Meeting Time: June 14, 2022 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Many thanks to Councilman Molina and the committee members for addressing the downhill bicycle tour problem. As a small businessman I have no desire to put anyone out of business, but only wish to make public roads safer. I've had a CDL license 40 years on Maui and I have seen a lot. I have biked, run, and walked Maui roads. Now retired, I reserve sunrise tickets in advance and drive to the top of the mountain once a week, experiencing bike tours.
    My observations:
    • Tours with guides are needed. With guides, bicyclers are kept in an orderly fashion.
    • I time how long it takes to get by a tour group. It rarely exceeds 3 minutes with guides.
    • Unguided groups may be scattered over several miles, with people all over the highway.
    • Tourists driving cars, unfamiliar with the road, are taking huge risks passing on double yellow lines and around turns in effort to get around the bikers.
    • A friend, a retired Emergency Room doctor tells of how many people are injured and how few are reported. Again, the guides keep an eye on the group and prevent problems.

    Regulations are needed. Thank you all for working on this issue.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Aloha Council Member Sugimura,

    Those of us that live on Crater Rd. in Kula, are having an issue that needs addressing as it is extremely dangerous, and that is the speeding that occurs along Crater Rd. between the 1 and 3 mile markers. Although there is a double solid yellow line along the whole road, and signs that say “ NO PASSING", many tourists and some locals do not pay attention to them. Tour vans, autos, motorcycles and trucks regularly speed by our homes at 50-60 miles per hr. and continually pass other cars. There is only one speed limit sign at the bottom of Crater Rd. (which I believe is difficult to see) that says 30 miles per hour, and the rest say 15 miles per hr for the hairpin turns. This is a RESIDENTIAL neighborhood and yet drivers have no regard for those of us that live here. Many of us like to walk, bike or run along the side of the road but It has become quite scary as vehicles pass each other or swerve around bikers into on-coming lanes. There have been many near misses of cars coming too close to pedestrians. Now with summer coming and more tourists going up to Haleakalā National Park, it will only get worse. I have spoken with the police many times but there is little they can do unless they actually see it happen. They just don’t have the time or man power to sit here and tag people.

    With this situation in mind, I would like to ask you to speak to the State Highways Division and see about the possibility of installing "speed tables”, like those that have been installed near and around Kula Lodge, as well as digital speed signs showing your speed. I did notice that recently several small “Please Drive Slow” signs were installed but they are easily missed and have not made any difference to drivers. We want our neighborhood back! We should not be afraid to pull our of our driveways or walk along the road with our children and pets.

    I have also sent this letter to Council Chair Alice Lee and Mike Molina as he is trying to get legislation passed regarding regulation for the downhill bicycle tours.

    I appreciate you looking into the matter and hearing back from you at your earliest convenience.


    Ric Guild
    17607 Crater Rd, Kula
    Ph: 808-280-5789

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    Guest User over 2 years ago


    Aloha Chair Molina and GREAT Committee,

    Sometime ago our company as representatives of the industry sent a request for a panel discussion regarding GREAT 44 as it pertains to the Downhill bike industry, the community, and the businesses and local residents it affects both positively and negatively.

    This issue has a lot of concerns on both sides worth discussing and has more to it than what’s presented in the 3 minute testimonies allowed during the committee meetings. We don’t feel that there has been ample discussion, research or analyzing of the situation to make a decision on GREAT 44.

    We proposed a panel discussion in the email below sent this past April, but did not expect any immediate response as we understood budget meetings would take precedent. Now that we see GREAT-44 has made it’s way back onto the committee agenda, I’d like to again re-emphasize our request for the panel and discussion with industry experts and other leaders of the industry and community.

    Thank you for your time and efforts.


    Lewis A. Upfold
    Vice President | Chief Operations Officer
    (808) 575-9575 |

    Haleakalā Bike Company, Inc.
    Bike Maui |
    Haleakala EcoTours |
    Cruiser Phil’s |
    810 Haiku Road, Suite 120
    Haiku, Hawaii 96708

    From: Lewis Upfold
    Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 2:59 PM
    To: Yukilei Sugimura <>
    Cc: Phil Feliciano <>
    Subject: GREAT 44 Discussion

    Aloha Councilmember Sugimura,

    Allow me to express my gratitude for the opportunity to write this letter. As you know we at Haleakala Bike Company have great interest in GREAT 44 as it concerns our industry, our company, our community, and our livelihoods.
    Though we empathize with the concerns of the community and committee members, we do feel that the proposed ordinance as it is written will have dire effects on our local work force as well as some of the businesses in the areas in which we operate. There are many factors to consider when implementing such restrictions, and I don’t think those factors have been able to be coherently addressed in the testimony meetings that only allow us about 3 minutes to speak. We find difficult is that we want to express our concerns in a thorough matter, addressing factors that range from local workers to community businesses, to liability concerns, as well as our own current operations under those circumstances.

    It is for this reason that I write you today, representing Haleakala Bike Company as well as the industry, to request a Panel Discussion with the GREAT Committee. We would like to ask you, Council Member Sugimura, to propose this Panel to Chair Molina, since it does concern your district. Additionally, you have been a supporter of cordial conversation with industry leaders regarding GREAT-44 as well as a proponent of open discussion with other community matters as well.

    We would welcome the opportunity to be part of a panel that includes the committee members along with community association leaders , local merchants , MPD, and other county department heads who may have input regarding Great-44. I’m sure we would all find benefit in sharing our thoughts and expertise, as well as answer any questions you may have.

    As we understand it, the county council is occupied with your budget sessions, but when you are available to response, we look forward to it. In addition, we would still love you to visit our shop to witness our operations first hand. Thank You again for your support and Aloha.


    Lewis Upfold
    Haleakala Bike Company, Inc.


    Lewis A. Upfold
    Vice President | Chief Operations Officer
    (808) 575-9575 |

    Haleakalā Bike Company, Inc.
    Bike Maui |
    Haleakala EcoTours |
    Cruiser Phil’s |
    810 Haiku Road, Suite 120
    Haiku, Hawaii 96708