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Agenda Item


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    AH Committee about 3 years ago

    Testimonies received from AH Committee

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    September 2, 2021

    Maui County Council
    Affordable Housing Committee
    Chair Gabe Johnson

    Aloha Kakahiaka Councilmember Johnson:

    I would like to testify on Agenda Item AF-14(1) relating to Right To Housing. I commend efforts of this Committee to clarify this item for the current Mayoral administration and the greater public. While I consider this to be common sense, I am pleased that the fundamental understanding is finally being made clear within this item.

    I have been baffled at the lack of attention this issue has been given for years and more specifically during this covid alarm. I have hours of recorded phone calls made to MEMA, the Mayor's office and his Liaison's, DHHC, Red Cross and MPD. While I do believe in direct action and positive steps moving forward I must share my great disappointment with the current Mayor's administration to attention the most vulnerable of our residents.

    I will waste no time in going down the long list of failures, rather, I will say that the recent events surrounding signage that criminalizes the houseless specifically on Amala Place in Kanaha are atrocious. This signage needs to be removed immediately. If you look closer you will see that in fact the ‘aina that our residents have taken sanctuary on is not the County's to make authority on, these lands and many others are in fact lands for the people.

    Again, I will not go down the long list of areas that are also not the County's to lay claim but will remind you that many Land Court Award issues have already been settled in U.S. Court.

    In the Bill section 9.37.060 Budgeting wherein: “The council recognizes that the process to create a countywide right to shelter is complicated and will require significant dialogue and budgeting decisions. But the council also recognizes its responsibility to include appropriations in the annual budget ordinance that make the right to shelter a reality.”
    I would comment this: It is not complicated and will not require this suggested laborious dialogue and budgeting decisions. There is a very easy formula when everyone is in agreement that shelter is a human right and nothing has been done to date, just do it. Budget it, create a drop-in center, do not cater to the faith-based agencies who had years to work on and solve this piece.

    I suggest changing this section to read the following: The council recognizes its responsibility to include appropriations in the annual budget ordinance that make the right to shelter a reality.

    Pass this bill, Remove the signs, Budget for a drop-in center, Begin securing land for transitional housing. Let the stewards who have exhibited massive sweat equity in this humanitarian work have an opportunity to show what deliverables look like.

    In closing, I also support the Agenda Item AF-14(2), this goes hand in hand with this bill.

    Thank you for taking direct action on this critical issue today.

    Most Seriously,
    Faith Chase

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Same as my comments on the right to housing.