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Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Maui County Council, I am in full support of WASSP-1(2) rule 7 B regarding water distribution to the house less. As someone who was living out of my truck for a year I know how important access to water is. Harder than not having a land base to be is not having access to water. The simple task of washing your feet, body parts, a dish, having a drink, and that is most basic. Water is heavy and the distribution of it in the community is absolutely necessary. The work that is done with Project Vision water distribution is essential and should be a expanded project. Long term historical evidence shows that lack of water , or clean water has shown to effect the health and safety of a community. The folks that are receiving the water from Project Vision are experiencing the harm of social determinate created by corruption and domination of resources in Maui. I would hope that this conversation today is educational and informative. That the stories and outcomes shared will encourage you to expand this project. Filtration hoses to fill big drums of water for distribution is brilliant and I am grateful for Project Vision and the people who run this program. I look forward to project vision and the endless community health care they offer to grow. Water first line health care and is essential to be given and supplied freely. When we live in a society that questions humans access to water yet golf courses watered without question, we have taken a serious wrong turn as a society. Maya is a brilliant community member and should be amplified in her needs and requests for this water distribution program and many more metal aid efforts of collaborative and compassionate essential care.
    Thank you,
    Pahnelopi McKenzie
    upcountry Maui resident

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Maui County Council:
    Please allow this to represent my support of the Water Distribution to the Houseless (WASSP-1(2)). As we all know, water is life. Water is a human right and in ensuring that all members of Maui County have access to it is the just, humane thing to do. I have seen first hand the benefits of Project Vision's water distribution to some of the most vulnerable community members, and how it has assisted them. It is imperative we all do our part in caring for our fellow community members, including ensuring they have access to water.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Cailin Goodier
    Pukalani, Maui, Hawai'i

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Lisa Seikai Darcy
    PO Box 1105
    Makawao, HI 96768 808.344.5300

    Re: (WASSP-1(2)) Water Distribution to the Houseless: Full Support

    Aloha Maui County Council Members,
    March 17, 2023

    Today I write to the in full support to the Water Authority, Social Services, and Parks Committee regarding agenda item (WASSP-1(2)). As someone who has intimate knowledge of this bill and who it is serving, know that this direct support is likely reducing the number of emergency room visits as we speak. Continuing this project directly support assists everyone in our community.

    Many do not think twice about being able to consume fresh water daily. During the pandemic, I personally distributed over 1000 gallons by hand though donations and continuous refills from my tiny little Toyota. Many would guzzle the hydration right in front of me and get refilled. Everyone knew its value and to have a project continue this labor some routine is a win for all community members.

    Water is a human right.
    Water cannot be commodified; it is a necessity and not a luxury.
    Water is life.

    Your support for this beautiful emotional and physical support is deeply acknowledged. Mahalo for your time and consideration.

    In partnership,

    Lisa Seikai Darcy
    Founder, Share Your Mana
    Commissioner on Healing Solutions for Homelessness