Meeting Time: November 02, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


Legislation Text County Communication 19-162 Committee Report 20-128 (Recommitted) 10-09-2020 Miscellaneous Communication 10-09-2020 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 07-29-2019 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 08-02-2019 Correspondence from Corp Counsel 08-07-2019 Revised Proposed Resolution 08-07-2019 Correspondence from Water Supply 08-13-2019 Presentation from Water Supply 08-15-2019 Testimony Sierra Club Maui 08-19-2019 Testimony Clare Apana 08-19-2019 Testimony William Greenleaf 09-09-2019 Presentation from Water Supply 09-26-2019 Testimony Sierra Club Maui 09-30-2019 Testimony Maui Tomorrow Foundation 09-30-2019 Testimony Clare Apana 1 09-30-2019 Testimony Clare Apana 2 09-30-2019 County Communication 20-8 Testimony Dick Mayer 01-22-2020 Presentation from Water Supply Central and Koolau 01-22-2020 Testimony Dick Mayer 05-17-2020 Presentation from Water Supply 05-18-2020 Presentation from Water Supply 05-27-2020 Presentation from Water Supply 06-10-2020 Testimony Lucienne de Naie 06-15-2020 Correspondence to Water Supply 06-17-2020 Correspondence to Water Supply 06-26-2020 Correspondence from Water Supply 06-24-2020 Correspondence from Water Supply 07-01-2020 Correspondence from Water Supply 07-27-2020 Correspondence from Water Supply 08-13-2020 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 08-24-2020 Correspondence from Corp Counsel 08-27-2020 Testimony J Kahala Chrupalyk 09-08-2020 Testimony C Hess 09-08-2020 Testimony Rosemary Robinson 09-08-2020 Testimony Susan Vickery 09-08-2020 Testimony Sandia Siegel 09-08-2020 Testimony Steven Forman 09-08-2020 Testimony eatsurflivelove 09-08-2020 Testimony Leina Shirota-Purdy 09-08-2020 Testimony Julie Paul 09-08-2020 Testimony Joan Heartfield 09-08-2020 Testimony Ku'uipo Keen 09-08-2020 Testimony Theresa Kapaku 09-08-2020 Testimony Barbara Barry 09-09-2020 Testimony Marty Martins 09-09-2020 Testimony Janet Spreiter 09-17-2020 Testimony Deborah Eudene 09-18-2020 Testimony Maile 'Alohi 09-18-2020 Testimony Theresa Kapaku 09-18-2020 Testimony Carla Hess 09-18-2020 Testimony Trahan Miriam 09-18-2020 Testimony Elizabeth Leeds 09-18-2020 Testimony Maya Bendotoff 09-18-2020 Testimony Jennifer Owen 09-18-2020 Testimony Beverly Young 09-21-2020 Testimony Maui Tomorrow Foundation 10-15-2020 Correspondence to Water Supply 10-28-2020 Testimony Councilmember Paltin 10-29-2020 Correspondence from Water Supply 11-06-2020 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 11-06-2020 Correspondence to Corp Counsel 11-09-2020 Proposed Resolution 11-09-2020 Correspondence from Corp Counsel 11-12-2020 Testimony Scott Werden 11-16-2020 Testimony Kecia Joy 11-16-2020 Testimony Megan Powers 11-16-2020 Testimony Roland Wittel 11-16-2020 Testimony Lyn Scott 11-16-2020 Testimony Naomi Pagano 11-16-2020 Correspondence from Water Supply 11-20-2020 Testimony Lucienne de Naie 02-15-2021 Presentation from Jeremy Kimura, State of Hawai`i 02-16-2021 Correspondence from Water Supply 02-18-2021 Testimony Scott Werden 03-01-2021 Presentation from Sierra Club Maui 03-02-2021 Testimony Dawn Lono 03-02-2021 Correspondence to Water Supply 03-17-2021 Correspondence from Water Supply 04-15-2021 Correspondence from Committee Chair 05-26-2021 Presentation from Jeremy Kimura, State of Hawaii 06-01-2021 Testimony Haiku Community Association Water Committee 06-28-2021 Testimony Isaac Hall 06-29-2021 Correspondence from Committee Chair 07-14-2021 Correspondence from Committee Chair 07-21-2021 Revised resolution from Committee Chair 07-29-2021 Correspondence from Committee Chair 08-03-2021 Correspondence from Committee Chair 08-17-2021 Correspondence from Committee Chair 08-25-2021 Correspondence from Committee Chair 09-14-2021 Testimony Clare Apana 09-16-2021
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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Aloha Chair Sinenci and Members of the Agriculture and Public Trust Committee,

    My name is Jade Chihara and I would like to submit comments on the Water Use Development Plan. Thank you very much for your hard work to develop this plan and dedication to uphold the public trust.

    First, I would like to highly encourage the committee to support the designation of the entire Launiupoko aquifer as a groundwater and surface water Water Management Area by the State Commission on Water Resource Management.

    Second, In section #59 “Surface Water efficiency programs and improvements to diversions”. I would like to comment that this will adversely affect kuleana and cultural users such as water shut off for multiple consecutive days, causing loss of water delivery to kuleana farmers and cultural use that receive water offstream dependent on the complex water delivery systems located at the areas of the stream diversions. While the main focus may be on repairs to stream diversions, work done in these areas trigger downstream/offstream users of potential impacts and should be added to this section of the plan.

    Third, In Conventional Water Source section #39/74 “Protect and prioritize public trust uses in regions of conflicting needs”. Lahaina is an area of extreme conflict between kuleana users, Launiupoko Irrigation Co, and other offstream users. I ask that the committee and the Water Development Plan monitor with extreme scrutiny the groundwater recharge in our streambeds with the approved planned use of expanding well capacity and new well users. Approval of well use is contradictory to the pursuit of sustainable water use that includes mauka to makai streamflow as it does not allow for the water table in the aquifer to rise due to the continued extraction of groundwater. What good is the IIFS of surface water to the ecological functions and health of the aquifer if it is not given a fair and equitable chance to recharge itself if we shift the extraction methods from diverting surface stream water to pumping more groundwater?

    Finally, I would like to comment on Conventional Water Source section #43 “Develop a water availability rule to provide certainty in land use planning and ensure that reliable source and infrastructure capacity is provided within reasonable time for planned growth.” This section could potentially provide an unfair and false sense of security to development projects and infrastructure that is contradictory to the protection and prioritization of the public trust.

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration of my comments on the Water Use Development Plan.

    Jade Chihara