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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha CARE Committee,

    Thank you so much for the introduction this resolution, Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act and all the laws that may strengthen said work into the future. While I absolutely support the ban on boogy boards might we also include styrofoam coolers if it isn’t already.

    A special Mahalo to the Environmental Management Division, I appreciate the engagement and support. It is refreshing to see such work from this department.

    Stupendous work, Faith

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    Tanya Naehu about 3 years ago

    On behalf of Hui o Kuapā 501c3 on the island of Molokaʻi, we support this resolution for the Council to support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act.

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    Shelby Serra about 3 years ago

    On behalf of Pacific Whale Foundation and our nearly 20,000 supporters, we support this resolution for the Council to support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act. Research has shown that plastic pollution has detrimental impacts on the environment, both marine and terrestrial, and on human health. The impacts of this crisis are felt not only here at home, but across the globe, and as such will require concerted efforts by all governments, NGOs, businesses, and beyond. Passing this resolution is one step in the right direction for Maui County, whose influence will launch the State of Hawai'i to the forefront of environmental leaders. As a vulnerable island state, both because of our location within the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and our waste management infrastructure, we can not afford NOT to take action on this matter. We hope that the weight of support by the Maui County Council will encourage the State's Congressional Delegation to sign on as cosponsors of this important legislation. We cannot afford to wait. The time is now. Mahalo for your consideration.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I support this ban100%. The science is clear. These items are detrimental to our ecosystem and thus ourselves.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Easy alternatives already exist. It’s time to stop filling landfills with trash that will be there long after we’re gone. With tourism only expected to increase with further opening, it is imperative to act now.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    We can’t wait any longer. To much trash already and all the extra frim the tourists

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    This kind of proactive protection for THE REASON FOR TOURISM.. is long overdue!! Environmental sustainability should be the first priority of this government! The western society doesn't regulate its trash consumption.. the ocean is choking on the plastic waste and ppl make like they don't have time or money to deal with it or they have no choice, which is an immature cop out displaying lack of discipline and dedication to reality. Measures like this are essential to future generations! Please pass this protection!
    C. Rose Reilly

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Tourism trash is not essential for anyone…styrofoam is poisonous to our ocean life…and was ban a few years ago for utensils in hospitality and carry out orders for food and now it’s 2021 and we are still having an issue with it with tourism trash… please consider the tourism trash as real and poisonous to our beautiful island .

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Our landfills are filling allot quickly. We must limit excessive waste where we can. There is no need to sell styrofoam coolers they have biodegradable options I just saw at our local Target. Tourists should be supporting equipment rentals which can offer education about water safety and environmental and cultural protection. Costco does not need to sell anymore cheap disposable foam boards. We can make change to protect the ocean and these islands.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I support the resolution

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    With the great number of tourists on island, the amount of trash going into our landfills is immense. We need to cap this any way we can, and prohibiting the sale of styrofoam coolers and body boards is an extremely effective way of ridding our landfills of trash that will never biodegrade