Meeting Time: April 21, 2021 at 9:00am HST

Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    Dear Councilmembers,

    I’m writing in support of Council Vice-Chair Rawlins-Fernandez’s priority proposal #33, under the Office of Economic Development, to fund workforce development in renewable energy on Molokai.  As a founding board member of Ho`ahu Energy Cooperative Molokai, I am excited that such a significantly large proportion of our island’s electric production will soon be powered by renewable energy sources. And we would sincerely like to see these projects installed and maintained by members of our own community.

    In order to do so, we need to expand the pool of sufficiently trained people; this County funding will support training a number of Molokai residents in general construction, renewable energy installation, as well as maintaining the systems for the life of the projects. Partnering with two exceptional education programs, we envision this training leading to long-term career skills that can be used for not only renewable energy, but other related work.

    This level of funding would support not only the initial training, but also several smaller renewable energy projects on which the trainees can further hone their skills. We appreciate your forethought in supporting both renewable energy and workforce development.


    Board Secretary
    Ho`ahu Energy Cooperative Molokai