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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Please protect our enviromment from cheap plastic boogie hoards endingnyo pollutimg the ocean and landfill. I Support the ban. Mahalo!

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Absolutely support a ban on all plastics, foam, reef destroying sunblock. Penny

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    please ban styrofoam or disposable boggy boards
    thank you
    ane takaha
    maui meadows

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    From: Francine Aarona <>
    Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 11:34 PM
    To: "Alice L. Lee" <>, Gabe Johnson <>, Kelly King <>, Michael Molina <>, "Shane M. Sinenci" <>, "Tamara A. Paltin" <>, Yukilei Sugimura <>
    Subject: All agenda items

    Aloha Chair King, VC Sinenci and committee members,

    I am in favor of all agenda items that is before you. (Care-48), (Care-34) and (Care -20).

    Covid made many of us aware of our climate change and taking care of our environment. Living on the shore line, I witnessed so many plastic items on our beach lefted by residents and visitors. Plastic items wash up on our shore and become very harmful to our well being. I am in support of the proposed resolution to reduce the production of plastic products.

    I am also in support of prohibiting the sale and rental of Disposable Bodyboards. What ever happen to body surfing. Growing up on the shoreline in Pa’ia met waves almost everyday. Tutu would sit on the bench and watch us body surf (with our body🙈). There were times when I thought I wasn’t going to surface. We had to prove to tutu that we could handle those waves before going down to Sandy’s (Pa’ia Bay). They need to think of other methods. Just make smaller surf boogie boards. The men made wood boards before, it worked.

    I am in total support of restricting the sale of foam coolers. Our families take pride in the coolers they purchase especially when it comes to keeping something cold for a long time. It should be banned. There are a lot of collapsible coolers that our tourist could purchase and take home.

    Mahalo for allowing me to share my mana’o on the items that are before you. Take care and Ke Akua’s Blessings.

    Aunty Mopsy (Francine Aarona)

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    Shelby Serra about 3 years ago

    On behalf of Pacific Whale Foundation and our nearly 20,000 supporters, we support this resolution for the Council to support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act. Research has shown that plastic pollution has detrimental impacts on the environment, both marine and terrestrial, and on human health. The impacts of this crisis are felt not only here at home, but across the globe, and as such will require concerted efforts by all governments, NGOs, businesses, and beyond. Passing this resolution is one step in the right direction for Maui County, whose influence will launch the State of Hawai'i to the forefront of environmental leaders. As a vulnerable island state, both because of our location within the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and our waste management infrastructure, we can not afford NOT to take action on this matter. We hope that the weight of support by the Maui County Council will encourage the State's Congressional Delegation to sign on as cosponsors of this important legislation. We cannot afford to wait. The time is now. Mahalo for your consideration.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    It’s time to act pono not just say it.

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    Robert Wintner about 3 years ago

    I support a ban on the sale of open-cell foam body board. They disintegrate easily, leaving plastic foam flecks adrift in Hawaiian Island waters and on all shorelines. They also break on very little pressure, with significant hazard to the user. They are another trashy consequence of consumer convenience, with no regard for shoreline stewardship or kuleana in any sense. Please do the right thing. Bring Maui back to pono standards.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I am in full support of less plastic pollution. We need to reduce what is sold, used and thrown away.
    Let’s recycle what we can and simply not buy or use what we cannot. It is simple and I support all action great or small that can take steps towards that goal.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Ban plastic!

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha, please let’s make a ban on styrofoam a law. We can do it, Maui. We’ve already banned bags and are soon to ban non recyclable/compostable to go containers. Respect the ‘aina and the oceans please.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Please support the ban on disposable boogie boards and coolers. We must be leaders in the fight to end unnecessary single use garbage on our island, not enablers! There are plenty of places to rent equipment that can be used over and over. We must stop putting convenience over common sense and the future of our planet. Thank you for supporting this ban! It’s the smart thing to do.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I support the ban for the plastic pollution act. I have witnessed numerous amounts of plastic debris in the ocean affecting our marine life and our environments. We gathered over 3 tons of plastic trash in the harbor of Hanapou on the island of Kaho’olawe.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    We have got to stop all this waste please outlaw the sale of disposable boogie boards and all similar items our Aina just can't take anymore abuse, mahalo nui loa

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I support prohibiting sale or rental of Styrofoam boogie boards and ice chests

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I’m a resident manager at a condo complex in Kihei and the number of boogie boards etc in our dumpsters is overwhelming. Let’s stop the sale of these disposable items and encourage the rental of real equipment. This would help the local economy and the overflowing landfill.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    This is a no brainer. Much better to rent good quality items than to purchase and discard in obscene quantities. Then that’s a small business for someone. Win win