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    Elle Cochran over 3 years ago

    Aloha Committee Members,
    Huge MAHALO to Chair King for posting and keeping CC 17-231 alive! I am in very strong support of the Ho'omahua Initiative. I am honored to be part of a team that strives to roll out this Initiatve for Honolua Bay. With the re-opening of our Island Maui, Visitors are Loving Honolua to Death again. Honolua needs oversight, care and attention now! We cannot wait for the State's Management Plan to be finalized in order to start to Malama Honolua. This Initiative will give us Real Time data that will help assist everyone in better management of tourism and visitors to Honolua and other sensitive, special places. With Up-to-date current information we will be able to better Educate the Visitors, Tourism Businesses and all the people who work in the Visitor Industry. As a Concierges in Ka'anapali, I can see all the wonderful ways this Initiative will be beneficial to creating a balance between residents, businesses, visitors, environment and cultural needs. An important and key objective is to inform and educate decision makers about the special places and communities they represent so truly beneficial decisions can be made and doable Strategic Plans will be implemented in REAL Time!
    Please digest all the information in the Presentation and REALLY take it to heart to Implement! Maui Nui will Thrive and be forever grateful!!!
    Mahalo for your time and consideration,
    Elle Cochran

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    Guest User over 3 years ago


    September 27, 2021

    Maui County Climate Action, Resilience, and Environment Committee
    Chair Kelly Takaya King
    Vice Chair Shane Sinenci
    Councilmember Alice L. Lee
    Councilmember Gabe Johnson
    Councilmember Mike Molina
    Councilmember Tamara Paltin
    Councilmember Yuki Lei Sugimura

    Re: Supporting 09/29/21 Agenda Item 27: A resolution urging the Mayor to support the Implementation of the Ho’omāhua Initiative.

    Aloha Chair King, Vice Chair Sinenci, & Honorable Council Members,

    Please accept this correspondence as testimony in support of Councilmember King’s Resolution urging the Mayor to support the Implementation of the Ho’omāhua Initiative.

    The Ho’omāhua Initiative brilliantly integrates technology, nonprofits, and pono local businesses to provide an improved visitor experience that is desperately needed to move Maui County toward better managed tourism. Not only would it benefit the visitors & residents, but the Mayor’s administration could benefit from the real-time data it would provide about the County-managed parks and attractions.

    Mahalo for moving Maui forward,
    Representative Tina Wildberger
    House District 11 - South Maui
    Kīhei ∙ Wailea ∙ Mākena