Meeting Time: June 01, 2021 at 9:00am HST

Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Percussion fireworks are making a
    war zone environment in my
    neighborhood during New Years and July 4, with other illegal fireworks noise as well.

    The last two years shootings started late afternoons and lasted til 2 am. There are no warnings for the grenade like sounds and bomb noises when they happen, and they sound like real bombs. "Practice" starts a few days before intermittently, and it is horribly nerve wracking.

    Last year there were even small children using glass bottles in the street for props for fireworks... and rules in place are not working and unenforceable.

    I request that all fireworks usage be illegal for personal use, designated to cultural events only.

    Every year there are parties on my street of up to 40 or 50 people and illegal fireworks used for entertainment.

    This year I feel I necessary to rent a hotel room so I can protect my pets from getting ill and my nerves.

    There are many kapuna in our area afraid to speak out and it is not right for the county to ignore this issue. Please take action.

    We deserve a safe place to live.

    Residents who are required to video offenders and go to court against neighbors are open for retaliation so this is neither working nor a successful route for deterring illegal activity.

    Please ban fireworks use, and take injury and health risks away from our homes and stop fireworks and sales for personal use.

    Thank you for your support.
    Gayle long
    1412 kakae place
    Wailuku 96793

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    To The Committee,

    First off thank you to the committee for taking a step in the right direction to eliminate illegal firework usage. I have lived in Waiehu Heights for over 20 years and each year dread, more and more, Christmas and Independence Day.
    Firework usage for the December holidays usually starts happening around Halloween and continues until the first or second week of January and though more subdued, Independence Day is also a problem before and after the holiday.

    It seems the local government is aware of the problem and has tried to address it by increasing fines and permit costs and limiting sale dates to deter illegal usage. Has it helped?
    We wouldn't be here today if it was working.

    The cost to the community is significant for many reasons, lost, injured and deceased pets who are frightened and run away. Children who are also frightened or woken up on school nights, missing sleep and hindering their learning, same for parents who have to work the next morning, people like myself who are sensitive to uncontrolled loud explosive noises in the middle of the night that shake windows and set off car alarms. preventing me from getting much needed sleep that helps me deal with an auto-immune disorder and of course the Maui Police Department, who are out responding to calls for illegal firework usage when they could be doing more important needed work in the community. I guess I should mention the fire department who also must work overtime because of burning fields and homes that have caught fire.

    I have started driving my neighborhood and have actually witnessed and reported several incidents this past holiday season. Was I ever called as a witness, no. Were people actually held accountable? I don't know, my guess would be no.

    The laws do not empower the police in catching perpetrators. It is impossible to see someone letting off fireworks in the middle of the night unless you are next to them.

    The best solution would be to ban all fireworks any time. As they say, the few bad apples have spoiled the bunch. Why are a bunch of irresponsible (oftentimes drinking alcohol) people allowed to use explosives and fire in a densely packed residential area??

    The County needs to set up a central location where people can gather to watch a professional display and ensure places like Costco and Walmart are ONLY selling kid friendly non- exploding fireworks (sparklers, worms, etc.) NOT aerials or explosives which can only be coming from the large box of fireworks sold at these stores.

    You can keep raising the fines or make landlords responsible for their tenants' conduct, but until fireworks are completely outlawed, we will never see 100% adherence to the law.

    I implore you all to take action for the community as a whole, not just the individuals who terrorize the neighborhoods for a few laughs during the Holidays. It is out of control!


    Jeanne Reynolds

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    Jason Economou over 3 years ago

    Aloha Committee Chair Molina, Committee Vice-Chair Rawlins-Fernandez, and Committee Members,

    I am submitting this testimony on behalf of the REALTORS Association of Maui and our 1,800+ members in support of any efforts to curb the use of illegal fireworks in Maui County, and to mitigate the damage caused by such illegal activity. It is undeniable that illegal fireworks have negative impacts on our environment, our wildlife, our pets, residents that suffer PTSD, and all residents subjected to the harmful fumes and loud noises created by these illegal items. These negative impacts far outweigh any possible benefits that might be provided by the use of these fireworks, and the County should do what it can to ensure proper enforcement of laws against such fireworks.


    Jason Economou
    Government Affairs Director
    REALTORS Association of Maui