Meeting Time: August 16, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha - I'm Carol Desha Truman (phone #7496) and wasn't able to add my support by testifying during today's meeting. Born and raised on Lana'i and living here over the past 2 years, I've seen the chronic need for affordable housing for Lana'i residents. As a retired educator, I know Hokuao's safe, affordable, consistent housing is crucial to student's and families success in school and in life. I sincerely hope that families will soon be able to move from renting to owning their own homes. Please add your support for this much needed visionary project. Mahalo and aloha.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Good afternoon, Chair and Members of the Affordable Housing Committee:

    The Hokuaʻu housing project is just one step toward creating real choices. I don’t feel it’s a perfect solution, but can we wait for perfection? Not just young individuals like my son, but people of my generation who want to return to the island but who happen to not have a home to which they can return, and potential newcomers with the passion to help us advance the welfare our of community cannot wait. We’ve lost them to opportunities elsewhere. We’ll continue to lose bright, creative minds and industrious individuals who know that housing is a struggle on Lānaʻi.

    One step toward real choices.

    We have to start somewhere.

    Create an opportunity for people to rent on Lānaʻi, to have time to experience Lānaʻi, to want to stay on Lānaʻi. Then go further and form feasible housing purchase options for people who truly want to stake their future and the future of their families on Lānaʻi.

    I am in general support of the Hokuaʻu rental housing project as a first step toward real choices. I have not read all of the documentation so cannot give specific support to the application as written.

    I fervently hope that our Council will take additional steps toward creating other affordable rental options and realistic, owner-occupied housing choices for our island’s hard-working families and individuals – young and old - who are thinking not only of themselves but also about shaping the future generations of Lānaʻi; people who want to contribute to our island’s sustainable growth and to the happiness of our community.

    Thank you for your time,
    Tess Morimoto

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Maui County Council
    Affordable Housing Committee
    Kalana O Maui Building, 8th Floor
    Councilmember Gabe Johnson, Chair
    Councilmember Michael Molina, Vice Chair
    Monday, August 16, 2021; 1:30 p.m.

    Statement of the ILWU Local 142 on the Proposed Hōkūao Housing Project in Lāna‘i City, Lāna‘i

    The ILWU Local 142 strongly supports the proposed Hōkūao housing project in Lāna‘i City, Lāna‘i.

    The biggest cost for most working families in Hawaii is housing. Many working families in Hawaii have a hard time finding homes they can afford to buy or rent and if they do, it often jumps their debt-to-income ratio well above 50 percent. This means many are house poor and unable to afford other important expenses and as a result struggle to make ends meet.

    And just two months ago, the median home price for Maui County exceeded $1.1 million – a price no working family can afford let alone most working professionals. Affordable housing is clearly a concern for the County of Maui and that is why we strongly support Hōkūao.

    Hōkūao will provide residents of Lāna‘i over 70 affordable single family rental homes allowing families that live on Lāna‘i the option of having their own single family home. Many of our members that live and work on Lāna‘i at the Four Seasons Resort strongly support this project and look forward to having more affordable housing options. It is important for them, and it is important to us.

    In addition, Hōkūao is a workforce housing project and will help add inventory to a small supply of homes that currently exist on the market. With such a limited supply and high demand, home prices have been skyrocketing. Hōkūao will add to the inventory, giving potential new homeowners more options.

    As a state and a county, we need to support as many affordable housing projects as possible to help keep Hawaii working families afloat. Local families born and raised in Hawaii shouldn’t have to move to the mainland because they can’t afford Hawaii. But unfortunately, today, that is what many are doing. Fortunately, this project will help many working families make ends meet and stay in Hawaii.
    We strongly support and recommend Hōkūao move forward.
    Thank you for the opportunity to testify.

    Roberto Andrion, Jr.
    Maui Division Director

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    Roger Alconcel about 3 years ago

    I am in support of the Hokoau housing project on Lana'i. I know a lot friends and families who need place to rent. With limited rentals available, the rental price is astronomical in private homes. We need more housing so the price for rent can be reduce for everyone looking. Families and friends wanting to come back home to Lana;i but none available. This will only continue to get worst unless you approve this project. Please support this housing project.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    To: Affordable Housing Committee
    Maui County Council

    1) While my disappointment with HOKUAU remains that no units are for sale at affordable rates, if I were an elected official responsible for spending taxpayer monies I would approve the project with modifications as permitted by law.
    2) Taxpayers will be provided 150 rental units, 76 at affordable rates with no cost to the taxpayer other than some fee losses and some County obligations through County-provided services. Seventy-six affordable units at no cost to the County will assist the County in reaching the suggestions of the recent housing study.
    3) However, the County will now bear the burden through the Lana’i County Affordable Housing Project to support residents needing to purchase homes at affordable rates.
    a) At least one of the testifiers on August 2, 2021 were County employees living with their parents who are also County employees. The County has been planning a project for many years. I recognize funding is an issue, however, younger County employees have been waiting for years.
    b) In addition, other State, Federal, County, non-profit, private business and healthcare employees who serve our community daily are seeking to make Lana’i their home and need affordable housing for purchase.
    4) Comments regarding requested exemptions:
    a) P.126, #2: Trees and landscaping:
    i) Cook Pines: Over time the roots encroach on roads and sidewalks requiring constant repair or no repair.
    ii) The trees drop large branches and pine cones. Over time they become a danger to structures. I suggest keeping them far from structures if selected at all.
    iii) “False” Kamani Tree is along Fifth Street. This variety drops large seeds on the sidewalk and street, sheds leaves in the Autumn and the roots uplift sidewalks.
    iv) Axis Deer: The deer will invade the project leaving scat and voraciously eating plants and shrubbery. Particularly during the current drought, deer are throughout Lanai City nightly.
    b) P129, #4b&e: Right of Way and Pavement Widths; Sidewalks:
    i) Americans With Disabilities Act:
    (1) Persons with disabilities needing mobility transportation on streets and in units need to be considered.
    (a) In the past students attending Lanai School have used motorized wheelchairs or even non-motorized transportation.
    (b) Elderly and other adults have these needs. For example, some seniors will use a Maui Economic Opportunity bus with lift transportation. Loading and unloading from the unit should be considered.
    (c) Sidewalks should provide an adequate width to accommodate their needs.
    (d) A pathway from Hokuau to the County parking near the cafeteria is appropriate for pre-school through high school students and adults for safety.

    (e) The County should consider the need for crosswalks across Fraser
    Avenue with reflective crossing signs as foot traffic to the rest of the commercial and residential areas will increase.
    c) Workforce Housing:
    i) Rental Rates: On August 12, 2021 the U. S. Census produced very limited data related to Lana’i. Most data available are those from 2019, before the COVID downturn.
    ii) I believe the Housing and Urban Development data currently do not reflect the incomes after June 2020 when 425 Four Seasons and Pulama employees were furloughed or laid-off as described in the WARN letter to the State DLIR in August 2020.
    iii) The Area Median Income does not reflect the 29.3% unemployment rate of November 2020 for Lana’i reported by DLIR.
    iv) The rates should be reviewed.
    v) Provide an independent agent to assist potential applicants to fully understand the legal requirements of all lease agreements, including restrictions, deposits, avenues to resolve disputes, definitions of terms and requirements before approving the project to ensure full transparency.

    Mahalo for your attention.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    We support this project as it will provide rental housing opportunities in our community.