Meeting Time: August 30, 2022 at 9:00am HST
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    Lea Hennessy over 2 years ago

    Aloha Chair and Council Members,
    I recently met Kali Arce at a Farmers Listening session on Lāna’i. I support this new position and look forward to see positive changes supporting small farmers and ranchers, developing more opportunities and resources for our outer-island-rural communities on Moloka’i and Lāna’i. Mahalo, Lea

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    Barbara Barry over 2 years ago

    Aloha Chair and Council members,
    I strongly support Rogerene "Kali" Arce as Director of Agriculture for Maui County. We are blessed to have a Hawaiian wahine of her experience and understanding with all types of agriculture and conservation/preservation experience to head this important department. I look forward to seeing positive developments and support for small farmers and ranchers and those practicing regenerative agriculture in Maui County.
    Please approve her swiftly so she can get to her important work!
    Barbara Barry

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Dear Agriculture and Public Trust Committee:

    I am Cheryl Corbiell, a resident of Molokai and I support the appointment of Kali Arce as the Director designee for the Maui County Department of Agriculture.

    I the support the appointment of Kali Arce as the Director Designee for the newly formed Maui Countyʻs Department of Agriculture. She will bring valuable experience and knowledge to this new department through her agricultural and conservation expertise.

    Kali has worked in managing a small nonprofit and the ability to secure grants. For example she demonstrated her management skills under pressure by stepping up as Acting Executive Director in the unexpected 3 month absence of the Executive Director after only being employed for 9 months.

    In her one-year term, I secured $1.14M in grants which included writing the Legacy Land grant proposals and presenting to BLNR with with the non profit president and the agency was awarded $1.1M for the partial cost of a potential Mapulehu land purchase. She also secured $35K from Maui County OED for the non profit’s plant nursery infrastructure. Lastly, she secured $6K from OHA for outreach education for native Hawaiians focusing on Mokio tours and a community open house event.

    Kali has also collaborated in my professional capacity as a member of the TNC-Earth Day Planning Committee and the successful Keiki Earth Day program. She developed and conducted these programs with the Earth Day Committee since 1994 (exluding the pandemic years).

    Kali has been lecturing as needed for UH Maui College the last 20 years covering agricultural and Hawaiian Field Biology Courses.

    I highly support Kali Arce

    Cheryl Corbiell
    PO Box 1582
    Kaunakakai, HI 96748

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    Scott Crawford over 2 years ago

    I support the nomination of Kali Arce to the position of Director of the Department of Agriculture.
    Scott Crawford