Meeting Time: November 16, 2021 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am so upset the county is allowing this to continue. I spoke with the construction workers when it started and even they told me they thought it was a big single family home but kept getting changes that were clearly turning it into a large rental property. It is laughable that the country allows them to try to hide their obvious intentions. At best the issuers of the permits are ignorant of what they are doing. More probably there is corruption here. Ultimately this goes to the council and the mayor, and I will not vote for any incumbents as it it impossible to see who is responsible as everyone is covering for everyone else. What a shame this structure is a monument to corruption and we have to look at it.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I'm speechless & have never gotten so upset enough to send in a testimony. I'm a native of Lahaina. My tutus are from Honolua, this hideous lie and farce has to be torn down & Lutey and her consort deserve to be prosecuted for abuse of power or lack of.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    It’s disgusting and pretentious and should not be allowed.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please do not allow this illegal monstrosity to be built in Napili. Its an eyesore and not going to be used for what it was permitted for.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose Greg Brown building such an eyesore to the public. He should have all permits revoked and that eyesore torn down. If he feels that he is entitled to skirt the law(s) by omission to build a house (hotel), he should pay a price that would fit the crime. A huge fine, his hotel house completely torn down, his license revoked as a builder, contractor, real estate agent and turn this property into a park. How blatantly deceitful he is.

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    Nicholas Drance almost 3 years ago

    Item GREAT-36 CC 21-242
    Nov 16, 2021

    Testimony from:
    Nick Drance

    I wish to make 3 points in this Hearing.

    1. No one is above the law.
    2. This developer disrespects you and asks you to set a precedent.
    3. The Planning Dept. needs your support

    1. This developer has clearly made several egregious violations. Some occurred with obfuscation like itchens that appear then disappear. So many other violations that appear as gray areas but in the light of day, they are black and white. Each of them manipulating the system because this person thinks he can get away with it simply based on the potential of the County wanting to avoid costly litigation. It looks to me like you are being manipulated.

    His actions indicate that he’s completely confident that he can get after the fact permits and game the system. Is it so easy to violate County Code in some cases, because the consequences are a just a mere slap on the hand?

    2. Apparently, he thinks it is. At the last hearing, he threatened you in broad daylight, for all, including the public, to see. His attorney said that if you did not grant him a transient rental permit, he would continue construction and he followed through on that threat. How dare he insult you like that? Aside from disrespect, there is another word for that. Hubris.

    Over thousands of years, literary figures guilty of hubris, among others, include Achilles and Hamlet. The impunity with which this developer acts is a textbook example of hubris. By definition, the consequence of hubris is self-destruction. He dares you to make him the exception.

    3. Item 3, Section 3-6 of the Maui County Charter, enables you to “To conduct investigations of the operation of any department or function of the county”. The Planning Dept. Director has said that some of the issues at hand occurred because of the structure and size of the department. She indicated that this was the first time the property had been visited by anyone in her department.

    In context, to me, what I heard was that it’s impossible to manage over 100 staff along with the number of tasks they deal with. Essentially, in many instances, it seems that staff has the de facto authority of the Director, without oversight, inviting unnoticed impropriety. The Director, perhaps unwittingly, might be asking you for a mandate to change that. Mind you, when Director McClean visited the jobsite with concerned citizens, I listened to what she had to say and came to both like and respect her.

    In summary:

    I believe this developer has complete disregard for you, the County, and the rule of law. He asks you to endorse this behavior and set a precedent for others to the exact same thing. The Administration and Corporation Counsel ask you to fear him. Let him push you around. I find that intolerable.

    Some consider whatever legal advice you may be told as a way to perpetuate the existing system which is flawed, inviting impropriety. No one is above the law. Not him, not me, not you.

    I’ll finish by saying that as always, I and many others, are complexly amazed at what you accomplish. I can’t express the degree of my gratitude. Mahalo nui for working so hard for Maui nui and its people.

    Mahalo nui,
    Nick Drance

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I selected "Oppose" because I oppose allowing Greg Brown to continue to construct this monstrosity after having repeatedly lied to the Planning Commission about what he intended to build, and obtaining permits based on those lies. However, I SUPPORT the GREAT Committee's decision to look into this matter. Please do not let County Counsel's exaggerated fears of litigation deter you from taking steps to put an immediate halt to further construction of this abomination. It is a sad commentary on County Counsel's priorities that they took the Lahaina Injection Wells case all the way to the Supreme Court in order to defend the pollution that is killing our coral reefs, while they cower in fear every time they get any pushback, no matter how groundless, from an attorney for a developer. This project was given permits based on total misrepresentations regarding the intended size, height, configuration, and purpose of the project. At this point the public does not yet know whether the Planning Department staff involved in this fiasco committed intentional misconduct or were merely incompetent. What is clear is that the Council needs to get to the bottom of this, and exercise proper oversight over the Planning Department to ensure that this kind of abuse does not continue to occur. - Sarah Hofstadter, full-time Kihei resident

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Howzit my name is LEONARD K NAKOA III. (JUNYA). I have been looking into the process that was taken by the planning department and the Public Works department. And since March of 2021 I asked why there was no public meeting on this project. And both departments told me that a public meeting was not needed cause it was a SINGLE FAMILY home. But thru a lot of U.I.P.A requests I found a lot of violations by this developer and thru many emails and calls to both departments. 2 for unpermitted walls. One of them was suppose to retain all the material and the house from falling onto the neighbors land and house. Second from the blueprints of the project, I found that many if the spaces was not included in the the square footage of the hotel. It was classified and dead space. Also the developer built the 2 walls without a permit. While buying the walls there was no dust fence. During the building of the walls some damage to the neighbors house happened. And when the neighbor approached GREG BROWN to pay for cleaning bill he said NOPE. Also the added grading has a possibility to run run into our precious ocean and neighboring properties. The project is now at 3 stories when it suppose to be 2 stories in this area. And also the height was suppose to be 35ft it exceeds that height. THE PUBLIC AND RESIDENTS WOULD DEFINITELY OPPOSE THIS PROJECT IF A PUBLIC MEETING WAS HELD. Both the Planning and Publis Works departments should be investigqted.. MAHALO FOR YOUR TIME. I WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE TO BE A RESOURCE FOR THE COUNCIL. THE PUBLIC ALSO WOULD NOT WANT THIS TO GO INTO EXCECUTIVE SESSION DUE TO ALL THE SKETCHY QCTIONS TAKEN BY PALNNING DEPARTMENT, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, CORPORATION COUNCIL, AND THE LACK OF ATTENTION TO MAYOR VICTORINO ADMINISTRATION. YESAAAQH SEE U FOLKS TUESDAY

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    mary drayer almost 3 years ago

    i did not select a position, because i donʻt really understand which is the way to say NO to this whole greg brown fiasco. i am not an engineer, realtor, developer or any other professional. i have been following this situation simply as a citizen. sadly, i cannot understand how this project has continued -ʻwith permitsʻ. my daughter wants to add a bedroom and bathroom to her 2 bedroom 1 bath home on an over 7,000 square foot lot, and cannot get a permit. (this would give her family of 5 a 3 bed 2 bath home - not unreasonable) - thus my comment is: itʻs illegal and definitely not in the best interest of the community. mahalo for the chance to comment.