Meeting Time: February 28, 2023 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Keith Regan over 1 year ago

    Supporting much needed affordable housing for the people of Maui County is necessary if we are to address this ongoing social issue that impacts the most vulnerable in our community. The Hale Mahaolu Ke Kahua project will increase the affordable housing supply for Maui County residents. This project is an excellent example of how collaboration and cooperation is how we will find sensible solutions that move the needle in the right direction. Mahalo, Keith Regan

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    I am writing in support of this project. The recent increases in rent are creating a growing population who can't make ends meet and pay rent. Increased supply of lower priced rentals is the only answer.

    Joseph "Pete" Jalbert

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    Pamela Tumpap over 1 year ago

    Please see attached testimony in support of the project.

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    Deborah Alamillo over 1 year ago


    Please see the attached letter in support of the Hale Mahaolu Ke Kahua Rental Housing Project.


    Deborah Alamillo

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha Council. My name is Gail Nagasako a long-time resident of Waiehu.

    I am opposed to this development and the other one planned across the road. The developers submitted a Final Environmental Assessment saying there would be no impact because of the development. This is not true. There will be major impacts that in the end taxpayers will have to pay for. The roads are inadequate and traffic is already horrendous for the to work and to school people in the area. The road becomes a debris-filled river during increasingly-frequent heavy rains. The schools in the area are already at capacity. It makes no sense to take prime agricultural lands and build houses and retail space on them. Please read the EAS for both properties to see the other substantial impacts the developers are ignoring. Some of us have formed a non-profit group: and are suing the developer of the property across the road to insist on a full Environmental Impact Statement. This is needed for both properties. Otherwise, when the developer goes back to wherever they came from, we taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for all the impacts from the problems they ignored. Please do not approve this project unless you as a Council and the State build out the proper infrastructure. Without that, it should not go forward.

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    Todd Apo over 1 year ago

    On behalf of Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF) , we support the Hale Mahaolu Ke Kahua project. As we continue our work with out House Maui Initiative, we will continue to support the increase in housing supply for Maui county residents - both for sale and rental, especially at affordable rates. We believe this project will provide much needed housing for an important sector of the community. Mahalo for this opportunity to support this housing project.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    I support the growth of affordable rentals in our community. Clearly, not everyone can be or wants to be Homeowner but as we know there are very limited options available for the local residents that are not only central but also within financial reach. I am local, born and raised and yes- I have reserves but I, like so many others are affected by being in the rental pool.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    My name is Stan Franco, a long-time housing advocate. I believe this proposed project is needed to house our residents. However, it is confusing with the claim of land ownership by a Hawaiian family. So to move this project forward what if MEO and the Hawaiian family could work together to develop this project. For example, MEO could agree to reserve some of the units to be built for housing this Hawaiian family members and to preserve all sites that contained i'wi and/or cultural artifacts and the Hawaiian family to agree not to continue to contest ownership. It is important for us to work together to solve our community problems.

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    Tamzen Lovejoy over 1 year ago

    Dorvin D. Leis Co., Inc. supports Hale Maha’olu Ke Kahua affordable housing initiative! We believe this measure will help to alleviate some of the stress and pressure employers are facing due to workplace shortages caused in part by astronomical housing costs. Providing affordable housing will hopefully insure a happier, healthier workforce in Maui by giving its residents real solutions and options to stay here instead of moving to the mainland.

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    Kathren Rosales over 1 year ago

    Please see attached summary comments.

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    Jessica Gazmen over 1 year ago

    Aloha, Please see the attached document in support of this project. Mahalo!

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    Monique Ibarra, Executive Director over 1 year ago

    Please see my letter in support of the Hale Mahaolu Ke Kahua Housing project as presented by MEO, Inc.
    Thank you!

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    Sandy Baz over 1 year ago

    Aloha, please see the attached support letter for this project from former MEO executive directors Gladys Baisa and I.

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    Eleni Valan over 1 year ago

    Please see attached Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. (“HCAP”) testimony from Executive Director Robert N.E. Piper, Esq., MBA.

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    Alan Burdick over 1 year ago

    Please see attachment. Mr. Dela Cruz is testifying only via the written statement. No oral testimony.

    Thank you!!!

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    William Kamai over 1 year ago

    See Attached File

    Attachments: MEO_Ke_Kahua.pdf
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    Christopher Delaunay over 1 year ago

    See Pacific Resource Partnership's tesimony as an attachment.