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    BFED Committee almost 2 years ago

    Written testimony received at 03/30/2023 Lahaina meeting

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


    I understand that you are looking into fixing this road.
    In the 4 years we have lived on this street we have had to
    replace all 4 tires on our car along with the rear break lights.

    This road is like living in a 3rd world country, please do
    whatever you can to fix this rotten road.

    Heidi Scoggins
    80 Hui Rd F
    unit 2
    Lahaina. HI. 96761

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    Lu Ann Mahiki LankfordFaborito almost 2 years ago

    Molokai Rural Health - Budget Finance & EcoDev Committee

    Lu Ann Mahiki Lankford-Faborito <>

    Thu, Mar 30 at 11:22 AM

    Mahalo for supporting this much needed program on the island. As a caregiver for my mom, we have appreciated the services for the island kupuna. Mahalo

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


    I heard about the budget meeting, but I won’t be able to make it. I just moved to Hui Rd F a few months ago and the potholes have been a burden for sure, they were a factor to losing my wallet since it popped out of my backpack pocket when I went over one while riding my bike. If they were fixed I’m sure everyone on the road would be very appreciative, I know I would. Thanks for your time and help in this matter.

    Best Regards,
    Luke O’Connor

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Council Member Tamara Paltin

    I am unable to attend the upcoming Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee Meeting on March 30, 2023 Lahaina Civic Center; but,
    wish to express deep concerns.
    As a Maui, Hawaii tax payer, I have budgetary concerns requesting your advocacy.
    On March 3, 2022, Yui Lei Sugimuru, Council Member Maui MPO Policy Board Chair (via solicited public feedback to Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization. I emailed public concern on February 27, 2022, to:
    Action has not been addressed. Therefore, I request your advocacy to please address:
    Specifically: Hui Road F (Lahaina, 96761) road conditions (extremely large hazardous pot holes).
    My property is located at Napili Ridge, 120 Hui Road F (Unit A12), Lahaina, HI 96761.
    You may wish to take the time to drive or walk-up Hui Road F to observe, with caution, road hazards impacting citizens.
    Hui Road F is in critical need of repair/repaving, there are extremely large pot holes.

    Please be our advocate to promote and budget for the repair/repaving of Hui Road F.
    Thank you in advance,

    Annette Montgomery

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for your consideration regarding the much needed repairs of Hui Road F.
    Lorin Horosz

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Potholes -Hui Rd. F
    Thank you for taking on this problem. I won't be at the budget hearing but I appreciate your looking into this long time headache for us here on Hui F.
    Mike Remocaldo

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha councilwoman Paltin,we live in Napili Ridge and as other hundreds of residents and visitor we have to drive that road every single day in and out,several times a day sometimes, it’s almost impassable,potholes,overgrown hedges along the sides of it,we got to avoid people walking on the street for the lack of sidewalk and avoid holes at the same time.
    We got our taxes double.
    Hopefully with amount of taxes collected from the hundred of people that live on that street we will get new pavement and a couple speed bumps.
    I won’t hold my breath tho but thats our hope for the last 20 years….
    Thank you for your time
    Ruben Isola

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I live on Hui F Rd. and I ask that you please allocate funds to resurface this road. It has been neglected for many years now and quite a bit of tax money comes from property owners here, as well as votes. Thank you, Scott Francis. Napili ridge property owner

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Tamara,

    It is my understanding there is a budget hearing at the Lahaina Civic Center on March 30th.

    I am an owner of a unit at Napili Ridge. I lived there for many years but now it is a long term rental.

    Since 1990 when I purchased my condo there have been problems with the road. Large pot holes all the way and down which slows cars down but it very hard on the tires and suspension of our vehicles.

    Please consider allocating funds for improvements to Hui F. Rd.

    Thank you
    Karen Paresa Neizman
    8018 357-6521

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I heard there is a meeting scheduled on Thursday March 30th to address budget issues. Hopefully, Hui F Rd can be considered for much needed repair.

    I have lived for 12 years here on Hui F Rd, and am a homeowner at Napili Ridge Condos.
    The road has always been hazardous with many potholes, especially reoccurring after rains.
    A lot of both children who walk home from the bus, and elderly live here. You can trip in the potholes, I have.
    The night lighting on the street is poor, and you MUST carry a flashlight to avoid tripping and falling. I’m surprised there has not been a lawsuit yet. Perhaps there has been, but who would be responsible.

    Please consider adding Hui F Rd. to budgetary consideration. I realize to do a full upgrade would require new underground and infrastructure. But, many homeowners pay their property taxes to drive daily on this increasingly dangerous road.
    I have not seen a worse road on the Westside.

    I love my island home, and it would be wonderful, rather than criss crossing up the road avoiding tire popping holes with high beams on….to have a smooth ride to my residence when I come home from work at night.

    Much mahalos,
    Julia McGrath
    Owner, Napili Ridge G6

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Tamara
    I am an owner at Napili Ridge for nearly 30 years. This our second home which we frequently use (average 100 days/year)
    We have been paying taxes all this time and as of recent paying an extraordinary increase as a TVR even though our unit will never be rented for short or long term use. We take / use very little of the county for what we pay in taxes.

    Hui Rd F road condition is an unsafe. It is riddled with potholes from ~ 300 ft in all the way past Napili Ridge.
    Residents, service trucks, and visitors mauka bound drive on the makai bound side to avoid the potholes.

    With a $1.5 billion budget and all the additional tax Maui County will be collecting as they inflate market property values, it should not be too much to ask the County to take Napili Ridges paid tax dollars to maintain this road.
    Please represent Napili Ridge and the property owners and residents of Hui Rd F in the upcoming and future budget meetings demanding road maintenance for our road.

    Karol Morgan

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Hello Tamara,

    My name is Chad Sayn. I am an owner in the Napili Ridge complex located on Hui F Rd in Lahaina. I would like to discuss the condition of Hui F rd and the lack of maintenance of it. It has been many year if it being neglect the county. I would like to urge that it be fixed. I would show support for the neighbourhood and the area of the counties commitment to upkeep the beauty of the area. Thanks for your time. Please consider this in the next meeting.

    Chad Sayn
    Insayn Stunts Ltd

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Tamara

    I live at the end of the street at 200 Hui Rd F. I have 2 vehicles with low profile tires and have gotten 3 flat tires by hitting the potholes and the potholes cut my new low profile tires. This is the worst street on all of West Maui and you know there are a lot of people paying taxes on this road which has 2 large apartment complexes on this street beside all the homes and condos.

    I will be there on March 30th at the Civic Center at 6pm

    Warmest Mahalo, Setsuko Barbara Yamamoto

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Road Improvements (and related improvements, beautification, sidewalks, bike paths, drainage, bridge repairs and maintenance, safety
    and utilities, accessibility for persons with disabilities) including:
    West Maui Community Plan. Has only been allocated $350,000 Lower Road Koapala Bay road improvements. DPW has county wide appropriations for this item of $15,101,000 from Highway and Bond funds. the WMG project is listed in the TIP under MC28.
    MC28 fiscally constrains funding from STBG monies and has DPW responsible for PE2 in FFY24 and CONSTRUCTION in FFY26.
    DPW has not accepted MC28 as a project .
    There is a $200,000 match from the County for the STBG funding for phase 1 in FFY24 which will include design and permitting.
    The existing Status issues, - we have a plan to move forward as defined in the West Maui Greenway Master Plan Final reference.
    Implementation - Chapter 6 page 108
    Prioritization - page 110
    Opportunities for Funding - Page 113
    Next Steps - Page 117
    Defining points essential for continued advancement as drawn from the Next Steps include;
    Designate a lead agency or representative in County Government to champion this project.
    Fund the West Maui Greenway project as required as per the West Maui Greenway Final Plan Next Steps. .