Meeting Time: December 16, 2021 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha Chair Paltin and Committee Members,
    I have always believed that Lumeria has had the sole intention of becoming a Transient Vacation Rental Accommodation type project hence my NO vote as a Councilmember for this item back in 2012.The original project was submitted by Xorin Balbes Soulscape Ranch LLC. Now, it's owned and operated by Eagle Point Hotel Partners. Hmmm?.... After looking through a few of their Annual Reports which were a Condition of Zoning in order to verify that their actual use is compatible with a Public/Quasi Public Zoning my belief is reconfirmed. Looking at the number of rooms occupied and amount of guests my determination is that this Project has more than justified itself to be of a Hotel Zoning type use. This may be very problematic being situated in the Pai'a Community Plan area which prohibits Hotels.
    My other concerns are that there seems to be a few years of Annual reports missing. What reports I could find include a single example of a signed form that a single actual in house guest has participated in on site educational/wellness programs. This doesn't prove that ALL guests were participants which is a mandatory Condition of Zoning. The online descriptions of Lumeria say it 'includes' or has 'opportunities' for educational/rejuvenation type activities nothing about "over night lodgers shall enroll in on-site or off site activities" which is part of Condition of Zoning #3. It's not a nicety it's a necessary activity by a lodger.
    On line research also reconfirms the Property's Hotel/Resort type uses. calls it a Hotel says Not a typical Resort. considers Lumeria a Hotel under it's Book Hotels section. lists Lumeria in their Top Ten Awards Season Hotels
    February 26,2014 Wheel Of Fortune prize was- Featured Spa Trip: Lumeria Maui Hawaiian Resort worth $6,461 description is Lumeria Maui-4 Star Hotel warm quarters in a tranquil Resort.
    Lastly, Since current Planning Deputy Director Jordan Hart was the hired Applicant for this project he must abstain from any decision making having to do with Lumeria.
    Mahalo for your time and consideration,
    Elle Cochran