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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    In a response to Lee's question about everyone has a basic human right to housing, California has this requirement in their state constitution. In the example of the hard worker saving to buy his or her home, a homeless person would be in very basic housing - tiny homes, studio units, etc. and these units would be primarily rentals. The worker would be eligible for homes that they can build equity. Housing is needed for basic shelter and security for everyone especially for children.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha Maui County Council Members,
    Once again I would like to say I am in full support of Affordable Housing -however I would like to see the one very important recommendation adopted to ensure the proper determination of ability to file an application for a "Qualified Resident" reflects benefits for the families and individuals of Maui County. This is so important. I ask you to take up the Recommendation at the end of appendix G to change the definition of “Qualified Resident” update county ordinance 2.96,2.97,3.35 and other applicable affordable housing policies for for-sale programs only, with the following definition for a “Qualified Resident”.
    A “Qualified Resident” is defined as a person who currently resides or is employed within the County of Maui, for a period of at least 2 years prior to filing of an Application for an Affordable Housing Unit, with documentation , including but not limited to , three years of filed income tax returns, W2’s, or benefits, statements confirming residency or employment within the County of Maui , with at least 75% of a residents income generated within the County.
    Mahalo Maui County Council for the opportunity to share my views, at a critical juncture. I look forward to hearing the outcome of your vote . I hope it is also in support of the Recommendation.