Meeting Time: November 01, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Syl Cabral <>
    Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2021 7:42 PM
    To: Maui_County Council_mailbox <>; County Clerk <>; Council - Maui County <>;; Gabe Johnson <>
    Cc:;; Alan Fukuyama <>; Shane M. Sinenci <>; Gary Hooser <>
    Subject: Re: Truly affordable will require making affordable housing LEASEHOLD

    On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 7:30 PM Syl Cabral <> wrote:
    Queen knew how it worked. 150 years later and only 50 years taking away the leaseholds, the govt has made Hawaii a gamblers paradise
    outlaws without any laws, a lawless town where the rich pay to play and the locals remain houseless, homeless.
    my own daughter has lived houseless for 8 years and working full time. we have our celebrations at the beach,
    at the picnic tables, houseless. Brutally honest, not for the naive to see.
    Find land for the Hawaiian elders, the young with children, mahi pono could donate a hundred acres and the county
    has millions to add facilities just like oahu just did this month. don't reinvent the wheel, u do not need more studies.
    just do it.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Syl Cabral <>
    Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2021 9:07 AM
    To:; County Clerk <>; Maui_County Council_mailbox <>;
    Subject: YOU Need to find a place for the homeless elders and young with children to stay

    Oahu just completed approx 5 acres with facilities for these poor sad people sitting and walking on the roads.
    I'm talking HAWAIIANS. Anyone ever take anything from Hawaiians?
    These are the saddest, most denigrated groups living in paradise.
    Yesterday I saw a Hawaiian man sitting lost next to the public toilets on Market St.
    It looked like he had just been released from somewhere. There was a packet of fresh washcloths wrapped in a ribbon on a cooler. I gave him money, water and any foods I could find in my car. What can YOU do to help this person? Yesterday I saw two young Hawiian women walking down the street with a man, two strollers with babies, carrying all their personal belongings. What can YOU do for them?
    I have repeatedly asked that YOU get Mahi Polo or the State to set aside 5-100 acres and provide facilities such as
    Oahu started this week per the news. Please do it this life, or live to regret it next life. Jesus said he would return.
    He's talking about YOU also.