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    BFED Committee almost 2 years ago

    Written testimony received at 04/03/2023 Paia meeting

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am providing some supporting comments for Malama Hamakua Maui and it's work to restore the lands that now comprise the County of Maui Hamakualoa Open Space Preserve. The lands have much cultural significance in a beautiful setting but sadly have been trashed from years of neglect and misuse. Malama Hamakua Maui has been working with the community to remove tons of trash, dumped appliances and dozens of abandoned vehicles. It is also working to remove invasive species and restore native and culturally important plants. It is a long term project that greatly benefits the environment and the community. I urge you to keep the funding for this effort in place.
    Scott Werden, Board member of Malama Hamakua Maui

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    Charla Konohia almost 2 years ago

    Mahalo to the council for the support you have given and hope that you continue providing Malama Hamakua Maui support so that we can continue our efforts in taking care of the County’s Hamakuloa Open Space Preserve.. The 25K that the county has provided allows us to pay for regular mowing of our first project area on the Preserve. Funds also allowed us to pay for a bookkeeper, insurance, supplies and tools, trash roll offs and porta potty’s for our volunteers. This is very helpful as the board finds themselves paying for many of our needs out of pocket. Thankfully we have had support from many community organizations such as Sierra Club, Haiku Community Association, Surfrider Foundation, Maui Green and Beautiful, Waialele Foundation and Waikikena Foundation just to name a few. Not to mention our many volunteers from the community. The board of Malama Hamakua Maui is made up of this community partnership. Our monthly clean ups bring the community together. Our mission is for restoration, cultural preservation, and educational purpose. We have been fortunate enough to have hosted several schools where students and teachers have contributed to these efforts.
    The lands are especially special to me as these are the lands where my grandfather was raised. This is where his family planted kalo and uala and had fisheries. It is lands that our ancestors have taken care of for generations, before the days of KAMEHAMEHA. I have bought my daughter and nieces and nephews to work on the aina so that they have that connection to the land of our ancestors. All though we have made huge progress, there is a lot of work to be done and your continued support will insure that we continue to move forward.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I write to support funding for Hui No'eau Visual Art Center in their quest for funding for Youth and Family Visual Arts Outreach Programs and also for their Art With Aloha Program. Mahalo for your support for these valuable community art programs.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    The youth members of Pa`ia Youth & Cultural Center are writing in strong support of increased funding:

    When no one is at my house for me I can come here. I can come here and hang out with people who are nice to me. I wouldn’t have some of the good friends I have. Julian Mordret 12
    When I’m not feeling too well it makes me nice and happy to come here. Logan Ho-Ching 9
    My name is Julian and I am an intern in the radio station PYCC. In that time I have grown as a person in ways I cannot put into words. My time from age 14 to 16 has been marked by all the different projects, interviews, and PSAs’ I have had the opportunity to work on on the radio. PYCC has helped me change into a person with a better outlook on the world around me. Learning of all the ways that local problems are in my hands has made me a far more responsible community member. I can definitely say that without PYCC I would not have made the steps that I have to becoming a more mature and fitting person for the world I am growing into.
    I value PYCC because It’s inclusive and you can make many friends but it’s also a place where you can learn many new things. Pycc gives kids many opportunities that they might not be able to have otherwise such as being able to use the cameras and going on adventures to places like waterfalls and beaches. PYCC creates a community and that’s why I value it. Alina Holland, age 12
    I value Pycc because it makes me feel like home. When I’m at Pycc I feel like I don’t have parents watching over me I feel not imprisoned it’s my choice. I love Pycc and I will love it forever it is my home! Also my family has been going here for a long time that’s why I love it. Lily Lojeske my age 12.
    I appreciate that there are so many things that I get taught how to do here. I love cooking, skateboarding and the employees here are outstanding. I don’t know what I would do with out this place. Elijah Griffin Elvenstar 11
    To me PYCC is a home away from home. All the staff are the kindest people ever and encourage us to do our best. It makes me be the best me that I can be. Bri Timmens 15
    Pycc is as fun as a rollercoaster
    And as awesome as a million dollars Scarlet Lojeske 9
    I value PYCC because of everything, also it makes me feel like home. When my parents are busy or at work I ask to come here and they say yes. I value PYCC very much! Saydee-Lynn, age 12
    Hi my name is Neakita redwood I’m 11 and I value pycc very much. It is like a second home to me.
    It’s my home away from home. I feel happy that I have a whole lot of friends that come here and when I learn new skate tricks it’s very satisfying. I like field trips and Brando makes everything fun. Pekelo Amuchastegui 12
    I like the youth center because it is very fun place to has a lot of different sports and games that you can play and the staf are very nice to.mayli hack 11
    PYCC is a huge part of my life. Every single day after school I come here. It makes me so happy to be here. Kahlil Popata 13
    It’s not just a kid playground. I have fun learning stuff here like cooking and going on the radio, and editing in the lab. Kaia Triglia 10
    I am homeschooled and I make friends here. I have learned how to make vegetable sushi and how to draw better. This is the best place I’ve ever been! Massey Paul 10
    I get bored and I like this place because it is fun. I learned how to make leis. Roselyn Upton 11
    I can’t really cook at my house since I share a house with a lot of family so cooking here at the youth center is very fun. Greenly Upton 9
    I think PYCC is very important place to me because it has taught me how to surf skate bodyboard and learn social skills. I love coming here every day that I can because I have so much fun here. Kai Haven 11
    Pycc is important to me because it is a place where I can have fun, and hang out but also a place where I can learn ,and make friends. I have learned so much here ,and it is so much fun. This is the best place in the world, and I love it here. Irie 11

    Hi I am Skye and I am 10. I have had so many good memories here at the youth center that I will always cherish. I love the youth center because it gives me so many opportunities to discover my passions, It is amazing that I can be apart of a great community here at PYCC, I found a lot of my passions here like going on the radio station and coking amazing and tasty things I also love the art corickulm and sewing classes, Its an honor to be here.
    The youth center is better. I love it! Ezra 14
    I am a member of the Paia Youth and Cultural Center and I think that it is an amazing place to be. Not just because we can make friends but also because we can learn new things such as learning photography, cooking or even learning how to manage a radio station. Also you can learn to do something different from all the staffs. I come to the Youth Center because I have fun but most importantly is because I learn educational stuff.
    The Youth Center is AMAZING! My name is Leilani Moscovich and I’m 11 years

    There are things to do here that aren’t anywhere else like people like to go on the radio, people like to bake, and Ben will go get the things we need for it and we like taking pictures with the pictures. I wish there was a lifeguard here. Zada Williams 9

    I’ve gone to other youth centers and they are kind of boring. I really like cooking and eating and I’ve learned how to make so many more things. My mom is having a baby in 2 weeks and now I can cook more for everyone. . Pete has taught me photography. Bonnie Higa 11

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am writing in support of increased funding for the Paia Youth and Cultural Center. Funding this organization is an investment in the community. They provide services to a large group of Maui Youth with a limited budget. They need additional funding to help retain their excellent staff who are struggling with increased cost of living, they need additional full time staff to help handle all time high membership and they need to deal with higher operating expenses due to inflation. Your consideration and support is appreciated.


    Joseph "Pete" Jalbert

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am writing to support increased funding for the Pā`ia Youth & Cultural Center and am a board member of the PYCC. We currently receive $334,527.00 (51%) of our budget comes from Maui County- the lowest percentage of any other youth center on Maui despite Pāʻia having one of the highest Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander populations and one of the highest poverty rates of Maui island cities. We request $400,000, an increase of $65,473. Justifications are:
    • Need to hire additional high quality staff (full time) to address the highest membership in PYCC history. This is a safety program quality concern.
    • Cost of living increases to retain long term staff.
    • Increase in general operating expenses.
    Mahalo for your consideration.

    Andrea Kealoha, PhD
    Director, Water Quality Lab
    University of Hawaiʻi Maui College
    Lab: (808) 984-3682

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am writing testimony to support increased funding for the Pa'ia Youth and Cultural Center. The PYCC is a sacred miracle of Maui, and improves the quality of life for hundreds of families as well as increasing value for all residents of the North Shore.

    As the costs of living on Maui have significantly increased in recent years, so have the costs of providing such an incredible sanctuary for our youth and their families.

    There is no place on earth like the PYCC, and we are so lucky to have it right here in our community! Please increase funding and give priority to the needs of the PYCC in this next years, and all future years, Maui County budgets. FUND THE PYCC!

    Mahalo, Swanzy 'ohana