Meeting Time: June 07, 2021 at 9:00am HST

Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    There are already enough places for people to stay. Look at our traffic, why would we need more than a 3-1 tourist to local ratio? Please dont ruin Maui for money. There will always be tourists coming, and they will stay at any hotel already. The 27 years I've loved living here, this is where my thoughts come from. Dont make it a big city, we dont need it.

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    sharon oshaughnessy over 3 years ago

    I support the moratorium on building permits for visitor accommodations. I have lived here for 43 years.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    please do everything possible to stop the flood of tourism and development that is over-running our way of life.
    Ane Takaha
    Maui Meadows

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    No more visitor accommodations. The environment can't take more visitors. Adequate accommodations exist already. Mahalo

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Please stop building .Please stop it's so bad we feel like we are being pushed out of our homelands. How would you feel we can't survive we have no where to go why are we the ones that need to to leave our homes when we been here for generations and I feel visitors always ate priority. Even when our Island is suffocating.

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    Susan Douglas over 3 years ago


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    We have got to stop building short term rentals on maui our echo system us already strained to tha max our infrastructure was maxed out 20 yrs ago we can't just keep adding more and more people I mean we can't even find an affordable place to live because its out of control so I beg you to please put a hold on all short term and vacation rentals on maui.

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    Nicholas Drance over 3 years ago

    Aloha Chair

    I understand that some Council Members see things from a different point of view. I’m at a point where I feel like I have to humble myself and.. well, I’m not one to ask for permission. I’m in a position now where I don’t have the power that you do, and I can’t do anything about it. Some things are beyond my control.

    In this case, the welfare of this island is at stake now and I am scared. I’ve never felt this way before. One of the things that I care most about, is in jeopardy and I feel powerless to do anything about it.

    I don’t have children but if I did, Maui would be the closest thing to that. I feel like my child is being attacked.

    Maui is in your care and all I can say is please. I can’t protect her. Only you can.

    I never thought I’d see things this way, at this point in my life… and I never imagined that I would be so powerless to help the thing I care most about. At 64, as it turns out, I don’t seem to care about anything else.

    All I can say is, please support this effort.

    Let Maui be Maui. Let us not change Maui. Let Mother Maui change us. Let her be and set her free. The white man has done enough. He has had his way with her.

    It’s her time now.

    She needs your protection.

    She is in your hands.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I support the moratorium on building permits for visitor accommodations. The island is too busy and too gridlocked and being abused.
    Please vote the moratorium in place so that we can assess the situation and address the problems before they become larger than they already are.
    Melissa Franklin
    Nahiku, Maui resident