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Agenda Item


Legislation Text Resolution 22-80 Resolution 22-81 Resolution 22-82 County Communication 22-82 Resolution 22-96 Bill 69 (2022) Bill 70 (2022) Bill 71 (2022) Bill 72 (2022) Bill 73 (2022) Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2023 Budget bills) 03-24-2022 FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program (03-24-2022) FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis (03-24-2022) (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-24-2022 and response 03-30-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 Executive summaries for 04-05-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-28-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-06-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2022 (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-29-2022 Executive summaries from Committee Chair 04-01-2022 Executive summaries for 04-07-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 Executive summaries for 04-11-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 (CC-1) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-03-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence from Budget Director (revised title) 04-03-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-12-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-04-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director (revised Page 9 of Appendix B) 04-04-2022 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-04-2022 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 04-04-2022 (AG-1) Correspondence to Management 04-04-2022 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 04-04-2022 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 04-04-2022 Member Priority Proposal Compilation Matrix FY23-2 04-04-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-05-2022 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-05-2022 Executive summaries for 4-13-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-05-2022 Informational documents from Councilmember Johnson 04-05-2022 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-05-2022 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2022 eComments Report 04-05-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-06-2022 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-06-2022 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 04-06-2022
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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Mayor’s FY 2023 budget/ Culture and Arts

    Aloha Chair Lee, VC Rawlins, and Council Members,

    Mahalo for always allowing me to share my mana'o with you. You all know me as Aunty Mopsy community advocate. I come to you with a different kuleana. I had the privilege of graduating as a Kumu Hula under Ma'iki Aiu Lake in 1974.

    Hula has always been part of my Life. As we were taught, Hula is Life and it came with many stories of our beginning as a culture. Mahalo to our King, Kalakaua, also referred to as the Merrie Monarch, who traveled to all the islands to revive the teachings taught underground, of ancient dance and folklore. The invitation of dance and music became part of a celebration at the Iolani Palace. My Memories of Pageantry through chants and dance with Halau Hula O Ma'iki at the Palace will never be forgotten.

    Born at that time during 1920's when song with Hawaiian Language lyrics were largely frowned upon, hapa-haole songs with their English lyrics and made up Hawaiian words found an audience drawn to their romanticized description of the scenery and nature of the Hawaiian Islands. Songs such as "Lovely Hula Hands," "Waikiki," and "My Yellow Ginger Lei" are among the favorites of hapa-haole Hula today.

    Our chants and songs tell the story of our heritage and our Kuleana to the 'Āina, Our way of life. The Art of Hula is life and the construction of Hālau for ʻŌiwi Art provides a long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special. Through the accompolishments of Our Kumu Hula and their Halau's here on Maui, has brought much attention to the Hula world. We cannot forget Maui's musicians who create the beautiful music that they dance to. They tell and celebrate the stories of our home, sing of its beauty and bring both joy and pride to our larger community.

    Maui has a chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Instead of being the state of Aloha, we will be the State of Kuleana, taking care of providing the enrich culture of our heritage. Let's continue what King Kalakaua set out to do for the people of Hawaii, bringing life to the folklore and teachings of our kūpuna.

    I ask for your kokua in voting to support the full funding of the Hālau for 'Ōiwi Art.

    Ke Akua continue to shower you with his blessings for your decisions that you make, for the people of Maui.

    Malama Pono,
    Aunty Mopsy

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    My name is Darna Miguel, I was born and raised on Moloka'i. I now live on Maui which I call home.

    Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special.

    Hula is integral to the culture of our community. It preserves knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for generations. Hula and hālau hula also represent our islands throughout Hawaiʻi and the world. On Maui, so many of the hālau hula, kumu hula, and practitioners have brought so much joy and pride to our island.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate the arts and practices of our home. An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home.

    Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster relationships, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence.

    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come.

    Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,
    Darna Miguel

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    April 5, 2022

    Re: Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    Aloha mai kākou,

    I am Hōkūlani Holt, Kumu Hula of Pāʻū O Hiʻiaka. Waikīkī, Oʻahu is my birthplace, Waiehu, Maui is the place that I was raised, and I currently live in Kauahea, Wailuku, Maui. Wailuku is my river, Kaehu is my shoreline, and Maui is my homeland. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    Hula is community and the community is where hula thrives. There are over 25 hālau hula in Maui Nui and each of them provide Hawaiian cultural learning for all ages, all ethnicities, all religions, all genders, and all physical capabilities. Hula shares its knowlege and learning with everyone. In addition to cultural learning, hula provides a connection to our home. Over the course of a student’s learning they will learn about places, people, history, plants, food, clothing, and a myriad of other information about Hawaiʻi. A Hula student will often learn Hawaiian values and outlooks in Hula. They learn about aloha and how to make it a part of their everyday life. They learn how to kōkua one another, and how to laulima for a comon project. They learn the value of poʻokela or excellence and hoʻihi, respect. These are all part of the hula student’s learning and the pilina or relationship that they develop for Hawaiʻi. When doing this it also teaches them how to live well here in our homeland.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and the practitioners that make our home so special. Hula provides a place for so many of our ʻŌiwi arts and practices to thrive. Over many decades, Hālau Hula and Kumu Hula have contributed to our community. We support leimakers, clothing designers, farmers, instrument makers, florists, fabric stores, caterers, and so many others. Not least of which is also all of the lūʻau shows and businesses that use hula and Hawaiian culture daily.

    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will inspire connection and uphold cultural excellence. Cultural practitioners like Kumu Hula are experts and leaders of our community. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate these arts and practices.

    Mahalo for your service to our island home and your deep consideration. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,
    Hōkūlani Holt
    Hōkūlani Holt
    Kumu Hula, Pāʻū O Hiʻiaka

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please accept the following written testimonial in support to the Budget, Finance and Economic Development Committee on behalf of MVCBʻs efforts with the Maui Nui Destination Management Action Plan:

    On behalf of Surfrider Foundation Maui Chapter, I support continued funding of the Maui Nui Destination Management Action Plan. As the plan describes in researched based detail, the visitor industry has greatly impacted the local environment, culture and quality of living for Maui residents.

    The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. Locally, we are focused on monitoring water quality, advocating for improved policies to further our mission and continued shoreline access for Maui residents, encouraging zero waste efforts through the hospitality industry, cleaning our shorelines and pushing for improved legislation to reduce plastic pollution at its source.

    We have been working with the Maui Visitor and Convention Bureau in our shared goals to meet the requirements of the Maui Nui Destination Management Action Plan. Surfrider Foundation Maui Chapter hosts monthly beach cleanups that are open to the public and our partnership with MVCB connects those volunteer opportunities with visitors. As the coordinator of the Rise Above Plastics program for Surfrider Foundation, I have been working with MVCB to install reef safe sunscreen dispensers at local beaches and condominium complexes. MVCB has also been working to support our Rise Above Plastics On Vacation program which aims to reduce single use plastic water bottles in vacation rentals. The connections and financial backing of the Maui Nui Destination Management Action Plan will greatly assist us in reaching the goals of that program. We understand that visitors come to Maui to enjoy the bounty of natural beauty and aim to educate and involve the industry to protect that same attraction.


    Marina Scott | Vice Chair | Rise Above Plastics Coordinator
    Surfrider Foundation Maui Chapter
    808.359.1180 |

    As a grassroots organization, membership is essential to the advancement of our mission.
    Join or renew today.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art :

    Aloha mai kākou,

    My name is Claire Garrigue Kalani and I wlive in Hā'iku Maui. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.
    I dance for Pa'u o Hi'iaka Halau for 6 years and I know my kumu has been struggling to get a place for our practice and to store all the items , and to pay for rent too ...
    The Hālau of 'ōiwi arts would be so wonderful !!!
    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come. Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,

    Claire Garrigue Kalani

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    April 6, 2022

    Re: Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    Aloha mai kākou,

    My name is Kahealani Kamahele and I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    The hula community of all the islands are long-overdue support for cultural practitioners and we are looking for the funding support of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts to make this possible. Maui County is so rich in Hawaiian arts and culture which makes it the nexus for our ʻŌiwi arts and practices to thrive. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would not only provide a space for Kānaka Maoli to practice and perpetuate , but become an investment in the community.

    The children are our future and it is our kuleana to pass on our cultural traditions. One of the ways this is accomplised is through moʻolelo and hula. Cultural practitioners such as Kumu Hula are experts and leaders in the community. This space would be dedicated to the perpetuation of hula and various ʻōiwi arts connected to hula. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide a space for cultural learning, building relationships, and have a lasting inpact on our future generations to come.

    Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,
    Kāhealani Kamahele

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha mai kākou,

    My name is Ann Love and my family is from Maui. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that makes Maui so special. Hula has always been present in my life and important in my own Hawaiian identity. It was, is and always will be an integral piece to the culture of our community. It preserves knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for generations. Hula and hālau hula also represent our islands throughout Hawaiʻi and the world. On Maui, so many of the hālau hula, kumu hula, and practitioners have brought so much joy and pride to our island. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate the arts and practices of our home and serve as an example to the other islands as well.
    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Maui once again has the opportunity to be lead the way into the future while building on our precious past and traditions for the state and even the world. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster relationships, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence in the big global picture. as the Maui chiefs lead the way in ancient times let us continue to show who we are in modern times, a solid foundation from the past building for a promising future that will support and nourish generations to come.
    Mahalo for your service to Maui our unique island we call home.
    Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,
    Ann Love

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    Aloha mai kākou,

    My name is Reni Bello and my family is from Maui. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that
    makes Maui so special. Hula has always been present in my life and important in my own Hawaiian identity. It was, is and always will be an integral piece to the culture of our community. It preserves knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for generations. Hula and hālau hula also represent our islands throughout Hawaiʻi and the world. On Maui, so many of the hālau hula, kumu hula, and practitioners have brought so much joy and pride to our island. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate the arts and practices of our home and serve as an example to the other islands as well.
    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Maui once again has the opportunity to be lead the way into the future while building on our precious past and traditions for the state and even the world. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster relationships, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence in the big global picture. as the Maui chiefs lead the way in ancient times let us continue to show who we are in modern times, a solid foundation from the past building for a promising future that will support and nourish generations to come.
    Mahalo for your service to Maui our unique island we call home.
    Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,
    Reni Aʻiaʻi Bello

    "We are adhering to life now with our last muscle—the heart." Djuna Barnes
    Reni Aʻiaʻi Bello
    Ka Lamakū Laʻakea
    Spiritual & Hawaiian Culture Consultant, Hawaiian Artist
    tel. 808 225-0087

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    BFED Committee almost 3 years ago
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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Written testimony for Maui County budget hearing in support of Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art

    Aloha mai kākou, Greetings to you all,

    My name is John-Mario Arcilla Sevilla. I was born and raised in Paukukalo. I have lived most of my adult life in New York City, and recently moved to Berkeley, CA, where I lead a community dance organization called Luna Dance Institute. I am writing to enthusiastically endorse the County of Maui's funding of Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art. While I am sure that many will testify to the profound impact of the Hālau on the preservation and promotion of Native Hawaiian legacies as well as to inherent benefits to the cultural and financial ecosystem of the local Maui and Hawai’i community., I would like to speak of how such a unique endeavor and institution will serve as a beacon to cultural bearers and arts practitioners around the world.

    I am a professional dancer and dance educator. As a dancer, I toured all over the world (twice "visiting" Maui!) with major modern dance companies. I have taught dance and dance education at New York University, Drew University and Rutgers University. I have also run dance programs for New York City Ballet and the 92Y Harkness Dance Center. Throughout my years of work in the theater, in schools and in the community, I have experienced the deceptively alluring power of hula, not just dance, on people.

    As you may know, hula is an interdisciplinary and holistic practice, not just a dance form. Hula values excellent human behavior toward others and the environment. Hula is an aesthetic experience that extols tradition, good speech and conduct, respect for elders. planning, preparation and practice, collective action, and love of land. These are deep foundational values that transform lives. And the particular responsibility of hula practitioners to care of the environment has vast implications in a world threatened by climate change and environmental injustice. Hula models the good and excellent in human action and is a medium for healing on a personal as well as global scale.

    While native to Hawai'i, there are great needs and desires around the world for a place that embodies practices and perspectives that can save lives and heal our planet. Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would be the first institution of its kind in the world to make a stand for hula as a cultural practice that can shed light on some very dark elements in our world. Hula will teach others to honor their places and people. Hula will demonstrate how people need to work together to overcome challenge. Hula will show how we must pay attention to our history as well as to our current state of affairs. A collective like Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will gather and share a generosity of spirit. a seriousness of intent, and a joy of the arts that only hula can inspire. Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will grace Maui and the rest of the planet with poetry, wisdom and inspiration. We will never have enough of such institutions.

    No doubt, it may feel strange to give a place to a people (kanaka mauoli) whose legacy had been deeply rooted to the place centuries before any of us were here. From my perspective as a child of Filipino immigrants and from the west coast of the mainland, I respectfully would like say that this institution is the least we can do for Native Hawaiians for the historical injustices that continue to affect their lives to this day. Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art is about cultural survival as much as the survival of humanity.

    John-Mario Arcilla Sevilla
    Director at Large
    Luna Dance Institute

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    April 6, 2022

    Re: Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    Aloha mai kākou,

    My name is Akiyo Murata and I have been on Maui for over 30 years. Mahalo for the opportunity to
    testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special.
    Hula is integral to the culture of our community. It preserves knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for generations.
    Hula and hālau hula also represent our islands throughout Hawaiʻi and the world.
    On Maui, so many of the hālau hula, kumu hula, and practitioners have brought so much joy and pride to our island.
    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate the arts and practices of our home.

    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community.
    Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community.
    Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education,
    performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home.

    Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster relationships,
    inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence.

    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come.
    Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,

    Akiyo Murata
    A Haumana of Hula hālau

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    April 5, 2022

    Re: Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    Aloha mai kākou,

    My name is Liana Mancini Horovitz. I was raised on Maui and have taught world history classes at the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College for the past 17 years. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special. Hula is integral to the culture of our community. It preserves knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for generations. Hula and hālau hula also represent our islands throughout Hawaiʻi and the world. On Maui, so many of the hālau hula, kumu hula, and practitioners have brought so much joy and pride to our island. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate the arts and practices of our home.

    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster relationships, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence.

    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come. Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,

    Liana Mancini Horovitz
    Assistant Professor of History, University of Hawaiʻi Maui College
    310 Kaʻahumanu Ave.
    Box 86
    Kahului, HI 96732

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please Approve Environmental Protection Program Budgets for Ma'alaea Bay

    My name is Mary Dungans, and I am the President of Mana’olana Pink Paddlers, a member of Maui Nui Marine Resource Council, and on the advisory committee for Maui Canoe Club. Our canoes are on Sugar Beach in North Kihei. We have paddled Ma’alaea Bay almost daily since 2006. We have seen the changes in the reef, fish and pollution that is negatively affecting our beautiful ocean and reefs.

    I am writing on behalf of all of our almost 400 members to ask that you support and approve funding to protect our local coral reefs and nearshore ocean water quality. Specifically we ask for funding for the following:

    Ma'alaea Wastewater Funding: To create a localized wastewater treatment plant as an alternative to injection wells that are polluting Ma'alaea Bay.

    Visitor Education Programs: To fund programs at the airport, on social media and online to educate visitors about protecting coral reefs, conducted by Maui Nui Marine Resource Council ($100,000).

    Environmental Protection Programs: To fund ocean water quality monitoring, reef friendly landscaping outreach, oyster bioremediation project, projects to prevent sediment runoff from Pohakea Watershed and more, conducted by Maui Nui Marine Resource Council ($250,000).

    Open Space Funds: To complete the acquisition of the lands in the Pohakea Watershed, TMK (3) 6-001-018 ($750,000).

    Maui’s beauty and tourism revenue must be protected. Please approve these programs as they are urgent matters.

    Mahalo nui loa,

    Mary Dungans
    808 876 1553

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please confirm that testimony was received? I downloaded it from his email he submitted to all councilmembers, stating that he had difficulty submitting it.
    Yuki Lei Sugimura
    Peter <>

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    Ethan McKown almost 3 years ago

    Aloha. Please find attached official correspondence from Congressman Kahele.