how to change, BUT, of course we spill as we learn. YOUR MONIES FUNDED bulk motor oil to keep our lab stations running. (dont worry we recycle our used motor oil!)

    There are always incidental expenses to operate a fully functioning automotive training facility. With the assistance of Britney James, YOUR MONIES FUNDED numerous tools, supplies and EXPANDED REAL WORLD LEARNING EXPERIENCES over the years, please consider continuing to do so.

    Petar Kovacic
    King Kekaulike High School Automotive Instructor

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


    I’m a new Pickleball player and I have met so many great people in the Pickleball community whether they are locals or tourists. It is a sport that we ALL can enjoy regardless of ages as some players are like 10 years old while we have so many people 60+ up as well. It is so nice to see different generations get together and play Pickleball. As it’s the fastest growing sport in the US, we will need more courts anyway and obviously other cities are adding more and more Pickleball courts for their citizens wellness and great communities. Our current courts at Waipuilani Park are so beat up, I’m always concerned that people get hurt while playing especially older people. I really hope the county can take a look at the courts to see how dangerous and beat up the courts are and get them resurfaced for our community.
    Thank you,

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha, I am a Pickleball Ambassdor here. Our main job is to promote the great game of pickleball. With this written testimony, I am requesting funding be added to the budget for construction of multi-court, dedicated pickleball facility for South Maui.
    If you are unaware, pickleball (pb) is widely considered the fastest growing sport in the US, and one of the fastest growing sports globally.
    It is a fun game to play, it is a very social sport, and it is a surprisingly good workout.
    Like many things, pb was slow to arrive on Maui but has now been firmly established with the number of players increasing almost daily.
    In 2020, I retired after a 15 year career in the Parks Dept., based in the South Maui district. During my career I heard many times the Dept.'s stated goal of having as many people as possible using and enjoying County recreational facilities. Due to it's smaller size, 4 pb courts can fit in the area of a tennis court, meaning in the same space where you can have a maximum of 4 tennis players, you can have 16 pb players. Seems like that fits Parks goals.
    In response to the growing number of pb players, the Parks Dept. has converted 3 tennis courts here. 2 at Waipuilani Park in Kihei, and 1 at the Lahaina Civic Center. That helped, but is already nowhere near enough. Doing so was met with much approval from the pb community, but much anger from the tennis community who have not been happy about having courts taken away from them. There's been a somewhat adversarial relationship between pb and tennis players, but really, tennis players want what we want- our own courts.
    Since the pandemic, the number of pb players on Maui has skyrocketed. All of the public facilities we have been granted use of by the Parks Dept. have become overwhelmed with players. During many meetings with Parks and other County officials we have been told we needed to be patient. Our ever increasing numbers of players warrant way more attention now. We don't need or want more converted tennis courts. We need and deserve dedicated pb facilities, not just in South Maui, but island wide.
    Waipuilani Park in Kihei is by far the most popular place to play pb on Maui. It is not at all uncommon to find 80 or more players there every morning during peak tourist time. That number decreases during non peak months, but really, not that much, to 40-50 every morning players. Despite it's popularity, Waipuilani's courts are in horrible shape. Slippery surface due to wrong paint being used for court lines, and cracks so wide and deep they're more like canyons. It's embarrassing, and more importantly, unsafe. It's amazing no real serious injuries have occured there. If the Parks Dept. wants quality, safe facilities for people to use, Waipuilani is a complete failure. Along with the substandard courts, there is very little shade, and virtually no place to sit and wait for an open court. Also, no drinkable water near the courts, and an old, seemingly seldom serviced porta-potty in place so people don't have to walk all the way back to the restroom by the parking lot.
    Tourism is still the main economic force here. It is well known that many pb players choose vacation destinations based on availability of pb. Everyone wants to visit Maui. Having an adequate number of quality pb courts would only enhance Maui's reputation as one if the world's most popular tourist destination. Dedicated pb courts would be a tremendous boost for tourists and residents alike. As stated, our ever increasing number of players, both visitors and residents deserve way more attention. It's frustrating and disappointing to play on or see pictures of amazing and large public pb facilities, many of which are in areas that are not touristy and the population is far less than Maui.
    I am asking for funding to completely redo from the ground up, the Waipuilani courts to make them not only safe, but also cosmetically appealing, or preferably, a large (12-15 court) dedicated pb facility for South Maui.
    Please add pb court construction for South Maui to the budget. Mahalo.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha County Council members,

    I have sent you all separate emails recently and I am requesting that you all consider the acquisition of 7 of our last remaining wetlands in South Maui. It is some peoples assumption that our wetlands are now protected by the wetlands overlay that was made into law last year. However that overlay is being created and while we wait a year or so for it to take affect our wetlands are in danger of development by Peter Savio and his un-affordable housing projects.

    I have been in correspondence with Jordan Molina (Director of Public Works) who is in support of this acquisition as well. He is actually the person who told me what to do as he felt that the Waipuilani and Kulanihakoi Gulches need protection through acquisition. This is what he proposed to do “The specific portion of the budget where the acquisition request will shown is in Appendix A, Part II Special Purpose Revenue, Open Space Fund. I've attached a copy of this appendix from FY23 and highlighted the Open Space section which starts on Page 2. Your request for FY4 will be to add a line item for Waipuilani and Kulanihakoi acquisitions.” This request and acquisition will cost 5 million dollars which the open space funds would allow easily.

    The South Maui CPAC just approved the following language and amendment that supports the acquisition of crucial wetlands in the South Maui Community plan. This will also take a long time to be put into action once the planning is complete. It may be too late at that point to protect these valuable resources.

    “Acquire wetland parcels, if necessary under the threat of condemnation, such as TMK 3-9-001-162, 3-9-062-019, 3-9-001-164, 3-9-001-007, 3-9-059-001, 3-9-058-061, and 3-9-046-011 and designate as Open Space-protected lands in perpetuity.

    Explore the feasibility of obtaining the areas identified through the wetlands mapping study, or other similar studies, through conservation easements, acquiring through negotiation or under the threat of condemnation wetlands including but not limited to gulches, continuous, intermittent, and ephemeral streams, streams beds and flood plains and other flood prone parcels and designate as open space protected lands in perpetuity.”
    Unfortunately the South Maui Community plan and the Wetlands overlay created through Bill 91 will not be complete for a year or 2. This leaves all of our remaining wetlands in imminent danger. If they arent protected now these natural resources will be destroyed before protections are put in place.

    This is a glimpse into what other states are doing to protect their wetlands and the benefits they provide.

    This is a letter just sent by Peter Savio about building on top/middle of the Waipuilani Gulch. He is known for violating his permits as he has shown with grading and grubbing without permits. Now he is continuing to push for building even though he will not provide any drainage or any other type of infrastructure in these critical areas.

    March 30, 2023
    Dear Maui Community:
    We hope this letter finds you all in good health and spirits. We write to you today to discuss a matter of great importance to our community: Affordable Housing. As you may know, the Kihei Wailani Village Affordable Housing Project is an initiative aimed at providing affordable housing to low and moderate-income families on Maui. The project is currently on a waitlist, and we need your support to ensure it moves forward.
    Affordable housing is a critical issue on Maui, with many families struggling to find a safe and affordable place to call
    home. The Kihei Wailani Village Affordable Housing Project is a crucial step in addressing this issue and providing much-needed relief to those in need.
    We urge you to support this project by writing letters, emailing, and calling the Mayor's office and administration. Let them know that you support affordable housing initiatives like Kihei Wailani and that you believe it's a critical step towards addressing the housing crisis on Maui.
    By working together, we can make a difference in the lives of families on our island who are in desperate need of affordable housing. Your support and involvement in this project can make all the difference in the world.
    We urge you to take action and do your part to support The Kihei Wailani Village Affordable Housing Project. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    For your convenience, please find the County’s Administrations address, phone number, fax number, and emails below:
    Office of The Mayor
    200 S. High Street
    Kalana O Maui Bldg 9th Floor Wailuku, HI 96793
    (808) 270-7855
    (808) 270-7870
    Thank You,
    SAVIO KIHEI WAILANI VILLAGE LLC a Hawaii limited liability company”

    Please stop the destruction of our last remaining wetlands,
    Sincerely, Brandi Corpuz