Meeting Time: August 02, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Kdeshotelsmoore DeshotelsMoore about 3 years ago

    Please see attached.

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    Eric Hamblen about 3 years ago

    To whom it concerns. Diane Preza came to thew Lanai Adventure Park and spoke to my staff about the Affordable Housing Project.
    I was able to connect with my staff after her presentation to see how they felt about the project. Everyone on my staff (13 strong) was in favor of the program. At least half of my staff were planning to apply for housing through this program. Their questions and concerns were addressed by Diane. In addition to the plethora of positive comments there was one comment made that I felt was worthy of sharing. The term "affordable housing" has a bit of a negative connotation directed towards the renter. A more favorable term was "rent control" creates and/or maintains a positive connotation towards the renter.

    Mahalo for seeking and receiving this input to what could be a very positive addition to life here Lana'i.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Exhibit A should probable request an exemption from Chapter 2.80B is requested to permit the project to proceed without obtaining an amendment to the Lana’i Community Plan instead of the West Maui Community Plan

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    Levina Inaba about 3 years ago

    Aloha Councilmember Gabe Johnson & Committee Members:

    Please review the attached letters in great support of the Hōkūao 201H Residential Project.

    We thank you for your time and consideration.
    L. Inaba

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    Alastair McAlpine about 3 years ago

    I am writing today in support of the proposed Hōkūao 201H Residential Project, which will provide affordable workforce housing for the residents in our community who choose to call Maui County home as they work, live and even raise families.

    Please accept my testimony as a current Lāna‘i City resident and General Manager of Four Seasons Resorts Lanai. Tourism is an integral part of Lāna‘i’s economy and our two properties - Four Seasons Resort Lāna‘i and Sensei Lāna‘i, A Four Seasons Resort - directly employ over 800 people, a significantly large segment of the local community. The vast majority of our workforce lives on Lāna‘i. This number does not include the supporting elements of local business owners and tour operators that play an active role as ambassadors to everyone that visits our beautiful island as well as the many other members of the community that choose to make Lāna‘i home.

    It is vital for projects like this to move forward, so our residents, and those who would like the opportunity to live in the community, have access to a choice of available housing.

    The proposed development would add 150 new single-family homes for lease with just over half the units set aside as affordable units, allowing for a variety of pricing options to accommodate a range of residents, no matter where they are on their life path. The additional elements of a Community center with parking, a park, and pocket parks along the south border will serve to enhance the overall project.

    I thank you for the opportunity to share my perspective as you gather the viewpoints of the various stakeholders - from county officials, community members, neighborhood homeowner's associations, local business and immediate neighbors and know that we all are working towards making Maui County, our home, the best it can be for us all.

    Once again, please accept this in FULL support for the Hōkūao 201H Residential Project.

    Alastair McAlpine

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Dear Committee Chair Johnson and Members of the Committee:

    I am writing in support of the Hokuao housing development on Lanai.

    We have created over 50 jobs since we started Sensei Farm on Lanai and, every day, I am so proud of the wide variety of people who make up our employee pool.

    What I have noticed – particularly since I moved on island in June with my own family – is that for all of our families, the tight housing market is a serious concern. Young people, as they start their own families, really want their own space and our older folk worry about the tensions of too many living under the same roof. Our agriculture jobs not only add food security for the island but also grow talent for these ag jobs of the future, and the lack of suitable housing is a constraint on the growth of this important capability on Lanai.

    As ever, I’m available to discuss any of these specific issues in more detail and thank you in advance for your kind consideration.


    Sonia Lo
    Sensei Farms
    Sensei Ag

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    Sarah Simmons about 3 years ago


    Please see attached letter in support of the Hōkūao project. Mahalo for your time and consideration.


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    Alberto Gonzalez about 3 years ago


    Please see the attached letter and signatures in support from residents of Iwi’ole and Kānepu'u.


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    Bradley Russell, Resort Manager - Four Seasons Lana`i about 3 years ago

    Aloha Chair Johnson and Council Members,
    As a member of the Lana`i community and an employee of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts here in Lana`i, I would strongly support the Hōkūao Rental Project
    The limited amount of housing opportunities on island creates undue strain on its residents and the success of the businesses here in Lana`i. Due to limited housing, we suffer from lack of staff to assist us in doing our jobs. Additionally, we are having to have multiple family members residing in the current housing we have on island, thus creating uncomfortable living conditions.
    Lack of housing is one of the most concerning challenges that we have here in Lana`i and feel that a viable solution to the housing crisis is your support on the Hōkūao 201H Residential Project, which will create 150 new homes, 51% of which will be affordable housing. That’s 76 affordable homes. The Hōkūao Rental Project is a taxpayer benefit, since it will be 100% financed by Pūlama Lāna'i, and no public or grant funding will be required. Affordable units will also remain in perpetuity.
    Mahalo for your consideration,
    The undersigned employees of Four Seasons Resort Lana`i

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    Ben Sheets about 3 years ago

    Please see the attached letter and signatures in support from the Members and Friends of Lana'i Union Church.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    To whom it may concern,

    I am writing in support of the Hokuao Affordable Rental Housing Development project on Lanai.
    My name is Alice Granito and I have been a resident of Lanai since 2003. I worked at the only licensed preschool on the island for 14 years. Currently, I work for the State of Hawaii - Child Welfare Services.
    When I first moved here, I was ok with living with my significant other and his family. As time went on, more family members joined the household. With 8 people, we live in an old plantation home with one bathroom. Usually, this living situation is interesting to say the least, but during this pandemic it has been difficult living in a multi-generational home with one bathroom. We have all had to make extra sacrifices to care for everyone in our household. With only one bathroom there is no option for isolation in the event anyone was to get sick, so we are extra diligent with our contact with people outside of the home.
    During my time here I’ve applied for housing through Castle and Cooke and then Pulama Lanai at various times. The first time I applied, I was called for housing, but at the time I was unable to afford living expenses plus the higher rent on my own versus living at home. Most recently, I applied for housing with Pulama Lanai and my application was accepted. I waited two months for a response before I was finally notified that they were unable to offer me housing. The notice also stated that Pulama Lanai was not accepting any applications until further notice. This was a letdown as it is difficult to live on your own here with limited resources for housing.
    Private rentals are expensive and limited, adding to the housing shortage on Lanai. Off-island contractors can pay higher than market rent. I don’t blame private homeowners for wanting to take advantage of the extra income, but I would never be able to compete with the off-island contractors that are able to pay thousands of dollars a month for rent.
    These factors make it extremely frustrating to live here. I’ve come to love Lanai and would love to enjoy my life here, but the lack of housing options has me considering life elsewhere. The Hokuao Affordable Rental Housing Development gives me hope for the future. This will ease stress to families living in multi-generational and multi-family homes. I personally look forward to having the option to move into a single-family home on my own.

    Thank you,
    Alice Granito

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha Maui County,

    I’m writing this letter in support of the Hōkūao 201H Housing Development.

    We are in desperate need of housing on Lāna'i. I live and work here and know of families that are crammed into small homes with as generations of family members of the household. Not because of inability to afford housing but because of lack of housing available on the island new low income housing hasn’t been built in decades. It would be great if all families could live comfortably on the island.

    Please vote to support and approve this much needed housing project.

    Philo Sowers

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha Maui County,
    I’m writing this letter in support of the Hōkūao 201H Housing Development.
    We are in desperate need of housing to be added to the available inventory on Lᾱna'i. I live and work here and know of families that are crammed into 1-bedroom homes with as many as 8 members of the household. This is not an uncommon issue.

    Our island and community are growing for the good of our economy; however our housing shortage prevents us from expanding the workforce needed to supply these operations. The local independent businesses are short-handed, as well as the Four Seasons Hotels, Sensei Operations, and Pulama Lᾱna'i.

    Please vote to support and approve this much needed housing project.

    Matt Abrams

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    To whom it may concern.

    I’m writing this letter in support of the Hōkūao 201H Housing Development.
    We are in desperate need of housing to be added on Lᾱna'i. I live and work here and know of multigenerational families that are crammed into one home not because of lack of income but because of lack of available housing.

    in order for our economy to grow, we need more housing shortage prevents us from expanding the workforce needed to staff the The local independent businesses are short-handed, as well as the Four Seasons Hotels, Sensei Operations, and Pulama Lᾱna'i.

    Please vote to support and approve this much needed housing project.

    Sylvana Valeri