Meeting Time: November 16, 2022 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha PSLU Committee Chair Paltin

    Iʻm want to comment on PSLU-72. Iʻm commenting on this item as Vernon Kalanikau and a community consultant to the Maui Ocean Center as needed.
    My concern is zoning change of TMK 3-6-008-002 and 3-6-008-003.
    1. On the agenda it reads "Propose zone change from M-1 light industrial district and open zone district to B-2 business district identified as TMK 3-6-008-002 and 3-6-008-003"
    2. Proposed CD1 version of Resolution 22-253, from Councilmember Kelly Takaya King, dated November 10, 2022, proposing amendments, including a change in zoning for certain real property identified as Tax Map Key (2) 3-6-008:003 to B-3 Business District.

    - The concern I have will this zone change offer opportunities as a "advantage" for private land owners, developers and business/commercial owners to make zone changes? I donʻt understand the zoning actions thatʻs why Iʻm asking this question.
    - If this zone change is only for this proposed bill and the TMKʻs as listed, then l support the zoning change because I support a project expansion that will increase the care for Honu Rehab and a Coral Nursery. Maui Ocean Center Institute who will benefit from this zoning change would be situated adjacent to the Maui Ocean Center who have well established all efforts to malama our kai and ocean resources for a very long time and it only makes sense that both entities be in a established space that is already there.

    Just a note: If we can remember the Kihei Vet Clinic back when the County Council had allowed this owner to build in the wetland, with the thought that the Council would not allow this action to occur again. Fast forward, we had to deal with the Sujitaʻs property next to the Kihei Vet Clinic which most of us know about and Council member Kelly King knows the history to Sujitaʻs property.
    I just donʻt want this zoning change open unnecessary challenges and discussions that would impact the community plan and itʻs residents

    Vernon Kalanikau

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    November 15, 2022

    To: Councilmember Tamara Paltin, Chair and Members,
    Planning & Sustainable Land Use Committee


    Aloha Chair Paltin and Councilmembers,

    The Maalaea Village Association (MVA) Board of Directors supports the request of the Maui Ocean Center (MOC) to consolidate zoning of their Maalaea parcels to enable the MOC Marine Institute (MOCMI) to construct a turtle research/rehabilitation and coral reef recovery center.

    Currently, MOCMI treats turtle emergencies – damaged flippers, growths, propellor injuries, etc.
    Its long-term goal to replenish the coral stock in Maalaea Bay is of upmost importance not only to Maalaea Bay but to all of Maui. This new MOCMI facility would also provide valuable research opportunities for visiting scientists to address the damage to reefs from global warming. We understand that housing proposed for the MOCMI is for visiting scientists working at the facility.

    The Maalaea Village community values the Maui Ocean Center contributions to the quality of life for residents and visitors. The Maalaea conservation corridor of Maui Ocean Center, Pacific Whale Foundation, Maalaea Harbor and the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, extending to the National Humpback Whale Marine Sanctuary, would be enhanced by the proposed facility.

    Current Maui Ocean Center properties within the Maalaea triangle are a mix of 4 different zoning designations. They wish to consolidate the existing MOC footprint to "B2 Business" and “B3” for the floor area needed for the new facility. This could have a positive impact on Ma'alaea. It will bring new employment and new nature-based tourism and research opportunities to support quality vs quantity focus for Maui’s visitor industry, which will benefit our community and the future.

    It should be noted that although MOC General Manager Tapani Vuori is Vice President of MVA, he did not request nor lobby for MVA support or vote to support MVA’s position on this change in zoning. Under MVA 501c-3 bylaws, that could have been seen as a conflict of interest in this issue.

    Sincerely, With Aloha,

    Lynn Britton, Immediate Past President and Co-Founder, MVA