Meeting Time: July 19, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
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    Guest User about 3 years ago


    I'm a very concerned community member who feels there is a huge problem in the existing criteria for eligibility. I support Hawaiian Community Assets suggested revision to have a duration of 2 years of residency to apply. Ideally I think at the duration should be 3-5.

    If the objective of the affordable housing plan is truly to decrease the number of people in our community who cannot afford to buy a home, then there needs to be durational criteria so they are not competing with people from off-island who have an interest in moving to Maui. If there is no durational criteria, you create unnecessary competition for affordable housing and the numbers will not decrease as it should. Not to mention, our resources are already stressed with the onslaught of visitors and new transplants who have come to our island in the recent months, yielding community outcry to regulate and control our visitor industry more. There are so many long-term residents who have contributed to our local economy for years and have been in need of housing on this island. It should be our number one priority to help them before the housing could be an option for new residents. That’s the only way we truly can make a dent in the problem.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Good morning Chair Gabe and members,

    I wanted to share with you that on July 6th, the Board of Stand Up Maui passed a motion to support the plan with further clarification of the implementation process. We have for many years have been asking for an affordable housing plan and thank you for having one done. We ask the Council to move quickly on plan recommendations that you can agree on and leave those which may need more study for further discussion.

    I will be busy with the Stand Up Maui, Maui Tomorrow, and Share Your Mana Rally for Affordable Housing in Wailuku and Kahului from noon to 1 pm and ask you to come and stand with us for the homes our residents need and deserve. My best wishes for a very fruitful meeting with many insights on the recommendations of the Comprehensive Affordable Housing Plan. Mahalo!

    Stan Franco, President of Stand Up Maui

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    LeAnne Stephens about 3 years ago

    I would like to address affordable housing. From what I have witnessed it caters to outsiders more than it does to our local community. You have people coming in from the mainland, Micronesia, the Philippines, and the lists go on. These outsiders work the system by going to the homeless shelters getting their names on the list and bumping off people that signed up and have been waiting months to even years. There need to be rules made that if you haven't been a resident for say, 3 + years you may not even sign up for these help programs. Our locals are leaving the island because they cannot find affordable rents! This price gauging needs to be addressed as well and people that don't even live here should not be able to buy up properties! It's a run-away train wreck! The people working in these offices need to notify people on the lists and not a one phone call and say "well they didn't answer, who's next? There has to be a process and a reasonable time allotment in contacting someone! They put people that are stressed beyond stress into a worse crisis in the way they conduct business! TIME FOR CHANGE!!!!!

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    The best way to create a slum is to have government contract housing which they cannot and will not maintain.