Meeting Time: February 23, 2022 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    February 23, 2022
    Climate Action, Resilience, and Environment Committee
    Kelly King, Chair
    Shane Sinenci, Vice Chair
    Committee Members
    Regarding Agenda Item: Bill 21 Seabird protection from light pollution
    The Staff of Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project thank the chair and members for bringing up Bill 21. If passed, this legislation would be a great step along the path to restoring our seabird populations. Light pollution is a growing concern not just for seabirds, but for other native species as well as humans. Because of the pace of development on Maui, the loss of a dark night sky is a real possibility, but it could be avoided by implementing a stronger outdoor lighting ordinance.
    Wildlife appropriate outdoor lighting fixtures should not cause excessive safety issues, which is sometimes a theme of concern with dark night sky initiatives. On the contrary, the recommended changes to outdoor lighting fixtures can improve the lit environment by directing fixtures down, where they are needed, and by reducing the short wave content of the lights.
    Our staff respond to seabird fallout, and have many stories of the vulnerable and sometimes grim situations that native wildlife face. The passage of legislation with the goals of Bill 21 would alleviate much suffering of native seabirds. The residents of Maui County would soon see the benefits of more native wildlife. When our natural resources are strengthened around us, we are brought closer to what makes Hawaiʻi Nei truly special.
    Mahalo Nui
    Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project Staff

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    February 22, 2022
    Climate Action, Resilience, and Environment Committee
    Kelly King, Chair
    Shane Sinenci, Vice Chair
    Committee Members
    RE: Comments on Bill 21 (2022) Seabird and Biodiversity Protection
    Aloha Chair King and committee members,
    The Maui Hotel & Lodging Association (MHLA) is the legislative arm of the visitor industry for
    Maui County. We represent over 160 property and allied business members and over 12,000
    MHLA would like to offer comments on the proposed amendments made to Chapter 20.35,
    Maui County Code, relating to outdoor lighting for the protection of seabirds. Section F, listed
    below, is of great concern. If a pool is a part of an open area and not properly lit prior to
    approach, it can lead to accidents. Children and non-ambulatory persons would be particularly
    vulnerable. We ask that this committee consider the removal of this section.
    “F. Swimming-pool lighting must be operated by motion detectors to activate when people
    approach and deactivate five minutes after people depart."
    Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony,
    Lisa Paulson
    Executive Director
    Maui Hotel & Lodging Association