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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Please do not allow the continued operation of the activities at the property outside the agreed upon hours. Please do not allow an unspecified number of people to live on the property and hold loud parties beyond allowed time frames. Thank you for your consideration for the residents of the area.

    Valerie Wookey

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    PSLU Committee about 3 years ago

    Testimony from David Jorgensen, Esq., received by the PSLU Committee.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    We live on the same street as the Maui Dragon Fruit Farm and have seen and heard the zip line operating outside of the allowed timeframe. With that and the multiple other breaches of the condition of the CUP, we kindly as that the permit not be extended. Mahalo for your consideration.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha Committee Members,

    This testimony is regarding agenda item PSLU-17 pertaining to the conditional use permit extension for Maui Dragon Fruit Farm. I own and reside on a small farm adjacent to the Dragon Fruit Farm on the makai side.

    Though unable to attend your 11/18 virtual committee meeting, I did view the video.

    I applaud your thorough review and especially the sympathy shown to neighboring properties.

    I also appreciate Crystal Schmitt’s decision to withdraw her application for a conditional permit extension. I understand this will cease weddings and other events while farm tours and ag sales will be allowed to continue under new state rules that don’t require a permit.

    At one point in your meeting, I heard Chair Paltin suggest rather than an abrupt event cutoff, an extension might be granted to allow the 11 previously booked weddings, through July 12th, to go forward. I’m sympathetic toward those with existing bookings. My son was recently married on island and I know how critically important it is to lock down the date and choice of venue. Any changes would have several downstream effects on other parts of the wedding plans.

    If the Committee and Council decide to go that route, I have a few suggestions. The permit should be limited to the specific list of currently booked weddings only. No new bookings of any type. If any of the 11 wedding parties cancel, the slots should not be rebooked. All conditions and restrictions of the permit must apply and any violations should void the remaining bookings.

    If the conditional permit is withdrawn, it is unclear to me how that affects the zip-line operation. I think I heard in your meeting that the Maui Dragon Fruit zip-line is authorized independently under a 2010 Planning Department letter. I understand the law governing zip-lines has changed recently to require permits but existing authorized use can continue in a grace period until August, when a zip-line specific permit would be required to continue. I suggest zip-line noise related issues be considered now if possible but if not, I suppose we’ll need to deal with them if/when a zip-line specific permit comes up for review.

    Jeff Anderson