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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Aloha no e AH committee,

    As a recognized Cultural descendant to the Honuaʻula area by the MLIBC, I know all too well the desecration of Archaeological, Historical and Cultural sites as well as our iwi kupuna of this ʻĀina. I have consistently advocated to a TCP (traditional Cultural property), the connectivity between Moku o Keawe and Mauinuiakama from the shores of the ʻAhihi Kinau Preserve all the way up to Maʻalaea and into the Central Puʻuone extending through Waikapu, Wailuku, Waiehu and Waiheʻe. The famous battle of Kakanilua took place in that entire area so for a report to state the land was too dry for there to be iwi….I totally disagree. Our kupuna are buried in that dry land. In the puʻuone.

    Please do not allow the Hale Waipuilani project to go through without a complete EIS being done as this project is located in an SMA and CZM zoned area.

    I am in total opposition of any building in the puʻuone or wetlands. Our fragile ecosystem needs to be protected through the mauka makai concept.

    Mahalo nui!
    Carol Lee Kamekona

    Sent from my iPhone

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    It is the policy of Sierra Club Hawaii to support protection of areas that are officially classified as wetlands or function as wetlands during storm events. The proposed Waipuilani project is situated in an area that had been impacted by stormwaters in the past. Please listen to the resodents of the general area who are giving a truthful accounting of the property's flood prone history.

    Buildling affordable housing in areas with high risk of flooding impacts simply shifts that burden of responsibility to the future homeowners who may be investing their life savings while worsening conditions for the surrounding area as floodwaters from larger storm events have less area to be absorbed.
    Mahalo for denying this project
    Lucienne de Naie

    Chair Sierra Club Maui

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Strongly Oppose...we just went through serious Kihei flooding this past year...we know it's going to happen again and again...please do not
    approve building in a flood zone...especially's cruel to get people's hopes up in the face of such need when what is being offered will result in very high flood insurance costs (if they can get insurance after the 1st event) or it will cost Maui County millions to redirect water...which never works...Opposed

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    This is outrageous. Less than 50% of important waterflow wetland zones remain. They need mote protection not less. Zoning is in place and should remain so. If we keep covering these gulchs and removing streambed rock by demolishing boulders that took millions of years to form our island ecosystem, to be covered with housing, we will see worse flooding on the coast in the future downstream. Worse than the last storm. This should be illegal considering the insurance alone that it would cost in damages to any infrastructure that is built on this area. It is the last remaining open area in this neighborhood where water can be properly absorbed back to the land before hitting the ocean. We have collected so much data showi h why its detrimentally important to protect these areas. Considering the islands unique ecosystem to this globe developments like these show complete lack of consideration as to where housing should be properly placed. This gulch is off limits to be developed for the safety reasons and to change the zoning and develop this area or any areas like it would be failing to protect what we have left to save of South Maui's extremely important wetland systems. The globe only has one Kihei Maui and it should be protected not destroyed further. Please kokua our warning. Zoning to protect the islands waterfowl areas.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    1st of all these kinds of Projects don't belong in a regular type of Subdivision of which the Area was designed for. 2nd the prices are not affordable 3rd these new quick Permitting leads to lots of Illegal Dealings which will effect the Ownership and The Community as well 4th Find somewhere else there's a lot of Empty Cane Fields 😳 Mahalo Concerned MAUI RESIDENT IN THE AREA

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Why would you want to build these in a flood zone? the traffic is terrible and these houses are way too expensive for locals. I am concerned that these will just become second homes for canadians and californians like the rest of Kihei.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I oppose this project. As a property owner near this area, I have not seen the infrastructure upgrades that have been needed since 1975 - why should we develop now when traffic is worse and the threat of floods are imminent? This proposal area for project is in a flood zone and access roads to development will cut thru an existing flood wall threatening the safety and well being of local families. I’m all for progress but not at the cost & detriment to fellow neighbors & the environment. As a side note, ever Since the developer, Savio, has been clearing the property, tearing down more than enough huge kiawe trees for a “fire break” the wind and dust has been the worst I’ve seen since the 1970. Kiawe forests are becoming a thing of the past and it’s honestly sad to watch them tear huge swaths of them down. Mahalo for your consideration.
    Noelani Vicente

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    Trinette Furtado over 2 years ago

    Aloha Mai Kākou!
    Mahalo Councilmembers for allowing testimony for the proposed development at Waipuilani.

    I absolutely OPPOSE the development of "affordable" housing in this known flood zone and wetland. Exponentially, the project could end up being quite costly for those residents that would be severely impacted by flooding and possibly NOT have insurance coverage (or pay a steep premium).
    There are several reasons why I think the way we think about affordable housing and how that is constructed and fast tracked (in some cases) need to have more serious consideration than leaving it up to developers and investors to determine HOW our housing is going to look.
    Development in this particular area could exacerbate flooding and attendant impacts during storm events experienced by the immediately surrounding neighborhoods, due to redirection of flood channels and "armoring" that oft times speeds up the flow of water, creating various flooding issues further downslope. As everything flows to the sea, having the County dredge muliwai downslope, to receive water and minimize flooding and possible fanning out of flood waters, is only a temporary mitigation and actually does increasingly more damage to the entire system with each alteration.

    I am acutely aware of the need for affordable units, but development without putting protocols into place that would ensure these units do not "graduate" into market priced units once the deed restrictions period is over. Our inventory will never catch up with our need if we donʻt stop the bleed into market priced housing by lucky lottery winners who decide to sell at UNaffordable prices.
    (Just because some "got theirs" doesnʻt mean they should get to take advantage of the situation to keep other local families from getting a start just like they did.)
    First, applications should and can be restricted to residents by using the same kind of guidelines used to determine residency so homeowners can take advantage of different Real Property Tax rates. The County has been doing that without much detriment for years.
    Second, most "affordable" developments are often proposed in areas that are infill, somewhat problematic and leave little choice but to construct apartments instead of homes with small yards, like new families would rather have.
    Third, traffic is becoming more and more of a problem as the County neglects to do more to restrict the amount of rental vehicles on the road from large rental companies that have overrun the airport ConRac and no one can deny that the South Maui area suffers from heavy traffic on small roads connected to ONE lifeline: Pi`ilani-Mokulele (Veterans Hwy). Developments that are high density like apartment complexes have MORE people parking than in developments with home/yard units. Traffic from this development would absolutely impact traffic as it is currently.
    Fourth, wetlands are invaluable parts of a larger system that not only mitigates flooding and drainage, but also provides critical habitat for native species that are necessary parts of the brackish and salt water biota. To develop further in a wetland, destroys the ability of that area to adequately and competently serve is purpose and carry out its function.
    Finally, though cultural and historical connections make very little difference when it comes to money and the way housing is framed so that it is a "this or that" kind of choice where we all DOend up feeling the negative/ill effects of short-sightedness or reluctance to consider all factors when looking at the bottom financial line, I feel the need to remind this Council that the area was historically revered fishponds and areas where our Mō`ī Ali`i: Pi`ilani and his pi`o wahine Lā`ielohelohe frequented with their hoaaloha and other important ali`i and konohiki of Maui. There were large loko i`a (the remnants of some still visible today) and some areas were so special that they were gifted to or named after a special person (like another wetland in Kula Kai next to the MediSpa, gifted to and named after Lā`ielohelohe. These facts are important and should be considered seriously, along with the "bottom line" of any forecasted or anticipated profit.

    Again, I OPPOSE this project and hope that you will do so also.

    Mahalo for your time,

    Trinette Furtado

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I oppose, as this is not the right type of build for our neighborhood. I live across the street from the proposed property. The area is not setup to accommodate this type and amount of housing. The area does not have the infrastructure. These apartments would be better received in a neighborhood with the same type of Constuction. If it were multiple single family homes that matched the area I would not be opposed.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I am Rebecca Kaneapua Alexander,
    an owner and resident at 15 East
    Waipuilani directly across the street of
    this project on topic. I agree we need affordable housing located elsewhere but NOT here on Waipuilani road! I strongly OPPOSE!!!

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Robert Aldrich
    I OPPOSE the Hale Waipuilani Project (AH-17) located at 16 Waipuilani Road, Kihei.
    The property is a wetland, is in an AH flood zone and an Extreme Tsunami Evacuation Zone. It would be amoral to allow a development here.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I oppose this project. I question how affordable this will be for homeowners and the quality of the subdivision.

    Will the subdivision have County maintained sewer, water, roads, and of course flood prevention such as swale, not to mention requiring elevated housing? If not, no!

    The starting HOA fees are too high to just be for common grounds maintenance. Will this affordable housing require residents to maintain roads, water, and/or sewer lines as they age? Is everything in the plans to modern code, including width of roads? If not, no!

    How will traffic be introduced into an already crowded area? Just one street in and out, no!

    Please find a better location for the builder and use County money or incentives to cover any increase in land costs.

    Frankly, to build in a flood zone is taking advantage of your citizens. Require flood resistant homes with all county amenities provided and built in every way to modern Maui construction codes or build it elsewhere.
    L Gyori

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    so if no action is taken on this issue of approve or not approve it’s considered approved when the time limit is reached. so that means for what ever reason it is delayed or STALLED it’s still ???approved so what your saying you can stall this vote and it will be approved no matter what WHAT?

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Please oppose

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    To Our Maui County Council Members,

    This letter is in regards to the proposed Hale Wiapuilani project for 16 E. Waipuilani Road in Kihei Hawaii.

    To be clear I am NOT opposed to affordable housing, on the other hand I AM opposed to poor planning for these type of developments. Poor planning stems from the Maui county leaving the planning to the developers. No development would happen if profit was not the main factor in their decisions. It may be good business for the developers, but poor planning is problematic for the residents. While developers will walk with their profit, they leave the neighborhood with the poor planning problems. My concern is when these foreseen problems surface, who is held responsible and by what ways and means will these problems be addressed.
    I can understand why the Mayor and or the Governor of this great state would pass or approve such an endeavor, more taxes for the state more feathers for their political career, but you, our the Maui County Council members are the ones that recommend approval, without a whisper of accountability and mostly just finger pointing in the end. So what I am saying is, to have a successful affordable housing project it needs a good foundation which begins with ACCOUNTABILITY. At this meeting Yay or Nay, who amongst the county council will raise their hand accepting the responsibility of this development and the problems that will need to be addressed when the developers disappear.

    To start with, what needs to be in place first hand is we need a safe escape route for natural disasters, development or no development. We need pedestrian safe passage along Waipuilani Rd. One selling point for these developers is this development is within walking distance to Safeway and a nice ocean front park. What they don’t say is you will need to take your guardian angel with you when crossing So Kihei Rd. or walking along Wiapuilani Rd to Safeway. We need alternative routes to get to work or out of harm’s way, being hampered daily by ongoing road construction and or accidents. The list goes on an on.

    Again I ask who is going to raise their hand accepting responsibility for good or bad planning. Approval takes a majority, a good foundation is to see a majority of hands taking responsibility for this “Um” affordable housing development. I am humbly asking, “Please do what you are hired for” , “Pay attention to your community, and do good planning”. This neighborhood is not ready for this development by any means.


    Larry Padilla
    Founder and Owner
    Padilla Designs LLC
    1087 S Kihei Rd.
    Kihei, HI. 96753
    (808) 268-7789

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    To Our Maui County Council Members,

    This letter is in regards to the proposed Hale Wiapuilani project for 16 E. Waipuilani Road in Kihei Hawaii.

    To be clear I am NOT opposed to affordable housing, on the other hand I AM opposed to poor planning for these type of developments. Poor planning stems from the Maui county leaving the planning to the developers. No development would happen if profit was not the main factor in their decisions. It may be good business for the developers, but poor planning is problematic for the residents. While developers will walk with their profit, they leave the neighborhood with the poor planning problems. My concern is when these foreseen problems surface, who is held responsible and by what ways and means will these problems be addressed.
    I can understand why the Mayor and or the Governor of this great state would pass or approve such an endeavor, more taxes for the state more feathers for their political career, but you, our the Maui County Council members are the ones that recommend approval, without a whisper of accountability and mostly just finger pointing in the end. So what I am saying is, to have a successful affordable housing project it needs a good foundation which begins with ACCOUNTABILITY. At this meeting Yay or Nay, who amongst the county council will raise their hand accepting the responsibility of this development and the problems that will need to be addressed when the developers disappear.

    To start with, what needs to be in place first hand is we need a safe escape route for natural disasters, development or no development. We need pedestrian safe passage along Waipuilani Rd. One selling point for these developers is this development is within walking distance to Safeway and a nice ocean front park. What they don’t say is you will need to take your guardian angel with you when crossing So Kihei Rd. or walking along Wiapuilani Rd to Safeway. We need alternative routes to get to work or out of harm’s way, being hampered daily by ongoing road construction and or accidents. The list goes on an on.

    Again I ask who is going to raise their hand accepting responsibility for good or bad planning. Approval takes a majority, a good foundation is to see a majority of hands taking responsibility for this “Um” affordable housing development. I am humbly asking, “Please do what you are hired for” , “Pay attention to your community, and do good planning”. This neighborhood is not ready for this development by any means.


    Larry Padilla
    Founder and Owner
    Padilla Designs LLC
    1087 S Kihei Rd.
    Kihei, HI. 96753
    (808) 268-7789

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Aloha .. i humbly ask you to OPPOSE this project .. i live in the area .. there are no sidewalks .. no lighting .. no drainage .. only a one-lane dead-end road for this project .. this is a wetlands area and a flood zone .. when it rains .. knee-deep mud (i have walked in the mud-filled streets) .. would recommend the council have a 'site inspection' so that you can see how this area is not suitable for this project .. mahalo .. adele rugg

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Aloha, I live on Hoonani street, a neighborhood that is dealing with the same issues. I oppose this due to the fact that it is a flood zone and a wetland acting as a natural flood retention basin. If you remove this area for building hardscape you will only negatively impact the surrounding homes and ocean. I have lived in this area for over 45 years and have seen the flooding damage first hand, it will only get worse if this land gets developed. There are more appropriate areas to create affordable homes. I hope that you can make decisions that put people, their lives, homes and safety before any profits. Thank you

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    First of all my Name is Rick Alexander and I've lived there through all sorts of Tsunamis, Rains, Floods Etc. There's no way that this or any type of Development can be done in this area that will not EFFECT the COMMUNITY in this AREA. As My Neighbor David Wrote In His 40 plus Letter With Pictures Of Proof ✔️ And Documentation. We've known GRAMA BETTY who OWNED this Property and also who Moved That House From PUUNENE Also where I was BORN AND RAISED and Her Dieing Wishes were for Her OHANA Generations to come. Unfortunately like Lots of LOCAL BORN Her Granddaughter Brooke had to move to TENNESSEE along with her 2 Girls who now can only come to Visit Their Father 😥 When I Met Lawrence Carnicelli and Doyle Betsill along with David and Susie and others from our IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORS He seemed to Understand the Importance Not to PROCEED WITH THIS PROJECT But Doyle with His Sassy Attitude was just Laughing and said No Matter What We Think Or Say it will go through 👹💩💯 I Looked At DOYLE BETSILL and Said Your Still A PILGRIM HAOLE And LAWRENCE CARNICELLI Just Looked At Me At The Time in AGREEMENT. After that I talked with Lawrence about it and he said it's his Job but knows how the Community Feels but it's BUSINESS and then I Started To See The True Colors of LAWRENCE CARNICELLI and Found Out He was Actually the CONTRACTOR 👹💩💯 Then when OHUKAI Project Started and all of a Sudden the OBLIGATIONS Of Sidewalks and other Improvements of which They were to do According to Submittal the County Has To Do It Of Which Is TAXES FROM LOCAL RESIDENTS 🤔 Anyway Back To WAIPUILANI PROJECT. If This PROJECT Goes Through 😠 This Will Prove That LOCAL RESIDENTS Have No Say In This *CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY* Of Which ****MAUI LOCALS**** Have Been VICTIMS Of For Years Pass. By The Way If You Dig Up The Corner Of W WAIPUILANI Maui Sunset Side You Will Find A DRAINAGE CULVERT That Was Placed In Order For That Project To Be Built Years Ago But Because It Flowed Between The COUNTY PARK And MAUI SUNSET They COVERED IT UP OVER THE YEARS. Infact When The COUNTY Dug It Up Years Ago They Eventually Covered It Up Again and Also COVERED The Outlet As Well. MY POINT TO THIS WHOLE ORDEAL IS THAT SADLY ENOUGH SOME OF YOU TAKE BRIBES JUST LIKE PLANNING, PERMITTING, DEPARTMENT HEADS ETC. Yes Look At The NAPILI/KAPALUA PROJECT Another **PILGRIM HAOLE** Taking Advantage Of LOCAL PEOPLE😥✔️🇬🇧 REALLY IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR ISLAND MAUI YOU WOULD RECONSIDER THIS PROJECT AND OTHERS LIKE IT 👍 And Remember What I've Been Saying To You All👂In Order To QUALIFY For ****AFFORDABLE HOUSING**** You Should Be A Full Time RESIDENT Of MAUI at TEN YEARS Or More To Even QUALIFY and Then Another TEN YEARS To Sell 🤔 Then Options One Sell To Next Person In Line Then Pass On To LOCAL RESIDENTS. I Know None Of You Will Read This But If You Do I Would Appreciate Your Feedback On My Feeling About MY ISLAND MAUI 🏝 😊 MAHALO And ALOHA ✔️🇬🇧💯🇬🇧🤙

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Aloha, I oppose this project because it is inappropriate to place "affordable housing" in a location that floods and will cause environment damage by creating more hardscape where we need ground percolation. It is a very bad idea. Thank you for understanding this and for trying to protect the aina.