Meeting Time: October 31, 2022 at 9:00am HST
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    seth weaver over 2 years ago

    the deer population will continue to grow unless we take out the birth rate and reduce 2/3 now. 200k is the carrying capacity. That’s 4k the numbers now... money is good. Hunting is good. Fencing is good though it pushes the deer elsewhere where its not fenced. Fencing is also expensive at 50k per mile. DLNR needs to discuss how to reduce a substantial number asap. its seems hunters want to hunt. let them. We can utilize them but the feds will have to certify for human consumption. Anyways that can be handled after but no one is talking about reducing the herd now… its circular. Fencing does not reduce deer; it moves them elsewhere. Thus impacting watersheds there where they were before.

    Must kill 40k deer a year

    If you don’t kill 40k deer a year today the population will grow to 200k

    Hunters help but won’t kill that many. The total numbers of hunter permits is low. even the DLNR GHP and WCP don't dent the population growth rate. these are the state control permits mostly for night.

    Food is important and needs to be thought about how to allocate those recourses

    To sell must be overseen buy usda. Expensive. probably need to amend federal meat packing law on exotic game or increase inspectors and infrastructure at cost.

    Fencing pushes the deer into other regions and increases the pressure there

    As is evident here with testifiers, it seems hunters hunt however the population still grows.

    Hunting is a tool and is useful however there aren’t enough hunters to reduce the herds.

    I guess the question is we have to answer is are we okay with 200k deer on maui? Or 100k? Or do we need to reduce the numbers that we have now? Will increasing access reduce deer by 100k a year?

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    What about creating a database to connect hunters and land owners? Please allow exemption for cross bow use for anybody?
    What about possible collaboration with local golf courses and hunters?