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Agenda Item


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    Pamela Tumpap over 3 years ago

    Dear Chair Johnson, Vice-Chair Molina and
    Members of the Affordable Housing Committee,

    We appreciate the opportunity to submit revised testimony on AH-15 CC 20-241. We understand this proposed bill deals specifically with 201H projects and elements of our previous testimony do not apply. However, we are still concerned by this bill. Anything that adds additional requirements or layers to the process often hinders the development of affordable housing and rentals. 201H is supposed to help streamline the process and encourage the building of affordable housing. We want to make sure 201H allows for as much flexibility as possible to ensure units get built. We urge the committee to engage with developers to come up with winning solutions to increase our stock of affordable housing and rentals.

    Mahalo for the opportunity to provide testimony.

    Pamela Tumpap
    Maui Chamber of Commerce