Meeting Time: June 29, 2022 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Robin Knox about 2 years ago

    Please see attached file

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    Pamela Tumpap about 2 years ago

    Please see attached written testimony.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    My Name is Debra Greene and I am testifying on behalf of the Maui Meadows Neighborhood Association (MMNA), of which I am President.

    The MMNA is in support of Bill 91, a bill for an ordinance amending the county code relating to wetlands restoration and protection.

    To my knowledge there are currently no county guidelines on the protection of these important ecosystems.

    This bill would be a step towards identifying, mapping and developing programs to manage wetlands conservation and protection.

    We support the protection and restoration of natural systems, such as the wetlands and dunes, for flood mitigation and climate change adaptation, and to protect life and property.

    Wetlands serve many important ecological functions. Among these are the ability of wetlands to filter harmful toxins, nutrients and sediment from surface and storm water runoff.

    Wetlands have the ability to store floodwaters and reduce the magnitude of flood events.

    Many neighborhoods in the South Maui District, like Maui Meadows, have been drastically impacted over the years by severe storm related flooding, the most recent of which was the December 5, 2021, Kona Low Storm. Our neighborhood suffered damages that many of our residents are still dealing with to this day.

    Restoration and protection of our vital wetlands is flood mitigation for storm water drainage and their impacts and that is one good reason to not only move Bill 91 forward, but also include wetland restoration and protection policies and implementation in the South Maui Community Plan update.

    As President of the MMNA I would like to ask: What is the status of implementing drainage upgrades and other storm water and flooding mitigations in our neighborhood?

    Perhaps this discussion can be put on a future CARE committee agenda.

    Thank you for the opportunity to testify.


    Debra Greene, PhD
    MMNA President