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    Jen Mather almost 4 years ago

    Aloha Committee Chair Paltin & Committee Members,

    My name is Jen Mather and I have been a part of the West Maui Community Plan Update since 2018 when the Long Range Planners from the Department of Planning began the long and arduous task of drafting the update, walking the community through various workshops, meeting with us as alakaʻi, assisting CPAC, and redrafting based on input from the committee. I attended more meetings than some CPAC members and probably had a better understanding of the plan that they created than the members of the Planning Commission. Watching some of the Planning Commission meetings on BlueJeans really highlighted the bias that then Chair Carnicelli had against certain individuals on CPAC and the decisions they had made regarding items in West Maui that he had a financial conflict of interest with.

    With all of that said, I do believe there were some amendments that CPAC members had suggested during the Planning Commission review and may or may not have been included in the item that you have before you now. I know you will all do your best to ensure the greatest outcomes for our rural community. I know you all believe in climate change, the need to put infrastructure first, to mālama ka ʻāina by leaving our agricultural lands and our open spaces as such. I hope you recognize the hours of compromise that went into the document and that you are able to make it even better as quickly as possible, but if not, to leave it as it is, as the people of West Maui have created it, through trial, tribulation, great amounts of time, and huge concessions.

    Mahalo for your continued work and for always doing the best for our home.

    Me ka haʻahaʻa,
    Jen Mather