Meeting Time: November 03, 2021 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    What does tourism got to do with properties that are ZONED by DEED and LAW for short term rentals?
    The state should fix their own problem and not look for a way out of building and spending the states money not take away from small businesses that are legal

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Eliminate ALL AirBnB's ... STOP the condo-ization of ag land and "ohanas' ... keep the long term rental housing stock on Maui. Eliminate ALL fractional home ownership ... STOP all REIT's. and we will see more housing available to the local population for HOMES NOT PROFITS. ONLY YOU .. can prevent homelessness

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    This is real simple, if you do away with TVR's, you substantially reduce my ability to sell my unit and therefore the market value of the unit. I would expect to be FULLY compensated for any loss in value associated with eliminating TVR's when I sell my unit. I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers that would love to take on that class action suit on a contingent fee basis.
    Mike Grande - Ekahi 44C

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I am in support of this bill.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I oppose the proposed moratorium on new transient accommodations. I live in Maui about 3 months/year. I provide temporary(locums) help at Maui Memorial Medical Center. I purchased investment property on Maui for the specific purpose of transient rentals and resale. This is a major part of my financial portfolio. The proposed moratorium will significantly impact the resale value of my property.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    There is a shortage of affordable housing, but reducing or eliminating short term vacation rentals will not fix the problem. The County makes much more money from taxing these units by far than residential units. The housing crisis would be much better off with the County reinvesting tax dollars to create affordable housing. A properly established program of medium term loans for building affordable rental housing would do far more to create housing than reducing or eliminating short term rentals. Loan conditions would require builders to keep the units affordable for 15 years.
    Please consider this alternative before you make your decision.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I believe not putting a ceiling on the number of TA licenses is antithetical to wanting to preserve and protect the island. Thank you for voting yes on this.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Prioritize housing for residents not visitors.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I was born on Maui and lived here most of my adult life.I strongly support both PSLU-28 and PSLU-34 . We need to look for other alternatives than overtourism. We need to create housing that is affordable for our resident families. Many of the students that I work with in the high schools tell me they know that they cannot afford living here and plan to go to school or get employment in the continental US and reside in a state that they can get a good job. They say to have a better quality of life.. How sad is that for our families?

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Build more housing for residents

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    We must top the continued expansion of our already overbuilt tourism industry.
    Bobbie Best
    280 Hauoli St. Wailuku

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Pacific Shores is zoned to “ highest and best use“…please keep STR legal…It is vital for our economy… All of the restaurants, shops, small businesses and excursions are counting on our visitors.

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    mary drayer over 3 years ago

    strongly support both PSLU-28 and PSLU-34 - mahalo for the opportunity to comment #speakup

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    PSLU Committee over 3 years ago

    Testimony from Sarah Hofstadter in support of PSLU-28 and PSLU-34.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Aloha ,are we not paying attention to Global Warming, The rise in the average temperature of earths atmosphere and oceans , we need leaders who can attack this climate change. Kahului Maui is One of the hottest spots in the Hawaiian islands. To coin a phrase they paved paradise and put up a parking lot . No more hotels no more building mega mansions on the ocean or anywhere in the islands . Start planting trees We know this we need to act now please stop the madness .
    I cannot believe that Hawaiian Airlines is starting new Direct flights in and out of the islands It’s unbelievable the flights that are flying over my house here in Haiku it’s nonstop all day long evenings also. We need to limit the air traffic to Hawaii again it’s your money or your life . We need to take control of tourism and limit the amount of visitors coming here The damage is almost irreversible now
    With today’s technology I see no reason why our government employees need to fly all over the place for meetings when we have zoom / Skype.
    Human activity and burning fossil fuels will be the end of us, please make it stop, I know you know this, step Up do it now
    Mahlo, with Aloha,

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Prioritize housing for residents not visitors.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    We need to build AFFORDABLE rentals and housing. IF new Developments (hotels, etc) are approved, then the developer needs to commit and actually BUILD housing for Maui Residents. NOT buy housing credits.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    My husband and I bought 10 years ago and plan on moving when we retire. This would only force us to sell, or leave it empty so we can visit when we are able. It would not provide more rental housing on island, as we bought and renovated for our use. We have always paid our taxes. We believe this is truly government overreach as we bought our condo based on its history of vacation rentals so we could afford our dreams.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    The housing situation on Maui has become a nightmare for residents. Maui is world famous for vacationers and therefore the ability for home owners to rent out their homes as vacation rentals is unlimited. People think that when they own something they can do whatever they want with it but an island community is unique and requires a unique set of laws. There are no bedroom communities where residents can live.
    I am not that familiar with how vacation rental laws work. I just know that I see tourists living in neighborhoods for their vacations and last month when we were searching for an upcountry rental the property manager I contacted about an advertised rental didn't answer until I pressed. Her reply was she received 120 emails in the first day and couldn't possibly respond and it wasn't her fault that there are no rentals on Maui. It was IMPOSSIBLE to find a long term rental. And we have the means to pay. It makes me shudder to think about people with low income. Please make this nightmare for Maui residents stop.I know it's not an easy answer that will please everyone. I just find myself wondering if homeowners could find a way to make ends meet with long term rentals rather than going for the big bucks of vacation rentals that raise the price of real estate in other ways too. What has happened here has been a long time brewing but Covid has really made the problem explode. Thank you for putting this issue on your agenda.

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    Rosa McAllister over 3 years ago

    I am in complete support of PSLU-28 & PSLU-34.

    Maui has become over-run by tourists, clogging our roads, using our precious resources, destroying our beautiful & sacred aina. We must find multiple ways to deal with the extraordinary level of over-tourism that has existed & profited on maui. It is about time that residents of maui arte heard, respected, & honored first... & the hotels, developers, off-island investors, & more take a back seat. Please support your ohanas, your Kaunas, your keiki & support PSLU-28 & PSLU-34. Our future is in your hands.