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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha! This submission is in support of Victoria J. Takeyasu for the position of Corporation Counsel for the County of Maui. I have known Ms. Takeyasu for three years as the supervising Deputy Attorney General for the Child Support Enforcement Agency-Maui Branch.
    As a manager, she set a fantastic work ethic for all of us to follow. Ms. Takeyasu always started her day with a smile. Her positive attitude stayed with her throughout the day no matter what happened. One of the things I admire most about Ms. Takeyasu is her ability to stay calm and collected, especially in a crisis. I would like to thank her for all of her guidance, she is humble, empathetic, and fair. As Corporation Counsel, Ms. Takeyasu will serve the County of Maui well.

    Dale M. Mole-Blaisdell

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha, this submission is in support of Victoria “Tori” Takayesu-Hamilton for the position of Corporation Counsel for the County of Maui.
    The start of my career with Maui CSEA was an easy and pleasant transition thanks to Tori. Her kindness and compassion made for an amazing work environment. She was always a fair and just supervisor to the entire staff.
    Her absence was greatly felt when she retired. Anyone who has the privilege of working with her in any capacity would be fortunate.
    Anonymous-(CSEA Maui Staff)

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha, my name is Lisa Kahuhu and I am the Admin Asst II, aka Office Manager for the Department of the Corporation Counsel. When I found out that my previous bosses would not be kept on, in my sadness, I prayed. I prayed that we would get someone who was kind and compassionate, who understands County government, and who truly cares for our community. My prayers were answered when Victoria "Tori" Takayesu was selected. Not only is Tori a kind, compassionate, and loving person who truly cares about others, but she has been a deputy corporation counsel previously and is knowledgeable about the duties of the Corporation Counsel position and the mission of the office overall. She is a brilliant attorney and can do this job. Tori is an amazing heart, a hard worker, and I am praying now that you all will see that and approve her appointment as Corporation Counsel for the County of Maui. I'm excited to see her move our office along! Mahalo for your time and consideration!

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    This letter is being submitted in support of Victoria Takayesu-Hamilton for the position of Corporation Counsel for the County of Maui. I have known her for 12 years in her capacity as the supervising Deputy Attorney General for the Maui Child Support Enforcement Agency. She demonstrated that she has the administrative skills to lead an office effectively and efficiently. In my experience, Victoria is a practical leader. In addition, she is very humble and fair.
    The Maui office of the Child Support Enforcement Agency is the only blended office combining legal operations and branch case management operations. Victoria was able to successfully manage both aspects of the office. After Victoria left the office to retire, it became quickly apparent that her absence had a negative effect on the operations and morale of the office. I was grateful and pleased when she returned to her position full time with the agency as the supervising Deputy Attorney General. After her return, the office has once again become stable.
    I support her nomination without reservation. If you have any questions, I am available. Thank you for your consideration of this letter.

    Lynette Lau

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    Brandon Flores over 1 year ago

    I am writing in strong support for Victoria Takayesu. I am the Assistant Administrator for the Hawaii Child Support Enforcement Agency, so I was able to work alongside Tori for many years. As a Deputy Attorney General, she supervised the agency's Maui operations and did so in an extraordinary manner. Not only did she oversee the legal operations of the branch, she also managed its operations, which was a unique position in all of CSEA. She oversaw an office of approximately twenty people and was able to guide them in both the legal matters as well as the day-to-day case management work. No other attorney at CSEA holds such a dual role. Since she has left, it has been very difficult to find a replacement as good as her.

    Tori also helped with larger policy issues. She was a part of the executive committee that discussed and implemented new policies and procedures for the agency. She helped with the review of legislation every session, including a more than 100 page bill proposing to repeal and replace an entire chapter of the Hawaii Revised Statutes with a model uniform law. She also helped rewrite the paternity section of the 2022 Hawaii Divorce Manual. Her ability to analyze, spot issues, determine impacts, and suggest possible solutions was an enormous help to the agency.

    Additionally, I was able to witness the way she operated in Family Court as the legal representative of the agency. Her approachable and patient manner allowed her to successfully deal with the parties, explain complex legal issues in a simple and understandable way, and reach resolutions before trial. When cases did go to hearing, she strongly and firmly advocated for the State of Hawaii. She has a good rapport with judges, but more importantly she is very friendly and respectful to court staff.

    I believe that these qualities make Tori a great candidate for Corporation Counsel. The county of Maui will benefit from her years of experience. Thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony in strong support of Victoria Takayesu.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Testimony of Lloyd A. Poelman in Support

    I am writing and commenting in support of the appointment of Victoria J. Takayesu as Corporation Counsel for Maui County.

    SECTION 2. Chapter 2.14.100 of the County Code (as well as the County Charter) provides minimum requirements for Corporation Counsel. Beyond practicing law for five years, three years of civil litigation, and three years of managerial experience are also required.
    Ms. Takeyesu has extensive experience in all required areas-- at least triple the minimum time requirements, if not more.

    I became familiar with Ms. Takeyesu when she appeared before me as a Family Court Judge. She represented the Attorney General in Child Support paternity and child support establishment cases, including forensic evidence presentation to establish her cases. I saw Ms. Takeyesu perform well as a litigator, representing the Child Support Enforcement Agency in contested adversarial cases and motions.

    I saw her present herself as an attorney with a pleasant personality and a backbone. Exactly the type of attorney that most judges appreciate.

    Now that I am a private citizen, it is so refreshing to be able to exercise my first amendment right and publicly declare my one hundred percent support in favor of the appointment of Victoria J. Takayesu as County of Maui’s next Corporation Counsel. I find her highly qualified.

    Please feel free to contact with any questions. My telephone number is (808) 276-0080.

    Thank you,

    Lloyd A. Poelman

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    Joseph Toma over 1 year ago

    I am writing and commenting in support of the appointment of Victoria Takayesu as Corporation Counsel for Maui County. I have known Ms. Takayesu since 1992 when I first arrived on Maui to work as the supervising attorney for the statewide Office of the Public Defender. At the time Ms. Takayesu was working as a deputy prosecutor in the family law section where she was a zealous and effective advocate in prosecuting accused wrongdoers. Later in our respective careers I received training from her (she was part of the training staff) before I became a parent advocate in Child Welfare cases. While I also had an extensive family court practice for several years, Ms. Takayesu would often appear in court on behalf of the Child Support Enforcement Agency where she would fairly advocate for custodial and responsible parents as well as the State of Hawaii..

    In court Ms. Takayesu was always well prepared and knowledgeable regarding the applicable law and facts of a given case and always advocated her legal position articulately and effectively. She has had extensive management and supervisory experience while serving as the managing deputy attorney general at the the Child Support Enforcement Agency on Maui for over twenty years. She has also served a deputy corporation counsel for Maui for several years earlier in her legal career.

    I believe that Ms. Takayesu would make an excellent Corporation Counsel and that she would serve that office and Maui County well.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago


    Just taking a moment to write in support of Tori. I’ve only known her a short time but she’s served diligently as the secretary of a non-profit I’m the current director of. I have been impressed with her personal character and work ethic, and hope you find it appropriate to approve her to be the new Corporate Counsel.

    Much mahalo for your consideration,

    Douglas Levin, CPA

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    Roy Whitney over 1 year ago

    I support the appointment of Victoria J. Takayasu as Corporation Council.

    Thank you,
    Roy Whitney

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    I support the appointment of Victoria J. Takayasu as Corporation Council.
    Thank you.
    Vannassa S. Au-Haupu