Meeting Time: February 04, 2021 at 9:00am HST

Agenda Item


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    PSLU Committee over 3 years ago

    Testimonies from PSLU Committee

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    Lahela Aiwohi over 3 years ago

    Please see attached testimony and map

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    Rick Nava over 3 years ago

    Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee
    Maui County Council
    200 S. High Street
    Wailuku, HI 96793

    SUBJECT: West Maui Community Plan (PSLU-1)

    Aloha Chair Paltin and Members of the Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee,

    Thank you for this opportunity to testify. My name is Rick Nava and I am testifying to opposed the updated West Maui Community Plan.

    I believe that the West Maui Community Plan hasn't been properly vetted and it would be nice if we educate the local people and hear what they have to say about the future of West Maui, the future of Maui County.

    Doesn't the Council have a year to approve this plan? If so, please use the entire year to really feel the pulse of the real, everyday West Maui community people, local residents.


    Rick Nava

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    Rick Volner over 3 years ago

    Please see attached testimony on behalf of HC&D, LLC. Thank you.

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    Dana Sato over 3 years ago

    Please see the attached testimony and map from myself on behalf of Kamehameha Schools. Mahalo.

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    Gunars Valkirs over 3 years ago

    Please see attached testimony

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    Grant Murakami over 3 years ago

    Please see attachment for testimony. Thanks.

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    Joseph Pluta over 3 years ago

    February 3, 2021 sent via email

    Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee
    Maui County Council
    200 S. High Street
    Wailuku, HI 96793

    Re: West Maui Community Plan (PSLU-1)

    Aloha Chair Paltin and Members of the Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee

    Mahalo for this opportunity to testify regarding the proposed bill to adopt the updated
    West Maui Community Plan.

    My name is Joseph Pluta and I have resided in West Maui the past 41 years. I am one of the founding directors of the West Maui Taxpayers Association Inc. and an active member since including many years on the Volunteer Board of Directors since then and currently serving as President. I was part of the Kaanapali 2020 Community Planning Group since 1999 and attended all of it’s meetings for the past 20 + years. I also served on the West Maui Community Plan Action Committee, WMCPAC and had the highest attendance record of all committee members. Members of our Board have served on County and State commissions including the GPAC formulation of the Maui Island Plan.

    The WMTA has been actively monitoring and working with the State and County Government for these past 41 years and together we have made some remarkable
    Achievements and Accomplishments. Our most notable being developing the Napili Fire and Ambulance Station in 1992 with private funds of West Maui Community members and stakeholders and not one penny of County or State funds, just the willingness of the County to Staff this station after dedication to the County of Maui. There’s lots more we have accomplished which can be seen on our web site at

    We have been more informed of who the West Maui Community truly is comprised of and and what their needs are than any other organization or group these past 41 years. Some of you on the Council have participated in our “Candidate’s Night” every election year has brought all County Council Members to the West Side since then.

    We are concerned about the Chair’s announced plans to complete the review in next few months, before budget,” of the update of the West Maui Community plan draft in its current form, even though reviewed and commented on by the Maui Planning Commission.

    The update draft of the WMCP is vitally important and it seems irresponsible to rush through it given the stated concerns and inconsistencies with the Maui Island Plan contained therein..

    The County Council should prudently reconsider and take more time for deliberation and review to those who elected you to office to represent the community’s interests fairly and equitably. To do otherwise seems to be a breach of your obligation to your constituents. At a minimum, please wait until the Hawaii Community Assets comprehensive affordable housing plan that was commissioned by the County Council is approved in June.

    Please find following several issues of concern:

    1. The Kaanapali 2020 Community Plan was not adequately embraced even though
    It represents 20 + years of work by community members, some of which are no longer with us like Ed Lindsey, Mae Fujiwara, Star Medieros, Robert “Buc” Buchannan, and others who would be shocked to see what this draft plan looks like today.

    2. Vote totals on significant areas of this draft were split 50/50 resulting in no change even when changes should have been made to represent the community needs.

    3. Inconsistencies with the Maui Island Plan should not be ignored and instead
    Carefully examined.

    The WMTA is currently working on an updated survey of the West Maui Community including employees working here but residing elsewhere on the island commuting who want to reside here close to work if any housing was available.

    Please be prudent and responsible to your constituents and do not rush this draft update
    Review and adoption and take all of the time you have to do it properly. Those who voted for you expect you to make the right decisions in Unity and for the benefit of all concerned.

    Warm Regards,

    Joseph D Pluta

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    David Gomes over 3 years ago

    Please see attachment for my testimony.

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    Brian Hoyle over 3 years ago

    Via eComment

    February 4, 2020

    TO: Honorable Tamara Paltin, Chair
    Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee
    Maui County Council

    SUBJECT: Testimony on Item PSLU-1, West Maui Community Plan

    Dear Chair Paltin:

    Thank you for the opportunity to submit this testimony on item PSLU-1 related to the West Maui Community Plan Update. My name is Brian Hoyle, President of the Newport Hospital Corporation and I have been working with the West Maui Community for many years to bring a much needed hospital to the region.

    Back in 2014-2015, NHC worked with the County and the community to obtain entitlements for the West Maui Hospital and Medical Center project. At that time, the project was envisioned to comprise a hospital, assisted living facility, skilled nursing facility, medical office buildings, and a rehabilitation facility. We needed to obtain entitlements at the State, Community Plan, and zoning levels as the property was at that time designated for agriculture. As part of the entitlements process, the site was redesignated to Project District within the Community Plan, and rezoned to West Maui Project District 3. Also as part of this process, a new “Health and Wellness Subdistrict” within the West Maui Project District 3 was created specifically for the project.

    At this time, although the hospital, skilled nursing, and assisted living facilities are still planned to be developed, due to funding constraints, the design of the hospital will be changed. The hospital is now planned to be a 5-bed critical access hospital which will still meet our goal of bringing a much needed hospital resource to West Maui. In addition, we are now contemplating developing a related independent living facility for seniors at the site in lieu of the medical office buildings and rehab facility. The site will still be an integrated, comprehensive medical campus, as originally envisioned, but will now have an added component of independent senior living. Inclusion of the independent living facility is not only integral to providing a continuum of care for West Maui along with the hospital, skilled nursing, and assisted living facilities. It will also provide some desperately needed senior housing units for West Maui. I note that dwelling units are identified as accessory uses allowed in the Health and Wellness Subdistrict of the West Maui Project District 3.

    With regards to the updated WMCP, the property is proposed to be redesignated as Public/Quasi-Public, as I understand that the County is moving away from the Project District designation in the Community Plans, and eventually the zoning ordinance. I believe that this proposed redistricting is based on the previously approved project. In reviewing the definition of the PQP district, it appears to be consistent with the hospital and assisted living and skilled nursing components of the project. I also believe that the PQP designation is consistent with the proposed independent living facility as well. When one hears “Public/Quasi-Public”, one immediately thinks of schools, fire stations, and other public facilities. Although the proposed West Maui Hospital will be privately owned, it is still intended to cater to the West Maui community and visitors alike, and as such, can still be considered a “Quasi-Public” use. The assisted living, skilled nursing, and independent senior living uses envisioned for the site are intended to be complementary uses to the hospital, such that the site and all its component uses will be a single, integrated medical and health and wellness destination providing a high quality continuum of care for West Maui. It is for this reason that I believe that the PQP designation is fitting for the proposed project.

    However, should the Council believe that this designation is not fitting for the site given the modified vision for the project and inclusion of an independent senior living component, I humbly ask that the Council consider changing the proposed redistricting of the WMHMC site to one which may be better suited for our vision of providing a comprehensive medical campus for the West Maui community, such as the Special Purpose District.

    Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at cell # 949-375-4131


    Brian Hoyle, President
    Newport Hospital Corporation

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    Jonathan Kindred over 3 years ago

    Please see the attached pdf file that contains written testimony from Jonathan Kindred as President of the Plantation Estates Lot Owners Association.

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    Gary Grube over 3 years ago

    Please see the associated pdf file that includes written testimony from Gary Grube, owner of Hua Momona Farms in Kapalua.

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    Roy Sakamoto over 3 years ago

    I strongly recommend having the existing Plantation Estates AND Honolua Ridge subdivisions in the Kapalua Resort designated as Rural Residential. This will conform to the existing usage of the properties and will help preserve the rural nature of this area. It also allows for this being a transition area from the agricultural lands to the north to the higher density resort residential areas to the south. This will also allow the Rural Residential zoning to be in alignment with the Maui Island Plan which calls for this to be Rural.

    Please not also that the adjoining Honolua Ridge subdivision was annexed into the Plantation Estates years ago and this should also be designated Rural Residential for the same reasons.

    Roy Sakamoto

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    Karen Comcowich over 3 years ago

    Please take this opportunity to strengthen the West Maui Community Plan. Improvements that give it more weight in the planning and implementation process are appreciated. Some of the changes made by the Maui Planning Commission as simply clarifying the language, I appreciate those improvements. However, other changes weaken the plan. Below are policies along with why and how they must be improved.

    Page 41, Policy 2.3.6 was weakened by the definition used to delineate streams and wetlands.
    Section 404 of the clean water act establishes a program to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill materials into waters of the United States. ( the streams and wetlands are primarily defined by their connectivity. ( A better definition to support the intent of this policy would be the Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Mapper including Wetlands, Riparian, and Historic Wetland Data ( Adding a clear map would be beneficial for the community and developers.
    Proposed language: In new subdivisions, streams, and wetlands, as defined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service including Wetlands, Riparian and Historic Wetlands, shall be delineated and preserved as open space. (*add the F.W.S. map for reference).

    Page 41, Policy 2.3.6 was weakened, revert to CPAC recommended language. This is such a small thing to ask. It is essentially saying put your dirty pool water in a rain garden planter instead of the ocean or other water ways. All pool owners should do this, but especially in an SMA. I took care of a pool and was taught to put the backwash in the street. I thought it was weird at first, but then I got use to it. When I was on the CPAC I realized my first instinct was right, so I switched where I put the long backwash hose to a planter on property and added plants that could tolerate some chlorine.

    Page 42, Policy 2.3.13 was weakened by the inclusion of “threatened and endangered species” to strengthen the policy, while still clarifying the intent, replace those words with “native and endemic.” As a community we want to protect our native and endemic species before they are threatened or endangered, we do that by protecting their habitat.
    Proposed Language: The marine and near-shore environment and open space areas are important assets of the region and should be protected and preserved. Habitat connectivity for native and endemic species, watersheds, undeveloped shoreline areas and other environmentally sensitive lands shall be preserved.

    Page 50, Policy 2.4.2 revert to CPAC wording. The majority of the West Maui Community does not want any more visitor units until residents have a secure place to live.

    Page 55, Policy 2.5.7 revert to CPAC wording. We need more parks and open space; infrastructure is a bonus. I prefer wild places to explore that have more natural beauty and less man-made clutter.

    Page 56, Policy 2.5.11 was weakened. Adding required strengthens the policy. Sidewalks, parks, bus stops and proper infrastructure that create livable communities are essential for affordable housing, as it serves the residents who live here full time.
    Proposed language: Require affordable housing projects, including projects using the Chapter 201H, Hawaii Revised Statutes or Chapter 2.97, Maui County Code process, to be near jobs, schools, transit, and services, when possible and. If not possible, projects should be near transit. Projects are required to include sidewalks, parks, bus stops and other infrastructure and pedestrian-oriented design elements that create walkable and livable communities for all.

    Page 94 Policy 3.4.3 This policy completely misses the point. The broader community supports Agriculture designations for food security, and the idea that people who purchased Agriculture land should be farming. If the density were to increase so that farmworkers could live there, the community would probably support that. While I can understand the tax benefits to the county of Rural Residential designation. It is short sighted to change the classification of Agriculture land. Please respect the CPAC version of the maps and maintain an Agriculture designation for Plantation Estates.

    Thank you for your time.