Meeting Time: March 14, 2022 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Ashley Takitani Leahey almost 3 years ago

    Attaching a letter in support of Resolution 22-69 for Hale Makua on behalf of Mike Rembis, CEO of Maui Health.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Good Morning Council Members. My name is Anna Mabbutt. I am writing today in opposition to Resolution #22-69. Via Resolution 22-69, the Council is being asked to approve the grant of a transfer of 2.831 acres of public park land to a private nonprofit organization. While the ultimate stated goal of the Resolution - the expansion of rehabilitation and skilled nursing facilities for the island's kupuna - is desirable, this Resolution is neither an advisable, likely or appropriate method by which to accomplish those goals.

    Hale Makua is in dire financial straits. If you google "Hale Makua Form 990" and go to, you may review the organization's tax returns for yourself. Based on a review of its 5 most recently filed tax returns (Form 990), Hale Makua is averaging a loss of $1,408,232.60 per year. Furthermore, despite receiving more than $2,000,000 of the County's CARES Act funds, it does not appear Hale Makua has ever provided the annual grants reports required by the Maui County Code.

    On 10.5.2018, the Maui County Council (which at the time included Council Members King and Sugimura) approved a 75 year lease to Hale Makua despite the fact that the Lease clearly appears to violate the requirements of MCC 3.40.040 which limits the lease of County real property to no more than 5 years unless the Council finds a longer term necessary and in the public interest AND the Lease requires an expenditure of at least $25,000 in capital improvements. The Lease approved by the Council on 10.5.2018 does not contain any such requirement.

    Despite the fact that the Hale Makua Lease appears to violate the Maui County Code and the fact that the Lease was never executed due to what Planning Director McLean described as "issues associated with park funding," Hale Makua appears to have used this Lease to artificially inflate its net assets figure on its Form 990. For the tax year ending 12.31.2017, Hale Makua reports a negative Net Assets/Fund Balances figure of -$15.593. Then suddenly for the tax year ending 12.31.2018, Hale Makua reports a positive Net Assets/Fund Balances figure of $6,229.859 including a reported increase of its net assets figure of $5,770,717 described on Schedule D as "Contributed Rent Receivable.

    Finally and most significantly, it would be reckless and inappropriate to approve a transfer of nearly 3 acres of public park land to a private nonprofit organization without having first reviewed the terms of the transfer. A copy of the proposed transfer of this County property is not included with this Resolution only a copy of the proposed CC&Rs.

    Unless and until the Council and the public has had an opportunity to review the terms of the transfer of nearly three acres of public park land to Hale Makua, the Council should not approve Resolution #22-69. Thank you for your time.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    My Name is Brent Nunes,

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide this letter of support for Resolution 22-69, Authorizing the Grant and Disposition of Real Property to Hale Makua Health Services (HCP-57).

    I am grateful to the Hale Makua project team for their willingness to listen, and how proactive they have been in keeping us updated on the project’s progress from its inception. As part of the steering committee taking part in the vision for the future of our Kahului community, I have appreciated the opportunity to share ideas, concerns and hopes for the future. Our soccer community on Maui has always been strong and I’ve appreciated the care and concern the Hale Makua team has put into ensuring that there are appropriate places for our youth to train, learn and develop life skills within the sport. We hope to continue to work together to provide spaces where our athletes can train and play games.

    As a local coach, grandson, son and father, I support the need to expand service offerings for our kūpuna, and the need to centralize those services for greater accessibility for local families here on Maui.

    The nature of the updates from Hale Makua tell us that this team is willing to listen and also that they are staying focussed on the deep and growing needs of our kūpuna, and that we should all be supportive of their vision.

    Mahalo for allowing me to share my support of this project.

    Brent Nunes

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    Carissa Holley almost 3 years ago

    Please see the attached testimony in support of HCP-57.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    My name is Eileen Wachi and I am writing in support of Resolution 22-69, Authorizing the Grant and Disposition of Real Property to Hale Makua Health Services (HCP-57).

    Hale Makua has been a fabric of the community for 75 years providing an essential service in assisting adults and kupuna with skilled nursing, rehabilitation, home health and adult day care. It is a critical service and I’m sure most of you know of someone who took advantage of their services.

    To meet the future community landscape, Hale Makua is committed to addressing the needs of our growing population. With that, I urge the council to grant this parcel to Hale Makua. As a board member, I can attest to the diligence put forth to ensure this project is worthy. They conducted a health impact assessment, environmental assessment and ethnographic study, and community engagement.

    Mahalo for your support in continuing Hale Makua’s mission to care for our growing elderly population.

    Eileen Wachi

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    Dennis Sasai almost 3 years ago

    I write in support of Resolution 22-69, Authorizing the Grant and Disposition of Real Property to Hale Makua Health Services (HCP-57). One of the most important resources we have is people. Hale Makua will be better able to serve the people of Maui, not only our kupuna, not only the adults, but they will also support the youth in our schools by having opportunities for educational and workforce development.
    Please see attached testimony in support of HCP-57. Thank you.

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    Paige Choy almost 3 years ago

    Please find in an attachment HAH's testimony in support.

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    Anne Scharnhorst almost 3 years ago

    Mahalo for the opportunity to submit this attached testimony.

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    Edward Romson almost 3 years ago

    Aloha, my name is Ed Romson. I write in support of Resolution 22-69, Authorizing the Grant and Disposition of Real Property to Hale Makua Health Services (HCP-57).

    I am a resident of Kula. I am honored to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Hale Makua Health Services. My Association with Hale Makua goes back to my childhood. My Mother was the Director of Nursing for twenty years, volunteered there for twenty years, and passed as a resident of Hale Makua Wailuku. As a kid, I mopped floors in the cafeteria in our Wailuku facility.

    I want to say mahalo to the Mayor and the Council for allowing this dialog on using the acreage now under County control in Kahului, known as the “Gate ball field.” An expansion of Hale Makua Kahului into that area will improve our care offerings and centralize operations. This growth will improve and extend our services to the residents of Maui County.

    Our Board and Management are actively seeking input from the residents of Maui and the major stakeholders in this development. We intend to be a “good neighbor” and steward of the land we are granted. Cultural and civic concerns are being incorporated into our planning.

    Again, mahalo for your attention to this development. Your consideration of these matters and solutions is very much appreciated.

    (signed) Ed Romson

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    Nicolai Hooppaw almost 3 years ago

    Please see the attached testimony in support of HCP-57.

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    Grant Chun almost 3 years ago

    Please see the attached testimony in support of HCP-57.