Meeting Time: June 02, 2022 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Aloha PSLU Committee,

    I support BILL 82 (2022) AMENDING CHAPTER 19.26, MAUI COUNTY CODE, RELATING TO PERMITTED USES IN THE M-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT with an AMENDMENT: Located on the same lot as business or LIGHT industrial (M1) uses.

    I support the redevelopment of under used but already developed parcels. Utilities are already connected, making these parcels cheaper to develop. These areas have already been disturbed and cement poured. Redevelopment in the right places is better for the island.

    Bill 82 will enable the redevelopment of underutilized retail like Queen Ka'ahumanu center. The empty stores could be converted to apartments, This would be a great place for affordable and workforce housing to be integrated into a mixed use building.

    Business and light Industrial are appropriate with residential. This could help to redevelop overimpacted but underutilized areas in Kahului and Lahaina.

    Housing near businesses could create walkable neighborhoods in the heart of town, and out of SLR-XA.
    It will not impact truly industrial areas like PÅ«lehunui.

    Thank you for your time,
    Karen Comcowich
    Lahaina, HI

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Wednesday, June 1, 2022


    Bill 82, Related to permitted Uses in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District

    As an Architect, a Planner and Chair Person for Kihei Community Association Design Review Committee, I OPPOSE allowing Residential usage in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District.

    This bill is a mistake because it would permit land that has been deemed for Industrial use to be used for a higher use without proper vetting. Developers would be able to purchase less expensive Industrial land and use it as if they had purchased Residential land with no questions asked.

    Most Heavy Industrial land is not in locations that are good for homes. Such land is usually not in places with the infrastructure that supports Residences, such as sidewalks, shopping, schools, parks and recreation.

    If there is a particular project that would be well suited for Residential use in an existing Industrial zoned location, then the proper procedure for review and development must be followed. This includes changes to the existing community plan and changes to the zoning. These processes will allow oversight by the planning department and the community in order to do what is best.

    Bill 82 should not be accepted. It will degrade the quality of Community Planning in Maui.

    Thank you for your consideration of this very important matter.


    Randy Wagner, AIA, LEED AP

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    PSLU Committee over 2 years ago

    Testimony received by PSLU Committee.