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    Pamela Tumpap over 3 years ago

    Aloha Chair Molina, Vice-Chair Rawlins-Fernandez,
    and Members of the Government Relations, Ethics and Transparency Committee,

    Please see attached testimony in strong support of:
    -Steven Sturdevant for the Board of Ethics (Item 2)
    -Rick Nava and Sylvia Ho for the Liquor Control Commission (Item 12)
    -Joshua Berlien and Alberta de Jetley for the Public Works Commission (Item 18)

    Pamela Tumpap
    Maui Chamber of Commerce

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    Ravi Bugga over 3 years ago

    Aloha Committee Members,

    I am writing to oppose Mr Dylan Payne's nomination to the Fire and Public Safety Commission for 2 reasons:

    1. I am serving with Mr. Payne on the W. Maui CPAC where Mr. Payne has consistently voted in favor of all real estate development proposals, regardless of whether or not these are in fire prone areas. We are already seeing the impacts of climate change here on Maui - highway flooding, frequent fires, extreme drought, coastline erosion - so I would hope that committee members on the Fire/Public Safety Commission bring a more balanced view to their decisions.
    2. Potential conflict of interest (COI) Mr Payne is employed by a prominent developer, so may have future conflicts of interest. Apart from direct cases of COI (where he could recuse himself), there are likely to be other, indirect cases such as proposed unrelated developments on adjacent land, or parcels elsewhere on Maui with broadly similar fire/safety risk, or developments where it is difficult to ascertain the true owner. These approvals could establish precedents which would indirectly benefit his employer. In my view, county rules on COI do not fully account for instances of such indirect conflicts of interest.

    I have high regard for Mr Dylan as a well informed, personable individual, but I feel that his views and profession would render him unsuitable for this position.

    Thank you

    Ravi Bugga