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Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am a Maui resident and voter, who frequently watches the council meetings from start to finish.
    I think it's a good thing, you allowing people to give their testimony at the beginning of the meeting. But I think giving people 3 minutes per topic, is way more than they deserve. It gives people a chance to waste the entire Council's time with poorly thought out opinions, redundancy, rambling and more.
    I think it's disrespectful to the council, and the citizens of Maui. It seems like the Council ends up addressing the important issues, at the end of the day, when everyone is most likely tired, hungry, and not thinking as clearly as they were at 9 AM. That does not seem like a sustainable workflow.
    I think every citizen that gets the opportunity to talk directly to you about the important issues of the day, should have the courtesy and professionalism to express their thoughts in ONE minute. That is all anyone should need, to say how they would like you to vote, and why.
    If that is too drastic a change, may I recommend a Two minute limit, with a strict 15 seconds more to ONLY finish the thought they are on, not to start rambling about another tangent.
    To do so, would strongly encourage the public to learn how to express a thought concisely. They already do in Tweets, Texts, TikToks, etc.
    And you could inform them that in 6 months, they will only have One Minute to do so.

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    Barbara Barry almost 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose limiting public testimony and notifications for policy discussions.
    We live in a democracy last time I
    Ms. Lee is trying to remove the citizens who pay her salary from this important process.
    This is wrong and really should never has been proposed.
    It’s a blatant power grab and if Ms Lee continues to thwart the will of the citizens of Maui Country, she should be removed from Country Council Chair position.
    The same goes for anyone who votes in favor of this frightening suggestion.
    Remember that you work for all of us, not just your campaign contributors.