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Agenda Item


Legislation Text Resolution 22-80 Resolution 22-81 Resolution 22-82 County Communication 22-82 Resolution 22-96 Bill 69 (2022) Bill 70 (2022) Bill 71 (2022) Bill 72 (2022) Bill 73 (2022) Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2023 Budget bills) 03-24-2022 FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program (03-24-2022) FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis (03-24-2022) (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-24-2022 and response 03-30-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 Executive summaries for 04-05-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-28-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-06-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2022 (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-29-2022 and response 04-07-2022 Executive summaries from Committee Chair 04-01-2022 Executive summaries for 04-07-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 Executive summaries for 04-11-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 (CC-1) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-03-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence from Budget Director (revised title) 04-03-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-12-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-04-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director (revised Page 9 of Appendix B) 04-04-2022 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-04-2022 and responses 04-07-2022 and 04-08-2022 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (AG-1) Correspondence to Management 04-04-2022 and response 04-12-2022 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 04-04-2022 and response 04-17-2022 Member Priority Proposal Compilation Matrix FY23-2 04-04-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-05-2022 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-05-2022 and response 04-11-2022 Executive summaries for 4-13-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-05-2022 Informational documents from Councilmember Johnson 04-05-2022 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-05-2022 and response 04-12-2022 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2022 and response 04-08-2022 eComments Report 04-05-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-06-2022 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-06-2022 and response 04-11-2022 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire Chief 04-06-2022 and response 04-14-2022 Informational document from Councilmember Johnson 04-06-2022 (HHC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-06-2022 and response 04-11-2022 eComments Report 04-06-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-07-2022 Priority justifications from Councilmember Kama 04-07-2022 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 04-10-2022 and response 04-12-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director 04-07-2022 (revised Financial Summaries pages - Program Budget) (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 04-07-2022 and response 04-19-2022 (OM-1) Correspondence to Mayor 04-07-2022 and response 04-11-2022 eComments Report 04-07-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-08-2022 Informational document from Councilmember Sinenci 04-08-2022 Priority Justifications from Councilmember Kama 04-08-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director (Dept of Police vehicle priority list) 04-08-2022 eComments Report 04-08-2022 (PS-1) Correspondence to Personnel Services 04-10-2022 and response 04-14-2022 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 04-10-2022 (PR-1) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 04-10-2022 and response 04-13-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-11-2022 (PA-1) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-11-2022 and response 04-14-2022 (PD-1) Correspondence to Police 04-11-2022 and response 04-14-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember King 04-11-2022 (PW-1) Correspondence to Public Works 04-11-2022 and response 04-19-2022 eComments Report 04-11-2022 (TD-1) Correspondence to Transportation 04-12-2022 and response 04-14-2022 (WS-1) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-12-2022 and response 04-14-2022 eComments Report 04-12-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-13-2022 Draft Final Funding Priorities Councilmembers Combined 04-13-2022 eComments Report 04-13-2022 Correspondence from Council Services 04-14-2022 eComments Report 04-14-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Sinenci 04-11-2022 Priority Proposal Grouping for Mayor 04-11-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Sinenci 04-11-2022 Priority Justification from Committee Vice-Chair Paltin 04-12-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule and PP Grouping Proposal- Public Works 04-12-2022 Priority Justification from Councilmember Kama 04-13-2022 Final Member Priority Proposals and Supporting Documents 04-18-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-18-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Johnson 04-18-2022 eComments Report 04-18-2022 Letter from Finance (Real Property Valuation) 04-19-2022 Informational document from Councilmember Sinenci 04-19-2022 Revised FINAL Priority Justification from Councilmember Kama 04-19-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Molina 04-19-2022 ecomments Report 04-19-2022 DETAILED Budget Schedule for Decisions Week 04-20-2022 and 04-21-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Kama 04-20-2022 Proposed Parks and Recreation Fees from Councilmember Paltin 04-20-2022 eComments Report 04-20-2022 eComments Report 04-21-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Sinenci 04-22-2022 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-22-2022 DETAILED Schedule Corrections 04-25-2022 Fund Balance and Department Total Spreadsheets 04-25-2022 Real Property Tax Proposal 04-25-2022
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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha. You are discussing General Budget Provisions today at 2:45, yet the public has nor been informed of this in advance and has not had the opportunity to review the documents. You folks recently made a decision on permit fee increases, doubling them, that will affect residents. You are not being transparent with financial decisions that affect residents. In addition, giving the Mayor a blanket discretion for spending appropriations is not in the benefit of residents at all. Our Mayor prioritizes the tourism industry over resident welfare and has consistently tried to stop all efforts at controlling over-tourism by controlling accommodations and has vetoed all efforts at facilitating affordable housing for residents. Please increase transparency for budgetary matters!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Dear Council Members, I just noticed that based on the Detailed corrected Schedule for today that was just submitted today at 10:08 am after this meeting started, you are scheduled to discuss the General Budget Provisions at 2:45pm yet I do not see anything in the BFED file on Granicus regarding the General Budget Provisions. If this Council is committed in any way to transparency you should not be discussing any item for which the public has not had an advance opportunity to review the documents on this issue. You did the same thing last week when you discussed the proposed Recreation and Park permit fee increases. Council Member Paltin submitted these proposed increases at 11:08 am on 4.20.22, well after public testimony had closed for the day. The Council subsequently began discussin the proposed fee increases at 10 pm that night. This is not transparent. This same process occurred a few years ago when CM Hokama proposed massive last minute increases to the Recreation and Park permit fees. The Council passed them and then a few months later when the impacted residents discovered the increases the public backlash was so strong that many of the increases were reduced. Why do you conduct the public's business in this manner? Please stop it. I mentioned in an ecomment last week, I strongly advise against the Council including any General Budget Provision that attempts to give the Mayor general blanket discretion to spend appropriations in his "best judgment." This is neither necessary, required or advisable. The Council, on BFED Chair Rawlins-Fernandez suggestion, has added a blanket mayoral spending discretion clause to the General Budget Provisions for FY 21 and FY 22 with disastrous results. Please do not do this again.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Maui County Regional Wastewater Initiative

    My wife and I have owned our property in the Ma'alaea Village for 13+ years. I want to go on record in strong support of revisiting and approving the Ma'alaea Regional Wastewater Initiative. Before the window for funds through the federal government closes to get support for Maui's efforts for this urgently needed infrastructure and return Ma'alaea Bay to the pristine level it once was, please reconsider and support this initiative. Using today's technology, we must reverse the decisions from the past that are causing this eco impact.


    Richard and Jackie Smith
    70 Hauoli St. Apt. 110
    Wailuku, HI 96793

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Injection wells

    My name is,
    Tom Vellani
    50 Hauoli St. #310
    Wailuku, Hawaii 96793

    I am a year round resident in the Ma'alaea condo area. I would like to encourage you to include the $9.5 million dollars in the county's budget that is under consideration for injection wells in the Ma'alaea neighborhood.

    I am retired, and a huge assessment for condo owners to pay for injection wells would drive me from my home.

    Ma'alaea harbor and shoreline is a treasure for the entire county not just the condo owners on Hauoli Street. Yes, many of the condos on Hauoli are used as tourist rentals, but these owners pay the necessary guest property taxes for their busines, taxes that benefit the entire county.

    Again, I respectfully ask that you include the money for the injection wells in your budget.

    Tom Vellani

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha Maui County Council Members,

    Please vote YES to fund a wastewater treatment plant in the 2023 budget.


    Cynthia Hager
    50 Hauoli St., Suite 108
    Wailuku, HI 96793

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago


    As a condo owner in Maalaea, I highly support the passage of the regional wastewater system under consideration.

    Thank you, David Aines

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago


    I am an owner of a condo in Maalaea and absolutely support the regional wastewater system that is up for reconsideration.

    Deborah Aines

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Maalaea Waste Treatment

    I fully support your efforts to protect the marine environment at Maalaea Bay by eliminating injection wells. It would also be an amazing environmental improvement to use reclaimed water for irrigation instead of fresh water.
    Thank you for your efforts!

    Gale B. Uhl

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Wastewater Treatment Plant

    I am righting to ask that you consider building the Waste Water Treatment Plant in the Maalaea area. The need is for environmental and future planning. I believe a municipal owned facility has the ability for funding from Enterprise funds, Government matches and grants that private facility don’t have an opportunity to achieve. The facility will take care of an age old problem with injection wells failing and bring forth new technology far more advanced. Investing in the future is a good road map for future generations to enjoy a legacy built now. I am will aware of a collection system as I hold Waste Water Collection certs hear in Washington State and work for a municipality.
    In closing, please consider moving forward with the build out of the facility that will provide continued income and sustainability for the residents and visitors to a great County and State.

    Thank you for taking the time to listen to the statement as a condo owner at Hono Kai A 16

    Todd and Renee Klein

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    WWTR for Consideration

    Hello Council- PLEASE, Please reconsider the decision on the waste water treatment plant for Maalaea.

    We are part owners of Hona Kai A-7. Our Family has had this unit for over 40 years. I feel like I grew up on Maui and feel very lucky for that.
    Over the past 30 years I've personally seen the Maalaea Bay deteriorate into a murky mess. The clear water of the 80's has become a kitchen sink of dirty water with visibility almost at 0 feet.
    The coral I've also watched go from gorgeous reds and greens, to a grey filmy muck.

    The damage to Maalaea is very evident over the years. I've been hearing about this Treatment plant now for what seems 15 years, and what seems like endless discussion has gone no where.
    Yet, one of the crown jewels of Maui, Maalaea Bay, has had very little urgency to fix the problem.
    Please end the bureaucracy and Let's start this treatment plant. I can't imagine a Maui 30 years from now if this not done.
    On this Earth Day with the opportunity to fix this, we should. We all should be concerned.
    This is our chance to preserve a crown jewel of the island.
    Let's take it! If we don't take this chance to fix it, we will all regret it.

    Thank You Council. I know you will do the right thing for the island, the people, the future, the environment and Maalaea Bay.

    Eric, Merrell and Axel Emken

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Urgent: The Regional wastewater initiative is up for reconsideration

    My wife and I own 300 Hauoli St #B4 in Maalaea and we strong encourage you to vote yes on this.
    Jacob and Kimberly Christfort

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please Support Maalaea Wastewater Project

    We are writing to express our support for including the Maalaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation System in the 2023 budget. Your consideration for this much needed project would be appreciated.

    Barbara and John Pile
    70 Hauoli Street Apt. 104
    Wailuku, Hawaii 96793

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    We support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system

    My Fiancé and I have owned our home here in Ma’alaea since 2007. We strongly support the Council Member Kelly King’s proposal to include $9.5 million for a Ma’alaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation System in the 2023 budget.


    Carey Clenchy and Kenneth Johnson
    50 Hau’oli St. Apt 405
    Wailuku, HI 96793

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please include $9.5 million on the County budget to build a Maalaea regional plant and fix the injection well problem

    To the County Council,

    Please include $9.5 million on the County budget to build a Maalaea regional plant and fix the injection well.


    Makani A Kai B2

    Wenji Sun

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    We support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system

    My husband and I have owned our home here in Ma’alaea since 2011. We strongly support the Council Member Kelly King’s proposal to include $9.5 million for a Ma’alaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation System in the 2023 budget.

    Nancy and John Norman
    70 Hau’oli St. Apt. 205
    Wailuku, HI 96793

    Nancy Norman, Education Consultant
    Alaska Commissioner, Education Commission of the States:
    Mobile: 612-618-9999