I am writing to STRONGLY OPPOSE the Waipuilani Hale Affordable Housing proposal for 16 E. Waipuilani Road in Kihei (AH-17)
My name is Mary Jo Padilla and I live at 1087 S. Kihei Rd. Our property is adjacent to this proposed project at 16 E Waipuilani Rd. I have lived in this home since 1995. Over the course of these years our neighborhood has been subjected to numerous floodings, evacuation orders, automobile accidents, pedestrian injuries and fatalities and traffic congestion.There have been times we could not even leave our property due to flooding. We have had water up to our front door!!! It is a fact that not only is this a high risk flood zone but it is a NOTORIOUS flood zone area. Our neighborhood has aging infrastructure and this property at 16 E. Waipuilani Rd. acts as a de facto detention basin for stormwater for this area. Allowing this dense project will create additional flooding to neighboring properties. We have no sidewalks and no stormwater management system. 16 E. Waipuilani St. is located in a FEMA flood zone, a tsunami evacuation zone and is in an SMA area. Waipuilani Rd. is the tsunami evacuation street for the area!
I walked my neighborhood. I spoke with my neighbors and helped to collect over 200 signatures for the submitted petition opposing this proposed development. NO ONE, not one single person I spoke with was in favor of this project. Many people were not even aware of this proposed development. To allow 28 residences/townhomes (with one, two, and 3 bedrooms totaling 72 bedrooms) and 59 parking spaces to be built in this location, on only a 1.53 acre space, is not only unsafe but totally irresponsible of any builder/developer to even consider this location for such a dense project. There are two proposed entry/exits for this housing development. One on E. Waipuilani Rd.and one on Kauha'a St. Both streets are so narrow and there are so many cars parked on both sides of both streets daily that there is barely room for one car to drive through. The developer of this project is offering 59 parking spaces for residents of this project. Three (3) of these are for guests. Three parking spaces for guests of 28 homes! This is ludicrous! Guests will be parking on the street. Worse, what will happen in a fire, in an evacuation? It is likely a fire truck or ambulance would not even be able to access this development safely. People will be trapped. Please DO NOT APPROVE THIS PROPOSAL!
The developer created a "counter -petition" on-line where they stated that the infrastructure for this project IS IN. What infrastructure are they referring to? Currently there is no infrastructure to handle even the existing residences in our neighborhood and now they want to add 28 townhomes to it!
The developer promised to share documents with residents including traffic reports, cultural reports and meeting minutes. None of these promises were kept. The developer is asking for exemptions to zoning laws and SMA requirements.
I am asking you, our elected council members, to please listen to us, the residents of this neighborhood who have lived here for years and know the impact of development in this highly sensitive area. Please do not approve the 16 E. Waipuilani Road housing project. It should be relocated to a sustainable and suitable area.
Maui County continues to approve and build housing for everyone outside of Hawaii and ignores the housing issue we have had for years for our own locals that have lived here for all their lives. I drive to Wailea and see more development but us locals that have lived here all our lives still cannot afford our own home to raise our families. We’re forced to live mulitple families and generations under one roof. Who here can afford a home that is 1.2 million? I think our County Council needs to shift their focus to the full time residents here on Maui and do something about the housing crisis here. I support all affordable housing on our island. We need more housing for our residents and enough housing and development for the mainlanders!! Unfortunately we continue to beat the same dead horse with this issue and I really have no in faith in our County Council.
100% in support of affordable housing. However, I am concerned about the flood zoning of this particular project and that not all of the homes are for local people at affordable rates. 50% affordable projects are still feeding the bigger problem we face in our market. BUT the people who live here are desperate for homes they can afford and we need more fully SAFE, fully affordable homes.
Born and raised on the island of Maui I’ve lived the majority of my life on South Kihei Road.
I agree with many of the topics regarding the development And why it is a bad location and poor planning.
Many of the traffic issues is a very big concern.I live just a few houses down the road. I experience firsthand every day how dangerous the conditions can be at Waipuilani intersection .
It is clear to me that the infrastructure in place is not adequate to allow such a development to function properly. There are many arguments .
I feel that safety is the most important . And if this development is allowed to proceed without proper infrastructure it is blatantly clear that the people approving this development does not care about the safety of the local people in the area.
Please don’t call this project “affordable” housing or workforce housing at a median income of $96K to qualify. Whoever came up with that number is not realistic. There are lots of single-parents who need a home for their kids who will not get in this project. Even as a bachelor I would need to get a second or third job to make the monthly mortgage.
I’m all for affordable housing but make it affordable.
I was looking forward to get in the lottery for the workforce at Hale Kailoa but when I saw the income bracket to qualify at lowest income of $76K I was crushed. I would have to live on Ramen Soup. At least I’ll he able to afford the soup, maybe.
These projects are more force-to-work and dream crushers than affordable.
I should mention, like everyone mentioned, bad traffic in Kihei and we pay hundreds of dollars at DMV to maintain the roads, I mean to keep the potholes and cracks on the road, let alone congested traffic.
I do not believe the terms of the affordable housing program that is proposed or have been proposed are in favor of the local persons who need housing.
The terms create an indentured mortgage system that only seems to benefit the developers who profit from the homes sold at market value. If you review and evaluate the terms of purchase for those qualified ID they stay qualified, it’s not in the favor of the underprivileged local or working community. I strongly oppose. Our land shouldn’t be used to develop for profit but should be used to close the variance between local land being owned by local people as opposed to foreign investors and the wealthy.
I, too, support Hale Waipulani and all affordable housing. My only addition is that I oppose ANY race or langue-based requirements to apply. Those who oppose affordable housing are either unrealistic or "NIMBY" folks who don't care about others. Maui NEEDS more housing like this!
My name is Gabriel E Krueger resident of 36 E waipuilani rd.
Here are some talking points with my additional comments. My perspective is coming from a contractor, which is what I do for a living and as a resident.
• New Housing should not be located in high-risk areas, such as flood zones (Why is the county considering this project when other residents have to abide by the county laws with no exceptions)
• This oversized development is poorly placed in a flood plain and notorious flood zone. (The lot should be 4-5 single-family dwelling with ohanas, like the adjacent neighborhood)
• The area in particular has an aging infrastructure, no sidewalks, and no stormwater management system. (During the day Waipuilani rd has already way to much traffic and walking /biking pedestrians have nowhere to go except the middle of the road.) (pets/children are high risk for accidents)
• This high-density project will increase traffic problems for local residents and South Maui. (These intersections are already maxed out and added 28 units and the people associated to that is way too much....more people more cars more accidents)
• This Developer has a long history of building in wetlands, and flood zones, and degrading the watershed. (When my house was built around 1991 the FEMA maps were not updated as they are now. Kihei is already a disaster when it comes to excess rain as we found out on December 12th 2021...mud slides)
• Approx 200 local residents signed a petition against this project, but the developers have now created a "counter-petition". (The counter-petition if signed by someone who has no clue about this area, we do need more affordable housing...100% but not here. )
• Local residents have informed the Builder about the potential harm to Archeological Sites (including nearshore fishponds) etc. Residents have repeatedly informed Builders about flooding issues, traffic problems, and pedestrian safety issues. (This proposed development needs to live somewhere where it would fit into the community)
• The Developer's representative has been disingenuous with the local residents at several meetings and has repeatedly failed to provide meeting minutes and reports that were requested and promised to the residents. (Red flag)
• Documents not shared by the Developer with residents include Traffic reports, Cultural Reports, Meeting Minutes, etc. (Red flag)
• Traffic problems decrease area safety, by increasing the number of residents needing evacuation during natural hazards, tsunamis, etc. (Again 4-5 homes not 28)
• Increased Traffic reduces the ability of EMS to access these areas and reduces their ability to provide timely responses. (More traffic more problems, thinking we have a lot of issues to deal with before we add more problems with no solution)
• This project is asking for exemptions to Zoning laws and SMA requirements.(Why do we give exemptions to something that clearly shouldn't be there, please use common sense)
• The project does not solve housing problems for local people (50 percent or more could be sold to new residents from the mainland etc). (Red flag)
My biggest red flag is the fact that Dwayne Betsill was walking the neighborhood asking my neighbors to give up the right to their easement. Asking them to sign paperwork they had no clue as to what it was regarding. This tells me that they needed more square footage to get more buildings approved. Luckily, the neighbor came to their senses before signing this over, which is why the proposed development is smaller now. This tells me that this deal, from the beginning, was and is wrong. Unfortunately, the original buyer of the lot was going to build 4-5 homes with ohanas and was outbid at the last minute by the current group. It hasn't been right from the beginning and never will be. If this goes through this area of Kihei will be forever affected negatively. The trickle-down effect will affect other areas as well.
As our county representatives, please use common sense, Yes, we need more housing in Maui that may be priority #1. However, it needs to be built in the correct area where it fits into the local surroundings. I challenge you as our county leaders to imagine what this project would do to this area.
Please use common sense, we are counting on you to do the right thing.
To: Maui County Council and Planning Commission
From: Scott Martin
Subject: Waipuilani Hale 16 East Waipuilani, Kihei, HI 96753
To all those willing to read and listen to the concerns of the community immediately impacted by a development in a single family residential neighbor hood,
My name is Scott Martin, I grew up in Kihei and still live in Kihei. The development and the changes are astronomically crazy. Development is inevitable, but smart development is what is needed. I am writing to you to Oppose the development of Waipuilani Hale.
First and foremost who is really going to be able to afford what is being proposed. With the cost of building materials going up and interest rates going up, I know for myself I can not, and neither will my kids be able to. As A Fireman working two jobs, there is no way I can afford this place. The developer talks about the median income family being able to buy these units. Median income for them is $96,000. I can show you my federal income taxes and I don’t make that. According to the developer, both parents and a working child would make enough to purchase a 3 bedroom unit. Show me a working child that gives there income to their parents for a house.
This complex will be over shadowing existing single family homes. Families that have lived in their homes from the 1970’s will be giving up their privacy. We all know what happens when it rains in Kihei. This area is famous for flooding. All of the existing resident can attest to that. The developer states they will not be building in and existing wetland area. All of Kihei is a wetland area. Waipuilani road has standing water after every rain, and this particular parcel has standing water on it after every rain. The developer will have to raise the grade of their property to avoid any flooding of their development. Guess where that water will go, to all the existing residents. Is it fair to punish those that have lived there going on 50 years to appease this developer?
Waipuilani and South Kihei road intersection is a high traffic area, Especially after opening it up to Piilani. This development will only put more stress on this area. More traffic means more accidents. This part of South Kihei Road is very narrow, there are no sidewalks, no storm drains, and Utility poles very close to the traffic lanes. I have a bright idea lets put a round a bout, how about raised curbs in the median, how about another traffic light. Sorry for the sarcasm, but all bad ideas. A good idea is to put lighted cross walks, either with street lights on both sides of the road, or Yellow flashing cross walks. Which leads to the next point, infrastructure.
The infrastructure of Kihei is aging. We have foul smelling pump stations, corroded water valves that can not be turned off, an unfinished north south collector road, and all the things mentioned above. Unsafe cross walks, lack of sidewalks, flooding issues. How will this development help any of these problems? It wont it will only contribute to making more problems.
There is no doubt we need affordable housing for the local people. When asked what happens if the locals can’t afford these units what would happen, the developer could not answer. We all know what that means, more affordable housing for the malihini, or sold for market priced not to the local people that it is intended for. If the county truly wants to put locals in houses, build houses. Why do keep wanting to put our local families in apartments? Why would the council and whoever decide to change the zoning from single family to multi family? I am pretty sure the developer could put this same project in a different area. 5 – 7 single family homes could be comfortably built on this lot and the developer could still make a profit. It is time the county start putting our locals in truly affordable houses not housing units.
When the developer was asked how many parking stalls per unit, they said 1 or 2. So where will all the cars be parked? On Waipuilani next to our existing houses? Wait didn’t they say to meet median income there needs to be 3 incomes per household to afford these? The developer stated people can walk to work or catch the bus. Kihei villages, South pointe, Kenolio apartments, all good examples of not enough parking per unit. If 3 incomes are really needed there should be enough parking for 3 cars per unit.
If I have not made a clear and concise argument as to why this development should not go forward please call me and we can discuss this further. I can be reached by phone 808-264-1395. I apologize for not being present in the zoom meeting, but I will be working my second job so I can afford to still live in Maui.
May god be with you and help and guide you to make the right and just decision for the residents of Waipuilani and South Kihei Road.
Me Ke Aloha,
Scott Martin
We need affordable homes and there needs to be more rules about who can apply. Affordable housing should be for those born and raised here in Hawai’i. Stop giving it to those “residents” that have been living here in hawaii for a couple of years. Priority should also go to those who either are of Hawaiian descent or those who are fluent or learning ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i. How much people in Hawaii overall speak ‘Ōlelo? Not much! The language was oppressed and now the very ones who speak it and or keep the culture alive are been driven out because it’s just not affordable!!
Affordable housing is in crisis mode on Maui. What happens when the working class cannot afford to live here? Properties like Kahana Manor have recently allowed vacation rentals after years of not being legal? How can this be? One of the few properties locals could afford now over run with investors driving up the price and displacing long term renters who lived there for years. This property has become a budget hotel further taxing the infrastructure and attracting the vacation clientele that does not spends $
Aloha my name is Brandi Corpuz and I am from the wetlands of Kihei. I am writing to you today to oppose the Hale-Waipuilani Project in Kihei. This project is not a truly affordable housing project yet it has been given special streamlined permitting. It is actually too expensive for the average local person to afford. There seems to be a surge in Kihei for developers to claim that their developments are affordable or workforce housing but this is a sales pitch not a reality.
We need real affordable houses for our local community now. Even if its affordable rentals rather than to buy. This type of project only sets our economy up for more “gold prospecting” of our land. I call it a gold rush! Developers and real estate people are buying up all of our affordable or semi affordable houses and either flipping them or renting them for double what their mortgages are! This has to stop immediately before we tip to a side where there is no return. Our island cant afford to lose anymore of our local workforce to mainland workers and our local workforce cant afford to pay these prices.
Giving these developers tax breaks and incentives does not make sense either? Why dont you give homeowners tax breaks to rent to local people? Why dont you give local people those incentives to buy their own home? These developers are making double profit by having the tax breaks and selling the homes for top dollar.
This project and the other one on Hoonani are proposed to be built on top of our wetlands and will destroy our natural resources that we are trying to protect. They are using some of our oldest communities' infrastructure to save on that part of their development cost too. They are getting a free pass by being able to bypass EIS and CIS because of special permitting and it is all against our existing communities wishes. This project will cause catastrophic consequences for all of the local people who already live in these areas.
This project and the Hoonani project will cause worse flooding for homeowners in this area because they will be built on top of a natural water retention and filtration system that exist in our wetlands. They will add to the infrastructure problems on South Kihei Road, that allows for flooding and major traffic problems in the areas they are proposed to be built.
We live on the street next to this proposed project and we only have 1 way in/out through South Kihei Road. Our traffic getting out of our road is already super bad so putting hundreds of more cars in this area will add to our continuous problems with traffic on South Kihei Road. It is a problem that can not be helped until major infrastructure is done on our roads.
No large or small housing projects should be built in this area for any reason at this time. Flood mitigation and Road upgrades must be done before anything more is ever built in these communities. Waipuilani, Namauu and Hoonani streets are already overly populated and they should not be taken advantage of by predatory developers looking to make millions during one of the hardest times in our history.
Our Kihei Community Vision plan calls for open spaces and I propose that this area and Hoonani project areas be bought by the county or state so that they can remain open spaces and protect our natural resources. The value of this land is for it to remain a wetland so that it can help us, rather than hurt our existing community members and other natural resources. No developer should be allowed to go forward with a project that will hurt the communities that it is proposed to be built in. Once this is allowed to go forward there is no turning back and WE will be left to deal with the aftermath of poor decisions and planning. Developers only care about their bottom line and the money that will be made. They have no regard for our local community and should not be allowed to ruin our way of life to make more money.
There are many empty buildings that could be turned into affordable rentals and lots of land in North Kihei that could be used to build affordable homes on. Please look into more appropriate and realistic housing projects so that it can be truly affordable without costing the rest of us so much. The value of our wetlands and way of life is more precious than anything. We look to you for protection. Please say no to this devastating project and any others of its kind.
Sincerely, Brandi Corpuz
Namauu Place homeowner
EAH Housing supports the Hale Waipuilani for-sale housing project which will provide more housing opportunities for residents of Maui to remain on Maui.
Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Carney
Vice President, EAH Housing
The Hale Waipuilani Workforce Housing neighborhood is
100% workforce housing
100% owner occupied
100% local Maui Residents
100% priced by County
0% vacation rentals
0% investor owned
It is for these reasons that I support this project.
John A. H. Tomoso+
51 Ku'ula Street, Kahului, HI 96732-2906
Good Morning,
I am writing to STRONGLY OPPOSE the Waipuilani Hale Affordable Housing proposal for 16 E. Waipuilani Road in Kihei (AH-17)
My name is Mary Jo Padilla and I live at 1087 S. Kihei Rd. Our property is adjacent to this proposed project at 16 E Waipuilani Rd. I have lived in this home since 1995. Over the course of these years our neighborhood has been subjected to numerous floodings, evacuation orders, automobile accidents, pedestrian injuries and fatalities and traffic congestion.There have been times we could not even leave our property due to flooding. We have had water up to our front door!!! It is a fact that not only is this a high risk flood zone but it is a NOTORIOUS flood zone area. Our neighborhood has aging infrastructure and this property at 16 E. Waipuilani Rd. acts as a de facto detention basin for stormwater for this area. Allowing this dense project will create additional flooding to neighboring properties. We have no sidewalks and no stormwater management system. 16 E. Waipuilani St. is located in a FEMA flood zone, a tsunami evacuation zone and is in an SMA area. Waipuilani Rd. is the tsunami evacuation street for the area!
I walked my neighborhood. I spoke with my neighbors and helped to collect over 200 signatures for the submitted petition opposing this proposed development. NO ONE, not one single person I spoke with was in favor of this project. Many people were not even aware of this proposed development. To allow 28 residences/townhomes (with one, two, and 3 bedrooms totaling 72 bedrooms) and 59 parking spaces to be built in this location, on only a 1.53 acre space, is not only unsafe but totally irresponsible of any builder/developer to even consider this location for such a dense project. There are two proposed entry/exits for this housing development. One on E. Waipuilani Rd.and one on Kauha'a St. Both streets are so narrow and there are so many cars parked on both sides of both streets daily that there is barely room for one car to drive through. The developer of this project is offering 59 parking spaces for residents of this project. Three (3) of these are for guests. Three parking spaces for guests of 28 homes! This is ludicrous! Guests will be parking on the street. Worse, what will happen in a fire, in an evacuation? It is likely a fire truck or ambulance would not even be able to access this development safely. People will be trapped. Please DO NOT APPROVE THIS PROPOSAL!
The developer created a "counter -petition" on-line where they stated that the infrastructure for this project IS IN. What infrastructure are they referring to? Currently there is no infrastructure to handle even the existing residences in our neighborhood and now they want to add 28 townhomes to it!
The developer promised to share documents with residents including traffic reports, cultural reports and meeting minutes. None of these promises were kept. The developer is asking for exemptions to zoning laws and SMA requirements.
I am asking you, our elected council members, to please listen to us, the residents of this neighborhood who have lived here for years and know the impact of development in this highly sensitive area. Please do not approve the 16 E. Waipuilani Road housing project. It should be relocated to a sustainable and suitable area.
Mary Jo Padilla
(808) 879-0938
Maui County continues to approve and build housing for everyone outside of Hawaii and ignores the housing issue we have had for years for our own locals that have lived here for all their lives. I drive to Wailea and see more development but us locals that have lived here all our lives still cannot afford our own home to raise our families. We’re forced to live mulitple families and generations under one roof. Who here can afford a home that is 1.2 million? I think our County Council needs to shift their focus to the full time residents here on Maui and do something about the housing crisis here. I support all affordable housing on our island. We need more housing for our residents and enough housing and development for the mainlanders!! Unfortunately we continue to beat the same dead horse with this issue and I really have no in faith in our County Council.
100% in support of affordable housing. However, I am concerned about the flood zoning of this particular project and that not all of the homes are for local people at affordable rates. 50% affordable projects are still feeding the bigger problem we face in our market. BUT the people who live here are desperate for homes they can afford and we need more fully SAFE, fully affordable homes.
Born and raised on the island of Maui I’ve lived the majority of my life on South Kihei Road.
I agree with many of the topics regarding the development And why it is a bad location and poor planning.
Many of the traffic issues is a very big concern.I live just a few houses down the road. I experience firsthand every day how dangerous the conditions can be at Waipuilani intersection .
It is clear to me that the infrastructure in place is not adequate to allow such a development to function properly. There are many arguments .
I feel that safety is the most important . And if this development is allowed to proceed without proper infrastructure it is blatantly clear that the people approving this development does not care about the safety of the local people in the area.
Ian P. Padilla
Please don’t call this project “affordable” housing or workforce housing at a median income of $96K to qualify. Whoever came up with that number is not realistic. There are lots of single-parents who need a home for their kids who will not get in this project. Even as a bachelor I would need to get a second or third job to make the monthly mortgage.
I’m all for affordable housing but make it affordable.
I was looking forward to get in the lottery for the workforce at Hale Kailoa but when I saw the income bracket to qualify at lowest income of $76K I was crushed. I would have to live on Ramen Soup. At least I’ll he able to afford the soup, maybe.
These projects are more force-to-work and dream crushers than affordable.
I should mention, like everyone mentioned, bad traffic in Kihei and we pay hundreds of dollars at DMV to maintain the roads, I mean to keep the potholes and cracks on the road, let alone congested traffic.
I do not believe the terms of the affordable housing program that is proposed or have been proposed are in favor of the local persons who need housing.
The terms create an indentured mortgage system that only seems to benefit the developers who profit from the homes sold at market value. If you review and evaluate the terms of purchase for those qualified ID they stay qualified, it’s not in the favor of the underprivileged local or working community. I strongly oppose. Our land shouldn’t be used to develop for profit but should be used to close the variance between local land being owned by local people as opposed to foreign investors and the wealthy.
I, too, support Hale Waipulani and all affordable housing. My only addition is that I oppose ANY race or langue-based requirements to apply. Those who oppose affordable housing are either unrealistic or "NIMBY" folks who don't care about others. Maui NEEDS more housing like this!
My name is Gabriel E Krueger resident of 36 E waipuilani rd.
Here are some talking points with my additional comments. My perspective is coming from a contractor, which is what I do for a living and as a resident.
• New Housing should not be located in high-risk areas, such as flood zones (Why is the county considering this project when other residents have to abide by the county laws with no exceptions)
• This oversized development is poorly placed in a flood plain and notorious flood zone. (The lot should be 4-5 single-family dwelling with ohanas, like the adjacent neighborhood)
• The area in particular has an aging infrastructure, no sidewalks, and no stormwater management system. (During the day Waipuilani rd has already way to much traffic and walking /biking pedestrians have nowhere to go except the middle of the road.) (pets/children are high risk for accidents)
• This high-density project will increase traffic problems for local residents and South Maui. (These intersections are already maxed out and added 28 units and the people associated to that is way too much....more people more cars more accidents)
• This Developer has a long history of building in wetlands, and flood zones, and degrading the watershed. (When my house was built around 1991 the FEMA maps were not updated as they are now. Kihei is already a disaster when it comes to excess rain as we found out on December 12th 2021...mud slides)
• Approx 200 local residents signed a petition against this project, but the developers have now created a "counter-petition". (The counter-petition if signed by someone who has no clue about this area, we do need more affordable housing...100% but not here. )
• Local residents have informed the Builder about the potential harm to Archeological Sites (including nearshore fishponds) etc. Residents have repeatedly informed Builders about flooding issues, traffic problems, and pedestrian safety issues. (This proposed development needs to live somewhere where it would fit into the community)
• The Developer's representative has been disingenuous with the local residents at several meetings and has repeatedly failed to provide meeting minutes and reports that were requested and promised to the residents. (Red flag)
• Documents not shared by the Developer with residents include Traffic reports, Cultural Reports, Meeting Minutes, etc. (Red flag)
• Traffic problems decrease area safety, by increasing the number of residents needing evacuation during natural hazards, tsunamis, etc. (Again 4-5 homes not 28)
• Increased Traffic reduces the ability of EMS to access these areas and reduces their ability to provide timely responses. (More traffic more problems, thinking we have a lot of issues to deal with before we add more problems with no solution)
• This project is asking for exemptions to Zoning laws and SMA requirements.(Why do we give exemptions to something that clearly shouldn't be there, please use common sense)
• The project does not solve housing problems for local people (50 percent or more could be sold to new residents from the mainland etc). (Red flag)
My biggest red flag is the fact that Dwayne Betsill was walking the neighborhood asking my neighbors to give up the right to their easement. Asking them to sign paperwork they had no clue as to what it was regarding. This tells me that they needed more square footage to get more buildings approved. Luckily, the neighbor came to their senses before signing this over, which is why the proposed development is smaller now. This tells me that this deal, from the beginning, was and is wrong. Unfortunately, the original buyer of the lot was going to build 4-5 homes with ohanas and was outbid at the last minute by the current group. It hasn't been right from the beginning and never will be. If this goes through this area of Kihei will be forever affected negatively. The trickle-down effect will affect other areas as well.
As our county representatives, please use common sense, Yes, we need more housing in Maui that may be priority #1. However, it needs to be built in the correct area where it fits into the local surroundings. I challenge you as our county leaders to imagine what this project would do to this area.
Please use common sense, we are counting on you to do the right thing.
Gabriel E Krueger
To: Maui County Council and Planning Commission
From: Scott Martin
Subject: Waipuilani Hale 16 East Waipuilani, Kihei, HI 96753
To all those willing to read and listen to the concerns of the community immediately impacted by a development in a single family residential neighbor hood,
My name is Scott Martin, I grew up in Kihei and still live in Kihei. The development and the changes are astronomically crazy. Development is inevitable, but smart development is what is needed. I am writing to you to Oppose the development of Waipuilani Hale.
First and foremost who is really going to be able to afford what is being proposed. With the cost of building materials going up and interest rates going up, I know for myself I can not, and neither will my kids be able to. As A Fireman working two jobs, there is no way I can afford this place. The developer talks about the median income family being able to buy these units. Median income for them is $96,000. I can show you my federal income taxes and I don’t make that. According to the developer, both parents and a working child would make enough to purchase a 3 bedroom unit. Show me a working child that gives there income to their parents for a house.
This complex will be over shadowing existing single family homes. Families that have lived in their homes from the 1970’s will be giving up their privacy. We all know what happens when it rains in Kihei. This area is famous for flooding. All of the existing resident can attest to that. The developer states they will not be building in and existing wetland area. All of Kihei is a wetland area. Waipuilani road has standing water after every rain, and this particular parcel has standing water on it after every rain. The developer will have to raise the grade of their property to avoid any flooding of their development. Guess where that water will go, to all the existing residents. Is it fair to punish those that have lived there going on 50 years to appease this developer?
Waipuilani and South Kihei road intersection is a high traffic area, Especially after opening it up to Piilani. This development will only put more stress on this area. More traffic means more accidents. This part of South Kihei Road is very narrow, there are no sidewalks, no storm drains, and Utility poles very close to the traffic lanes. I have a bright idea lets put a round a bout, how about raised curbs in the median, how about another traffic light. Sorry for the sarcasm, but all bad ideas. A good idea is to put lighted cross walks, either with street lights on both sides of the road, or Yellow flashing cross walks. Which leads to the next point, infrastructure.
The infrastructure of Kihei is aging. We have foul smelling pump stations, corroded water valves that can not be turned off, an unfinished north south collector road, and all the things mentioned above. Unsafe cross walks, lack of sidewalks, flooding issues. How will this development help any of these problems? It wont it will only contribute to making more problems.
There is no doubt we need affordable housing for the local people. When asked what happens if the locals can’t afford these units what would happen, the developer could not answer. We all know what that means, more affordable housing for the malihini, or sold for market priced not to the local people that it is intended for. If the county truly wants to put locals in houses, build houses. Why do keep wanting to put our local families in apartments? Why would the council and whoever decide to change the zoning from single family to multi family? I am pretty sure the developer could put this same project in a different area. 5 – 7 single family homes could be comfortably built on this lot and the developer could still make a profit. It is time the county start putting our locals in truly affordable houses not housing units.
When the developer was asked how many parking stalls per unit, they said 1 or 2. So where will all the cars be parked? On Waipuilani next to our existing houses? Wait didn’t they say to meet median income there needs to be 3 incomes per household to afford these? The developer stated people can walk to work or catch the bus. Kihei villages, South pointe, Kenolio apartments, all good examples of not enough parking per unit. If 3 incomes are really needed there should be enough parking for 3 cars per unit.
If I have not made a clear and concise argument as to why this development should not go forward please call me and we can discuss this further. I can be reached by phone 808-264-1395. I apologize for not being present in the zoom meeting, but I will be working my second job so I can afford to still live in Maui.
May god be with you and help and guide you to make the right and just decision for the residents of Waipuilani and South Kihei Road.
Me Ke Aloha,
Scott Martin
We need affordable homes and there needs to be more rules about who can apply. Affordable housing should be for those born and raised here in Hawai’i. Stop giving it to those “residents” that have been living here in hawaii for a couple of years. Priority should also go to those who either are of Hawaiian descent or those who are fluent or learning ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i. How much people in Hawaii overall speak ‘Ōlelo? Not much! The language was oppressed and now the very ones who speak it and or keep the culture alive are been driven out because it’s just not affordable!!
Affordable housing is in crisis mode on Maui. What happens when the working class cannot afford to live here? Properties like Kahana Manor have recently allowed vacation rentals after years of not being legal? How can this be? One of the few properties locals could afford now over run with investors driving up the price and displacing long term renters who lived there for years. This property has become a budget hotel further taxing the infrastructure and attracting the vacation clientele that does not spends $
Aloha my name is Brandi Corpuz and I am from the wetlands of Kihei. I am writing to you today to oppose the Hale-Waipuilani Project in Kihei. This project is not a truly affordable housing project yet it has been given special streamlined permitting. It is actually too expensive for the average local person to afford. There seems to be a surge in Kihei for developers to claim that their developments are affordable or workforce housing but this is a sales pitch not a reality.
We need real affordable houses for our local community now. Even if its affordable rentals rather than to buy. This type of project only sets our economy up for more “gold prospecting” of our land. I call it a gold rush! Developers and real estate people are buying up all of our affordable or semi affordable houses and either flipping them or renting them for double what their mortgages are! This has to stop immediately before we tip to a side where there is no return. Our island cant afford to lose anymore of our local workforce to mainland workers and our local workforce cant afford to pay these prices.
Giving these developers tax breaks and incentives does not make sense either? Why dont you give homeowners tax breaks to rent to local people? Why dont you give local people those incentives to buy their own home? These developers are making double profit by having the tax breaks and selling the homes for top dollar.
This project and the other one on Hoonani are proposed to be built on top of our wetlands and will destroy our natural resources that we are trying to protect. They are using some of our oldest communities' infrastructure to save on that part of their development cost too. They are getting a free pass by being able to bypass EIS and CIS because of special permitting and it is all against our existing communities wishes. This project will cause catastrophic consequences for all of the local people who already live in these areas.
This project and the Hoonani project will cause worse flooding for homeowners in this area because they will be built on top of a natural water retention and filtration system that exist in our wetlands. They will add to the infrastructure problems on South Kihei Road, that allows for flooding and major traffic problems in the areas they are proposed to be built.
We live on the street next to this proposed project and we only have 1 way in/out through South Kihei Road. Our traffic getting out of our road is already super bad so putting hundreds of more cars in this area will add to our continuous problems with traffic on South Kihei Road. It is a problem that can not be helped until major infrastructure is done on our roads.
No large or small housing projects should be built in this area for any reason at this time. Flood mitigation and Road upgrades must be done before anything more is ever built in these communities. Waipuilani, Namauu and Hoonani streets are already overly populated and they should not be taken advantage of by predatory developers looking to make millions during one of the hardest times in our history.
Our Kihei Community Vision plan calls for open spaces and I propose that this area and Hoonani project areas be bought by the county or state so that they can remain open spaces and protect our natural resources. The value of this land is for it to remain a wetland so that it can help us, rather than hurt our existing community members and other natural resources. No developer should be allowed to go forward with a project that will hurt the communities that it is proposed to be built in. Once this is allowed to go forward there is no turning back and WE will be left to deal with the aftermath of poor decisions and planning. Developers only care about their bottom line and the money that will be made. They have no regard for our local community and should not be allowed to ruin our way of life to make more money.
There are many empty buildings that could be turned into affordable rentals and lots of land in North Kihei that could be used to build affordable homes on. Please look into more appropriate and realistic housing projects so that it can be truly affordable without costing the rest of us so much. The value of our wetlands and way of life is more precious than anything. We look to you for protection. Please say no to this devastating project and any others of its kind.
Sincerely, Brandi Corpuz
Namauu Place homeowner
I 100% support Hale Waipulani. All our Maui ohana need affordable homes.
I support Hale Waipulani. Let us this project built quickly because our people need homes.
EAH Housing supports the Hale Waipuilani for-sale housing project which will provide more housing opportunities for residents of Maui to remain on Maui.
Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Carney
Vice President, EAH Housing
The Hale Waipuilani Workforce Housing neighborhood is
100% workforce housing
100% owner occupied
100% local Maui Residents
100% priced by County
0% vacation rentals
0% investor owned
It is for these reasons that I support this project.
John A. H. Tomoso+
51 Ku'ula Street, Kahului, HI 96732-2906
Aloha. I support Hale Waipulani workforce housing.
Alan Lloyd
Wailuku resident