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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Randy Wagner <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:26 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Support for the Moratorium

    As a Kihei resident who understands the consequences of tourism without proper infrastructure I support the moratorium on future hotel development until the situation is reconciled.
    Randy Wagner

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Nick Drance <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:15 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Cc:; Louise Lambert <>; Bonnie Newman <>; Fred Spanjaard <>; Deborah Pozin <>;;
    Subject: Moratorium proposal - final letter to CARE Committee

    Aloha chair, committee members and council members.
    > I’m writing one last request to encourage you to embrace the proposed Hotel Moratorium resolution. Actually, it’s more like a plea.
    > Please take a few moments to consider this perspective.
    > During Council Member Kama’s first election campaign, I was working very hard for her and we spoke easily, in a heartfelt manner. I asked what she thought about the massive amount of development that I’ve seen over the last 35 years and she said, “ You know, I never really looked at it like that. I just lived here so long and the change has been so gradual, it’s almost like I didn’t notice it, that’s just the way things were.... but I see what you mean.”
    > A lot of people feel that way. A lot of people see it and don’t like it but feel like there’s nothing anyone can do about it, the guys with the money are always going to get their way. I do have faith in people and I don’t think money is everything. As they say, you can’t take it with you. There are some things that are more important than money, like God, nature, the land in the water, all of creation in the natural world. It’s beautiful. The asphalt we pave over the land, the shopping centers we build that become our temples to distract us, all the things that man creates that are not of the natural world; do those things serve us. On top of that, should we create more places for thousands more people to come and go through. Does that improve our lives and protect the land?
    > Those things detract from our life experience and I think it’s clear to everyone in broad terms, that those things are a destructive force. They are changing our climate. We are so deep into it, we can’t take back what we’ve already built, we can hardly slow it down and yet we know that future generations will never be able to enjoy what we have now and in fact they’ll probably considered it a luxury.
    > Our island is the most remote populated place on the entire planet. Contrast that with so many places, within millions of square miles of land on the mainland, that have been transformed by the works and deeds of man. I think about what’s happening on our little tiny 750 sq. mile rock in the middle of the ocean. It’s the same thing. Two almost opposite types of places treated in the same way.
    > If this most remote place is being transformed like so many other places on the mainland as if it was nothing more than that, how can that be? Is nothing sacred? Is everything for sale? Are we here to destroy what nature made over millions of years, so other people can get rich?

    > Is it right to transform this place where the indigenous cultural values of aloha and Oneness with the land and the water is everything? At least it was before the arrival of the white man.. Now we have “development” and “progress”. Are we not stewards of the land, responsible to honor its culture from the past and preserve it for the future. Isn't that what we are here for? What will it take for us to learn?
    > Everyone serves a master of some sort. A boss, a spouse, a mortgage, some form of debt and for some, it’s money. Biblically known as the “Golden Calf”. For us, let us serve something natural, not man made. We know better.

    > Maui is a gift. Let us express our gratitude by serving it well. Let that be our legacy instead of treating it like the mainland. Please. Its your choice.

    In aloha,
    Nick Drance

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Sandra brissette <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 8:39 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Hotel/Tourist moratorium testimony

    Dear Members of city council and to whomever is involved . Please read my testimony.

    I am a full time resident of Kihei
    I am in favor of the moratorium for Hotel/vacation building.
    Our community has been growing much too fast with the focus of just Tourism. We have roads that can’t accommodate the vehicle’s already here. There is already a shortage of cars for the tourist that they are using our moving trucks to get around while some of us are having to leave our home being sold without a means to do so. An inadequate bus system. In the a meeting of the planning commission they stated they didn’t have enough buses running routes for the workers and tourist were boarding the small existence of them leaving the workers stranded with no means to get to work Sewer and drainage problems that need to be fixed before more buildings are built. A water supply shortage that depends on our climate that is forever changing. Can we fix these things before building more Hotels/tourist vacation homes. There are more tourist here than residents. There is a crisis of affordable homes to rent for us .The planning department is still planning a vision for Maui and if we don’t pause all the planning we be a wasted time. Please pass this moratorium. We need to make a plan that will keep the community of residents safe, sustainable and economically sound.
    Thank you for all your hard work and listening to all opinions and hopefully doing what’s right for the future generations to come.

    Sandy Brissette

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Matt McDonald <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 8:01 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Please support moratorium on building permits for visitor accommodations for all of Maui County

    Hi CARE Committee,

    It is so important to me that you support the visitor accommodations moratorium – and also include all of Maui County – without delay. I am a resident of Haiku, and over the last decade my family's quality of life on the island, due to a massive influx of visitors, has continued to decline. I'm sure you have to feel it too. In the perpetual traffic on the road to Hana, the overcrowding of our favorite beaches and landmarks, the hordes of tourists everywhere armed with a selfie stick and an entitlement that is disrespectful to our community and our culture. Our family has stopped going to entire parts of the island because of this problem, and it saddens us deeply. If tourism numbers continue to grow, the island will lose everything that makes it special... I fear it already has.

    As residents, we've felt powerless to have a voice in the stampede of our island. While a moratorium on building won't necessarily reverse the problem, at least it can provide a pause while we continue to evaluate what modern tourism means in Hawai'i, and how it can benefit everyone in the community, not just a select few. I ask you to please support this moratorium – including all of Maui County – at your meeting on Tuesday.

    Thank you so much,

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Cheryl Hendrickson <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 7:53 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Building permit moratorium


    Please support a moratorium for all new visitor accommodations in all of Maui county.

    Maui's master plan for a daily visitor count to be one third of our local resident population has been grossly abused and ignored. The trash, traffic and environmental degredation caused by too many tourists is not worth the added income. It affects many for the profit of the few.

    We need to support our other industries to provide self reliance and preserve our fragile, rare environment.

    Cheryl Hendrickson

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Carla Pew <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 7:45 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Visitor Accommodations Moratorium

    I urge you to support the moratorium on building permits for visitor accommodations on Maui.

    The time we have all had in the last year to experience what Maui could be like without the HUGE numbers of visitors has made it clear that we need to set limits on the number of tourists that our island can tolerate. And the numbers we have visiting now, causing traffic congestion and crowded beaches, is more than enough. We do not have the capacity to add more tourists to that number without significantly impacting our island, the surrounding ocean, and the people who call Maui home. So, without delay, please support the moratorium.

    Carla Pew
    Kihei, Maui

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Bette Belanger <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 7:08 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Hotel moritorium

    Council members,
    I support a moratorium on more hotel and vacation rental condominium building on Maui. We are allowing this beautiful island to be destroyed by over tourism.
    Bette Belanger

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Kimberly Kowalski <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 5:55 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Support for Moratorium on New Visitor Accommodations

    PLEASE institute the moratorium island wide and protect Maui and our families from overtourism! The island is already too crowded. Don't let greed destroy us.

    Kim Kowalski MD

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: La'akea Kaufman <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 5:21 AM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Tourism Moratorium

    Aloha Kākou,

    I am writing to urge the CARE Committee to support the moratorium on tourism in all of Maui County. It is long past time to recognize the carrying capacity of our islands, to reckon with the wasteful and extractive nature that tourism has on the way of life here, and move from an economy of service to an economy of sustainable job development following indigenous concepts of community care.
    We must cap tourism in this state. We cannot continue to support these extractive practices that keep Maui County's economy tied to large corporations, wealthy non-native hotel owners, and polluting airline companies.

    La'akea Kaufman

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Sarah Tomastik <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 9:45 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: moratorium-visitor building permits

    Aloha mai kākou,

    Please support the moratorium on building permits for visitor accommodations for all of Maui County. This is so important for residents!

    Mahalo nui,
    Sarah Tomastik

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 9:22 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Support Moratorium on New Visitor Accommodations

    I support the Moratorium on New Visitor Accommodations, and the proviso that it include all of Maui County.

    Thank you

    Ken Stover
    Resident of Maui Meadows

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Leina Wender <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 8:38 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: please pass moratorium on visitor accommodations; extend to entire county

    Aloha kākou,

    We are already exceeding our carrying capacity for tourists as well as our General Plan mandates. Please pass the moratorium on building permits for visitor accommodations, and expand it to include the entire county.


    Elaine Wender

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Marty Martins <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 8:28 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: New Visitor Accomodations Moratorium

    Aloha e Members of the Climate Action, Resilience, & Environment Committee,

    I am in favor of this moratorium. We donʻt need more hotels right now. Tourism has not returned to pre-pandemic levels and experts say it will be two or more years until it does.

    Let the hotels try to fill the rooms they have now and give Maui Nei a breather while we consider sensible alternatives to managing non-resident tourism.

    Marty Martins

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Paula Phillips <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 7:22 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Support of the Visitor Accommodations Moratorium

    Aloha Care Committee,


    Also, please modified the bill to include all of Maui County, and not just South and West Maui. Otherwise development of visitor accommodations will just shift to the rest of the county.

    The County cannot even handle the amount of tourists that are coming now. Tourism on Maui has passed the point where it is serving residents, and is now negatively affecting our local quality of life. Housing is out of reach for our children. Infrastructure is not in place to deal with the amount of people already on the island. Upcountry is constantly having to conserve water when Kihei and Lahaina do not. Maui County needs to preserve the resources that are here for our future generations.

    My husband and I went up to the west side to see the Hokule’a and also to take a swim on Ka’anapali Beach. After driving around for 30 minutes looking for available beach parking, there was none. What we did notice was that all the beach parking was filled with rental cars. Now this was on a Tuesday morning, May 18th, not even a weekend. We then went to North Beach and got the last parking spot but of course the beach isn’t really a swimming beach so we were disappointed. It was also extremely crowded. This is just another example of the islands’ infrastructure being insufficient for its’ current needs.

    The first step in solving any problem is to stop making it worse. The proposed visitor accommodations moratorium will pause further development of new hotel, resort, timeshare, short-term rental homes, bed and breakfast homes, and transient vacation rental units. This moratorium will give us time to address the problem.

    Again please SUPPORT of the proposed “MORATORIUM ON BUILDING PERMITS FOR VISITOR ACCOMMODATIONS (IT-54)” for the entire county of Maui.


    Paula Phillips

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: ALAN COHEN <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 5:15 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Building Moratorium

    Aloha, I support the Building Moratorium effort on Maui Nui. The islands healed during the pandemic from over tourism. I believe we need to have a sustainable expansion plan that will allow for quality of life for residents. A balance between economic needs and lifestyle is a must.

    Mahalo, Al Cohen

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Mele Stokesberry <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 4:40 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Support tourism moratorium for all of Maui Co.

    Dear members of the Climate Action, Resilience, and Environment (CARE) Committee,
    Please support a moratorium on more tourism infrastructure in all parts of Maui County.
    Maui County's ability to keep absorbing more and more tourism infrastructure is over-stressed, and tourism accomodations, by which I mean to include not only hotels and hotel properties but streets, highways, and all that is supposed to control and regulate traffic, is 'way overbuilt already.
    We have a large amount of empty commercial spaces, yet developers looks to create more shopping centers near more hotels. There has to be a pause to reflect, to breathe, to reconsider all possible ways to keep Maui Maui and still create a beautiful experience for some number of visitors that we can handle and keep Maui livable.
    Mele Stokesberry

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Andy Chenoweth <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 4:10 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: building moratorium

    Please, please, for the sake of the health and livability of our islands, impose a building moratorium on visitor accommodations throughout Maui County. There is no time to waste — please do it now, without further delay.


    Andy Chenoweth

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: Steven Josefsberg <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 4:09 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>
    Subject: Visitor accommodations moratorium

    As a frequent visitor to Maui for the past twenty years, I have witnessed the unending development and find that it has reached a point where there needs to be a moratorium on any further visitor accommodation construction. Maui has already lost some of its charm. The beauty that brought tourists here in the first place is gone. Traffic has become absurd. There is no infrastructure to support any more tourists.
    I implore you to pass the Visitor Accommodations Moratorium.
    Steven K Josefsberg

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    Jeffrey Masatsugu over 3 years ago

    Please see attachment.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    From: <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 1:13 PM
    To: CARE Committee <>

    Aloha Committee,

    Please, please, please be smart and support the proposed "Moratorium on building Permits for Visitor Accommodations (IT-54).

    Seriously, I can't even believe that you would do otherwise. What could possibly be your purpose in building more, other than money. Building more is counter productive to our QUALITY OF LIFE AND future, and provides only a short term gain....if any at all.

    And, the costs are far beyond the benefits. There will be costs you have not considered yet within the infrastructure needed to withstand the additional crowds. THE LACK OF LONG TERM VISION IS A TREND THE COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED THAT IS OBVIOUS IF YOU LIVE HERE AND JUST LOOK AROUND. OUR FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS.

    Humans are extremely resourceful and will find ways to boost the economy, and create an infrastructure that is healthier and more vibrant for all. The model you are currently operating from is obsolete.

    In addition, the quality of tourism is fading as it is too crowded already. People are lined up around the corner of the local restaurants, the beaches and walkways are packed, the trash and pollution is horrific, and the traffic is horrendous. This does not make for a meaningful and fun vacation for anyone, nor an excellent standard of living for the residents.


    We need to pause the continued expansion of our already overbuilt visitor industry.

    Thank you for your service.

    My best, susan campbell

    Susan "Teton" Campbell