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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    /Users/Peter/Desktop/PWC Maalaea wastewater testimony.docx

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    Peter Cannon over 2 years ago

    /Users/Peter/Desktop/PWC Maalaea wastewater testimony.docx

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    Carolee Jones over 2 years ago

    Ma'alaea Wastewater Funding: To create a localized wastewater treatment plant as an alternative to injection wells that are polluting Ma'alaea Bay.
    Creating this wastewater treatment plant will be a big step forward in preserving our beautiful reefs and clean ocean waters!

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    Travis Liggett over 2 years ago

    Aloha Chair Rawlins-Fernandez and Members of the Budget Committee,

    I am writing to point out a critical public health and environmental issue that needs emergency funding in the FY2023 County budget. That need is the installation of ultraviolet light wastewater disinfection capability for injection well discharges at the Kahului-Wailuku municipal wastewater reclamation facility. County of Maui ceased chlorine disinfection of injected municipal wastewater at Kahului in 2018, and since then has not employed any disinfection step for secondary wastewater discharged into nearshore injections wells that flow directly into the ocean via groundwater. We need a law requiring 100% municipal wastewater disinfection such as Bill 52, and we need about $6 million as cited by the Department of Environmental Management to install UV disinfection in Kahului. Please move quickly on targeted funding to install UV disinfection capability in Kahului. Do not wait on planned comprehensive "R-1" upgrades in future years. The state R-1 standards for fecal coliform need to be met for all municipal wastewater discharges now. Please act to fund municipal ultraviolet wastewater disinfection at Kanaha, for the keiki, the kanaka and the kupuna.

    Included please find a document that makes a case for 100% municipal wastewater disinfection in Kahului.

    Please visit our new online education system called FlushAware teaches Maui Island users the treatment level & destination of their wastewater disposal method, and provides actions for activism & improving life downstream.

    Visit today:

    Mahalo Members for your hard work!

    Travis Liggett
    President, Reef Power LLC

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    Bobbie Best over 2 years ago

    Ma'aleaea Wastewaater Funding to create a localized wastewater treatment plant as an alternative to injection wells that are polluting Ma'alaea Bay.

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    Lyndon Ibele over 2 years ago

    The Ma'alaea Village Association submits the attached testimony in regards to the County's proposed budget for FY2023 and the lack of funding for a modern wastewater treatment and disposal facility for the village of Ma'alaea. Please see the attached file.