Meeting Time: August 02, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Charles H. Palumbo
    PO Box 631702
    Lanai City, HI 96763
    (808) 563-0036

    August 2, 2021
    Maui County Council
    By email:
    RE: Affordable Housing on Lānaʻi: Support for the Hokua’o Project

    Aloha Chair Lee and Councilmembers,

    I am writing today in support of Pulama Lana’i’s Hokua’o Project:

    Lana’i has a severe shortage of housing to support our economy and community.

    1. There are over 100 open positions on island due to lack of workforce housing
    2. Two and three families are presently living together due to the housing shortage
    3. Hokua’o is intended to address the need for more workforce housing, not speculative vacation rentals and homes for “snowbirds”.
    4. The proposed development is high quality and unlike any other affordable housing product here in Maui County and the State
    5. Please get started on the Maui County Affordable Housing project! Lana’i needs affordable homes for sale AND rent. The proposed Hokuao project will add 150 much needed rental units to the Lana’i home inventory. These homes will be unlike any others in Maui County. Solid wood construction (less chance of mold and less interstitial wall space for pest infestation and toxins to be released into the home environment). Hokuao will feature Tesla roof tiles and back-up battery power. Each home will be situated on a minimum of 8,000 SF lots, larger than any other 201H single family development ever built in the County. Hokuao will be a walkable community with close access to work, school and market.

    Councilmembers, please get started on development of for-sale product on the 100+ acres given to the County over 30 years ago. We need affordable for sale product also to compliment the proposed Hokuao workforce rental inventory. The developers of Hokuao are willing to greatly reduce the infrastructure of the County affordable for-sale project by stubbing out utilities close to the proposed County project thereby saving millions in infrastructure costs. Please get moving on the County project and fulfill the promises made over 30 years ago to develop affordable homes for sale! Pulama Lana'i has expressed and interest in helping the County with developing the 100 acre parcel and is ready to assist!

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Charles H. Palumbo

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I'm the Guest User who submitted a comment on Aug 2 at 6:55 am.
    Deborah dela Cruz, Un-Tech Savvy Lanai Resident

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha - I just submitted my comment beginning with “The island lifestyle has changed….please note my name as I forgot to include
    Dorothy EHARIS Yoza
    Thank you

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    Roger Alconcel about 3 years ago

    Attached 17 signatures supporting this project.

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    Bradley Russell, Resort Manager - Four Seasons Lana`i about 3 years ago

    Aloha Chair Johnson and Council Members,
    As a member of the Lana`i community and an employee of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts here in Lana`i, I would strongly support the Hōkūao Rental Project
    The limited amount of housing opportunities on island creates undue strain on its residents and the success of the businesses here in Lana`i. Due to limited housing, we suffer from lack of staff to assist us in doing our jobs. Additionally, we are having to have multiple family members residing in the current housing we have on island, thus creating uncomfortable living conditions.
    Lack of housing is one of the most concerning challenges that we have here in Lana`i and feel that a viable solution to the housing crisis is your support on the Hōkūao 201H Residential Project, which will create 150 new homes, 51% of which will be affordable housing. That’s 76 affordable homes. The Hōkūao Rental Project is a taxpayer benefit, since it will be 100% financed by Pūlama Lāna'i, and no public or grant funding will be required. Affordable units will also remain in perpetuity.
    Mahalo for your consideration,
    The undersigned employees of Four Seasons Resort Lana`i

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    David Emig about 3 years ago


    I am writing in support of the Hokuao housing project. Housing is sorely needed on Lana'i and this project will help to alleviate pressure brought on by minimal housing.

    Attached for your records are my personal testimony in support of the project as well as an attachment with 47 testimonies of support from work colleagues.

    Thanks you for your time and consideration.

    David Emig

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha Maui County,

    I’m writing this letter in support of the Hōkūao 201H Housing Development.
    We are in desperate need of housing t on Lᾱna'i. I live and work here and know of families that are crammed into 1-bedroom homes with as many as 8 members of the household. It would be great if everyone could live comfortably on the Island.

    Without housing we can't grow our economy and support the community and business around the island.

    Please vote to support this housing project.


    Dennis Hoekstra