Meeting Time: February 22, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    AH Committee almost 4 years ago

    Testimonies received from AH Committee

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    Cassandra Abdul almost 4 years ago

    From: Krystal Cacal [] Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 5:27 PM To: Nahaleomaui Info Subject: Letter of Support For Kahoma Subdivison Home
    Aloha- to whom this may concern,
    I, Krystal Cacal, am writing this letter in support of Na Hale O Maui seeking grant of the home located at 244 Komo Mai Street, Lahaina, HI 96761.
    This home is built in the heart of my hometown. Most days that I pass the house, I always tell myself, I’m going to own a home like that especially in the hometown I grew up in. This is Na Hale O Maui’s opportunity to bless someone such as myself or any family going through their program, a beautiful home like that, let alone affordable.
    I ask, that you please consider granting the home to Na Hale O Maui. In hopes, that they could get a family who is deserving and hard working a home like that.
    Mahalo for your time,
    Krystal Cacal

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    Jason Economou almost 4 years ago

    Aloha Committee Chair Johnson, Vice-Chair Molina, and Committee Members,

    My name is Jason Economou, and I am Government Affairs Director for the REALTORS Association of Maui (RAM). I am submitting this testimony on behalf of RAM, and its 1,700+ members, in strong support of the proposed grant of real property to Na Hale O Maui.

    For several years now, the County of Maui has openly pursued the goal of increasing its inventory of affordable housing units that will be affordable in perpetuity. Affordability in perpetuity is a difficult thing to accomplish, but Na Hale O Maui is one of the few organizations that has truly figured it out. Granting them this property is making an investment in the people of Maui County, and preserving much needed housing inventory for our working class community. Na Hale O Maui’s community land trust model has a proven track record of success, and it would benefit the community for generations if you entrust them with this property and empower them to help more families.

    As demand for housing on Maui increases and inventory dwindles away, working class families risk getting priced out of the market completely. To avoid this, I encourage you to utilize Na Hale O Maui and their land trust model to preserve housing inventory at affordable rates for future generations. We strongly support granting them this and other properties.


    Jason A. Economou
    Government Affairs Director
    REALTORS Association of Maui